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The Dangers of Education - Plandemic

288 Views • 06/07/22

Dear Friends, <br> <br>It’s not uncommon to record hundreds of hours of interviews for a single feature length documentary film. So what happens with all the unused footage? Often times, nothing. I’ve interviewed so many extraordinary people for [email protected] 3: The Great Awakening that I’ve decided to release a series of long form interviews. <br> <br> First up, the brilliant Dr. Mark McDonald. Dr. McDonald is a respected psychiatrist who has been working intimately with kids and adults in California. It was the inventor of MRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, who was adamant that I meet and interview Dr. McDonald. We were less than 5 minutes into the interview when I realized why Dr. Malone was so insistent to make this connection. <br> <br>Dr. McDonald is a daily witness to the harm being done by all the new social ideologies that are rapidly infiltrating our educational curriculums. He pulls no punches when describing the disturbing decline in his patients ability to navigate reality and relationships. Of the 40 plus interviews I’ve conducted this year alone, this one has helped me to better navigate this crazy moment in history. <br> <br>If you find Dr. McDonald’s insights valuable, please share this interview with anyone who might benefit from his rare wisdom. <br> <br>Thank you for caring and sharing! <br> <br>Mikki &amp;amp; Team <br> <br>P.S. Wake up your friends! Share my Free Audiobook with everyone you know. They might just thank you.

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5 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

They say as a child you plant the rest of your life by the age of 5 years. We all seriously need to get back to "LOCAL". A Village not Global Village is what we should be getting back to. Trust NO ONE!


2 years ago

In my case, I was 11 when I found my foundation. I found my Dad's copy of, "None Dare Call It Treason." When I started reading it, I was hooked. I couldn't put it down. THAT was my centerpoint from which I began learning about the world around me. Otherwise, I was on the path to becoming just another Sheeple.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Niucewly said, and good for you. I was INSPIRED But many things most of them from a young age, nost of them I had to find out for myself with little help. this is why I have a (hope) a philosophical mind, plus on a more practical level I have the ability to make, fix or repair just about anything I touch that is broken. Not sure if that will wear to well in my words to FIX today's problem's? I can but hope that if even a couple of my words inspire a Gen "z" life would have been worth it!

Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
2 years ago

Sandman MGTOW posted this as his "Mystery Link" today!

Solipsism and schadenfreude is innate in the female psyche.
This is where he fails to come full circle.

Mark E
Mark E
2 years ago

This was EXCELLENT! Thanks for posting Shane!


There are just so many clever people in the world..... Here is another one...


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Muh Holocaust is the primary purpose of public schools. Race mixing and sexual psychoses are the secondary, but still important, goals. Everything else is irrelevant. WHY? A future where the Goyim are SLAVES OF THE JEWS doesn't require intelligent or educated masses.

Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
2 years ago

Very articulate and Educated Man. Need more like him.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
2 years ago

Check out the stories of families that sent their daughters to university and got de-breasted manlets back, 4 years later.
Arrogant children need hard lessons before they start to learn. Nothing but hard lessons ahead.

2 years ago

Do you have any links to videos that show this? And someone who explains why this is happening to women? I know of someone this has happened too and I am struggling to wrap my head around how they have figured out how to break people's minds so efficiently. I know of guy who has a daughter this happened too and he spent a lot of money to get her through school and she had a double mastectomy and is larping as a man it is so cringe and embarrassing. It is horrific. It is hard for me to see this because I saw her many times when she was young and she seemed perfectly normal. There is already a shortage of women and they are destroying the limited ones that are left, I mean this basically means its over for this he/she abomination creature. I don't know how you could convince someone to do this. It is already a massive sausage fest in the US

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: It was a couple of years back that I saw/read about that. Probably all scrubbed by now. Maybe on bitchute, but their search feature still wasn't worth a shit, last time I was there. They are desperate to bury this and all the de-transitioners. Makes them look crazy.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I've googled, duck goed and braved: daughter came back from university a transman. Nothing but 'positive' bullshit.

2 years ago

@Drums_McBashington: I understand man, I'm just looking for videos that help shed some light on this insanity.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I'll try to remember where I saw this stuff. Might start to recirculate with all the hype about Walsh's movie.


2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: In my case, I found my unmovable center at the age of 11 when, by Fate and Chance, found my Dad's copy of, "None Dare Call It Treason." Up until that point, I was a junior Sheeple in the making and had no firm understanding about a lot of things. That book left a PERMANENT IMPRESSION on me and gave me the ideological North Star to navigate by. Of course, I've navigated to many ideological lands and religious theologies. But, I always knew where the infallible center was and my excursions proved it to be right. The foundation is gave me helped me to later confirm my White Racialist identity. Now that the current ideological system is collapsing, we must either become racially conscious or die. The White Ethno-State is the only organic truth. Civic Nationalism is a JEWISH FAKE and it is collapsing, thank God. I can only hope others will see at this late date what I discovered over 50 years ago at the age of 11.

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