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The Evolution of Time (Director's Cut)

21 Views • 07/01/22

The Evolution of Time and the Carnot Cycle at the Edge of the Universe <br> <br>By Gavin Wince <br> <br> <br>We are all time travelers... drifting through time at a steady pace, one moment at a time. In what direction are we moving through time? Or does time move through us? How many dimensions of time are there? Though slightly allegorical, three-dimensional time offers physics new parameters, accounting for conventional and exotic physical phenomena, while maintaining the conservation of energy and symmetry groups found in physical law. <br> <br>I began playing with the idea that all of physics could be reduced to just interactions between spatial and temporal coordinates. I wondered if inertia and momentum might be composed strictly of temporal components. This would require extra time dimensions. Could inertia or momentum be used as indicators of multi-dimensional time? What about charge, spin, and other properties of matter? Answers to some of these questions appeared to reside in neutrino research, specifically neutrino flavor oscillation. <br> <br>The universality between Thermodynamics and Temporal Mechanics can reduce the fundamental forces of nature into a single expression, a new equivalence principle, which can be used as the generator for the evolution of time. <br> <br>Once Quantum Mechanics is seen through the lens of three-dimensional time, the EPR paradox looses its mystique. The speed of light may be restricted to a set speed limit within each individual frame of reference, however, frames of reference can undergo periods-of-time at varying rates of the passage-of-time. <br> <br>If the positive side of absolute zero is a state of condensed matter, what is on the negative side of absolute zero? Uncondensed matter? <br> <br>The anti-matter aspect of the Dirac equations may have been misinterpreted. The convention is to assume that &quot;matter&quot; is composed of &quot;particles&quot; distinctly different from &quot;antimatter&quot; composed of &quot;antiparticles&quot;. The assumption of one time dimension locks in this interpretation of the Dirac Equations. However, the uniform production of particles and antiparticles both in the laboratory and naturally, leads to the question: where is all of the antimatter that theoretically should have been produced with all the visible matter we see as our universe? Yet, if we apply our three-dimensional time loop to the Dirac Equation there is an alternative interpretation for this so-called &quot;missing antimatter&quot;. <br> <br>The Higgs particle data from both ATLAS and CMS appear to exhibit unintentional effects of quantum entanglement. Comparing the neutral Kaon mixing CP-violation and the neutral B-meson oscillation T-violation with the Higgs particle decay modes appear to demonstrate a new kind of symmetry breaking: M-Violation (mass). <br> <br>With out a begin or an end, from the smallest to the largest, the universe emerges through upwelling from the infinitesimal depths of quantum fluctuations and cataclysmic eruptions amalgamating through a variety of entropic cycles of temporal loops.

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7 Comments sort Sort By

There are idiots who say, &quot;Take LSD to get a &quot;far out&quot; experience&quot;. Why?

Trying to nut out how do things traveling THROUGH time at different speeds - is just trippy double plus.

There are what is called Geo-synchronous Satellites, which are SO far out in space, because they need to be, but at that particular orbit, they go around the earth, at the same speed that the earth rotates, so they stay more or less, exactly straight above a fixed position on earth.

This also means that they are traveling through space, WAY FASTER than what we are on the surface of the earth - and the faster you go, the more your own time slows down.

So the geosynchronous satellites have very accurate atomic clocks in them, and their clocks go slower than the ones on earth. Slowly by slowly they drift out of synchonisation with the earth clocks.

The issue is that she signal - at the speed of light which is 299792458 metres per second - well 0.0002 of a second of time drift, if with the better GPS gear - you can locate a position on earth to within centimeters, but the signal going up there and back (getting confused here) that means your measurements are out by either 60 or 120 Km......

So TIME DRIFT is a really serious issue.... for a shit load of reasons.

A time drift of = meters / km.

Means the GPS positions are out by:

.0000000002 = 60 cm

.0000002 = 60 meters.

Extremely fine differences, can make for HUGE differences in the real world.

You want to start seriously &quot;Tripping&quot; - then get into this as a subject...

   1    0
1 year ago

entanglement is a non-constant, it is not a clock...
entanglement and string theory are both the same thing, its two parts of a whole...
if one half moves up the other does not have to move down, they can both move up at the same moment...

there is no 'information' shared because they are ONE!!!!
wow these guys are really really good at making simple things overly complicated/stupid/confusing and complete nonsense...
what all this nonsense does show is what they have seen but how incredibly stupid these so called scientist/physicist really are.


Your just pissy because you didn't think of it first. I can tell.

1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: lol


@sbseed: My trip out limits are that you can talk to people on the space station and they are in a different time... not by much... but the variable is there...

1 year ago

energy/mass/density or volume are not interchangeable....


They are too...

1 year ago

oh god, another shithead pretending to know what they are talking about in tedx bullshit...


Someone is pissy this morning...

1 year ago

they cannot accept the empirical truth of something without trying to quantify it to themselves despite the known limitations of the human body/brain...
matter and anti-matter both exist within each other, as well as separately....
think about newtons laws of motion, an object stays in motion stays in motion until reacted upon by another object and a object at rest stays at rest....

this actually explains the entirety of time differential as well as how we perceive time, because of our brains limitations and need to count/measure something that only exists in our minds because we believe it so but is not an empirical truth.

you cannot apply temperatures to time or vice versa outside of including gravity and energy as energy is expended, or entropy which is the degradation of all things in this our temporary mortality. same as photons do not exist indefinitely but can be observed to move through space and what we perceive as time.


Not necessarily.....

1 year ago

the infinity/mobius symbol was found because of time differentials...
these so called anomalies are not actually anomalies....
this is part of string theory as well...

the thing is it is not actually a paradox, it only seems like that to us because we do not yet understand fully how time differentials work...
i prefer to think of it as the body is being sped up or slowing down, it is not a true time differential....
as the body/object speeds up it moves outside of what we peebrains think of as time (a human made up concept that does not actually exist in empirical fact that cannot be contested) is similar to the 'big bang' nonsense...

people keep coming up with more and more outrageous concepts, in order to try to explain what exists but end up failing each time, they cannot accept the simple concepts or that it just exists despite us humans cannot currently understand.
our brains cannot cope with not being able to measure or quantify our existence on our march to death in our life and our experiences, it has to have measurement for its blip in this what we perceive as life or mortality.


I brought it up at the pride parade that time dialation is a real thing, just like man pussy dialation.

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