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The Dangers Of Finishing Last .mov
• 08/22/20
Shadow Monk
219 Subscribers
The dangers for nice guys finish last and what they should be very aware about. Anyway for those of you fellow nice guys who are newcomers to MGTOW. Welcome...To learn more about MGTOW and our beloved philosophy either stay here or you can visit
love&cheers gents ; )
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5 years ago
Great content, young brother. I wanted to be the "nice guy in shining armor" when I was married to a young single mother with two children from different fathers. I wanted to adopt the children as my own to show my dedication to my new family, but was never able to make it out of the house to complete the paperwork without arguing with the narc wife over her poor attitude. Thank God that I got a divorce within three months of the marriage. I've had to since block her from my phone, and have moved five states away because she was hoovering like crazy. I now own a ranch with animals, and I'm starting a firearms training course to train Americans about safety and confidence. Funny thing is, I was angry for a long time about the comments from others that I "dodged a bullet." Now I can see from MGTOW research that I DID dodge that bullet! What a simp I was.
5 years ago
Before i go on I was one of these up in till a point, I kept going back to my Ex but the 3rd time i was wise to the crack and i was just sizing up the scenario. Her behaviour made it easy for me.
Most of my previous friends and by general observations and interactions are all chasing or courting Single mothers. As a plant based eater i was having so called "vegan" meet ups but in reality it was single mother feminist meet ups. There's a saying in the vegan community. "if you want to be surrounded by women become a vegan" This is correct but there 95% used up single mothers.
A lot of men wear it as a badge of honour being with single mothers and others actually hate them. They are just weak minded to their own biology and are sex fiends hence them getting with women they hate just to keep the worm warm.
However in my case i actually "thought" i loved the woman but in fact i was co-dependant because the society taught me to be. None the less she chose The chad over me and that was literally the last time i spoke to her. Ever since then all women i spoke to were a waste of time so i ended up spending a lot of time trying to figure myself out and during that time i found peace of mind and now i could't even dream of dealing with a woman's shit. Let alone her child as well.
nice video Shadow
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
Every time Moshe's wife walked in the room he said, "Yesh zay bet'zona, yofee"(It is the daughter of a whore, good."
5 years ago
Feminism doesn't favor women over men secretly, they just openly do it willingly ignorantly.