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The fall of the rich woke - This is why corporate America is falling.

133 Views • 01/17/23
Better Bachelor
Better Bachelor
376 Subscribers

Entitled female brags about her easy workday. She'll be serving coffee (if she's lucky) in a few months. <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see all the same content you get here on YT. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>Shipping and Mailing PO Box: <br>Better Bachelor <br>5923 Kingston Pike #139 <br>Knoxville, TN 37919-5074 <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel <br>Instagram: The_Unknown_Adventure <br>

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4 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

This looks like an adult education center for the retarded, it's just like a cheche, or toddlers play group. wheres the big box of plastic balls to swim around in and the climbing frame! lol! This is why the world (The GYNOCENTRIC) world is like a fucking play pen where nothing get's done, the Kiddies (women) misbehave and throw tantrums if offended by the slightest little thing. It doesn't work.

2 years ago

She wouldn't last very long as a OTR Truck Driver working 14 hour days.

2 years ago

Destabilisation. Asia has been funding these yuppie make work progect companies for decades.

2 years ago

Let's be realistic here, most of these make work jobs will just flow into another make work job someplace else. Women are too insulated to be left out in the cold, especially the pampered college types that traded the edu daycare for the employment daycare. Maybe not always 6 figures, i don't see why not since woke laws make companies adopt woke policies (we have yet to see San Fransisco go bankrupt or silicone valley vanish).

Point is these affluent do-nothings will always have something else they can latch onto, even if it means government support. There is no schadenfreude, no comeuppance, as long as they're young and female society will open way too many doors for them to ever really know what reality looks like.

Edit: And in the job market women will always take priority first and second before men, so as easywork or high salary jobs open women will get first choice, in some cases because it's the law.

2 years ago

dutch, see slapmonkeys comment, I think he has a point, its like these guys get foreign investment when things go south. Its like u said just when you think these scum are licked, they get a second wind somehow. How can we change the tide? I like to think that as these libtard boomers are forced to resign due to old age, they will lose control of the power structure they have in place.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I think there is a college elitist/ideologue factor here, which is not restricted to boomers but trends with people in their 30s and younger. This woman, or that LinkedIn one, or whatever, aren't hobnobbing with people in their 60s, they're graduating with gender studies degrees and getting high paying jobs because they're female and it is both socially pleasant and feels internally moral to most people. The Equifax leak was a tech job given to a music studies grad who was, shock, female and totally unqualified. This is the participation trophy generation coming into a labor force built on tokenism and ideology over economics. I doubt it will be a matter of aging out. There's no one facet to any of this, but all acets are woke, feminist, and costly.

2 years ago

I was born into a lower middle class American family under a single ma version 1.0 in the 70s. I was set up to be a simp loser. If I had not stubbornly stuck to my guns and made my musical studies my very first priority, I'd likely be miserably married & divorced with a couple alcoholic kids by now. As it is, I'n no spring chicken anymore, but I've risen to a respectable level of jazz mastery. I had to abandon most of the people I knew to "be that guy". It was worth it.

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