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The Final Expose Of Anime And How It Created Effeminate Men #redpill #mgtow #anime #otaku #research

72 Views • 03/04/22
DR Red Pill
DR Red Pill
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3 years ago

Man your fighting an up hill battel - I been trying to get the younger men to Man up for a long time ! I'm 60 now still do crunches and workout and I am as strong as a ox. I had a Dad that started me working at 6years old ! at 10 i could drive at 12 I was delivering to 3 states by my self - at 15 I had my first born son ! By the time i was 21 I was buying a house ! Now how can you get these young men that grew up playing video games and are 25/30 and still not -AS they say Manning up - They act like there in there teens - And they just were taught to feel there way through life by single mothers - I have offered to help many many times they just wont listen to a Man that is a REAL Man . the kind the first 2 minutes of your video talked about .If you want to talk to me on the DM ill tell you a lot of shit . and maybe they will listen to you.

3 years ago

I value your input, an d on some level, you are not wrong. However, where were you when feminists and Demoncrats were destroying our culture? To be manly today is leterally setting you up to be a prisoneer, a slave, or and "Alt Right Nazi." Demoncrats have v=been corrupting our courts and our Supreme Court to push their agenda, to enslave all the world into the "New Word Order," which is a misonomer intentionally used to return us to the Old World Order of Master and Serf, Pharaoh and Slave, or Nobility and Phlebean. You remind me of my grandfather, but sorry "old man" times have changed for the worst. Your generation opened this door with the :Great Society," another intentional misnomer intended to turn cities into ghettos through single mother homes. So, thanks for that: It happened om your generations' Watch. Now, we are forced to deal with this along with your Boomer generation also selling our Futures for cash back then in the past.

3 years ago

Anime is not the problem; though for some of us it is the escape. I am a writer and more importantly an analyst by "design," which is why I choose writing and science as a "scientist." I am also a combat veteran so do not start any of "you're feminine BS on me." I am a veteran of five warzone and "Operations." I believe as an artist we need escapism to relax our minds and defuse stress as a destressors. Pussy used to be the primary destressor for most men: Now, it has become a prison sentence. Feminists have manipulated themselves by lying into positions to destroy all of our destressors or haobbies. Anime is the last block left. Everything men do has been invaded by malicious vaginas to control men's thoughts, men's actions, men'w bodies through poisoning our food with soy making us more feminine and pushing propaganda for us to dress more effiminate, "castrating us," destroy stoicism as "racist or apethaticism," and rewrite our history as misogyny. Where were you when this was rolling out over the last forty to fifty years? You Boomers bitched about Generation X never stepping up tp run the economy! Why didn't your generation have more of us? Abortions... that's why. The party scene remiscent of the 1920's before Black Friday and the Depression. The Last Bastion of Masculine culture is the Christian church, which has been infiiltrated, corrupted, attacked by propaganda, music, and movies constantly, and is largely becoming abandoned. Grow up Old Man. It is funny my teenage nieces and nephews have that attitude towards me. Your generation allowed the Satanist owned music industry to pit generations against each other not to mention the Satanic Panic and their use of Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons as recruitment for their secret cults. (Though, I do love a good dragon story.) Bitch all you want: Your Generation left us behind for your alcohol, drugs, and free sex. Have a nice day. There is plenty of blame to go around and more than enough to bitch and gripe about.

3 years ago

Sorry about the length just airing my thoughts on the matter. ; - )

3 years ago

Oh yeah, one m ore important, what wse perceive as "reality" is in fact a "fantasy" our brains conjure in order for us to make sense of our surroundingds. So, in a sense it is all fantasy.

3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Well you unloaded a lot there - For one thing I'm just One person I had no control of what was put on TV or the politics of the times. Not my time a teenager in the 70s - Or the 80s when things went down hill fast ! - For some reason you like most of any that's 20- 40 seem to take it personally. I was not talking about you I was talking in general terms - I applauded your effort to do something to get the younger men to step up to your level and see there needs to be a change. But you too just took it as I was attacking you personally when I was trying to get someone your age to bridge the gap and work together to find a way to reach men from all ages between 20-40 . It seems to me your reacted with emotions and not a calm logic that was needed . It seems you have made my point . And it's a shame you took offense instead of having a conversation with me on the DM . You would have found I'm not the kind of person you seem to think I am . The ball is in your court do we work together and try to fix something or close the door and never find a Solution .

3 years ago

@Bagoodman: Wow. "You're a bleeding vagina: all emotional and stuff." Thanks man. This was a list of facts! The time to stop this was ten to twenty years when my ass was cooking to death in the Persian Excursion. The decline is the only way forward. Why? Because men of your generation and later mine and so forth and so forth, could not tell women "No." Jeese, thanks. I was not "attacking just you" but the whole generation of Boomers. You bitch about this and that, but as a generation, none of you ever accept this was our fault. Fortunately now, our food is spiked with soy and other estrogen analogues not to mention th flushed birth control poisoning our waters too: We do not have that strong sex drive to be blinded by a cute smile and nice pair of tits. As I said, it is too late. Women are a plague or curse upon men. We allowed them to get out of control. Until our government or their Satanists overlords are defeated or collapsed, there is literally nothing we can do to save our society. Why should we? My "America" was dead long before I stepped into the desert: What is there worth fighting for? Family court? "White Supremacy?" Corrupted courts and laws not to mention lawsuits? Loosing our jobs over hearsay? Some men even going to prison-- no evidence? Tell me what is left to fight for? Definitetly not the THOTS.

3 years ago

So now, you want to bridge the gap. Okay. What is there with which to build said bridge? Relgion? dead or abandoned. Culture? Nope- completely cucked to feminism. Constitution? Maybe for some of us "Conservatives," but there is nothing here to conserve. GenXers and younger are into games, video games, probably porn too, comics- only independents and Japanese manga, and "movies" or as you put anime. You Boomers keep bitching and degrading us over video games and anime. There is literally nothing left for younger men. Our Sports are cucked sprouting Feminist talking points and bowing down to pussy except for Hockey now but for how long? I am glad you want to do something; but shit man, you do not try to save your house of fire when the fire has spread to the roof and all the walls. Just a little too late. If you seriously want to bridge the gap, start by talking nor condeming or preaching and maybe watch the anime, My Hero Academia is one of my favorites though I heard in later seasons it was cucked to feminism, You know what is good about the original Dragon Ball Z (which I never watched but sa clips") and MHA-- they teach or rather show boys struggling to meet a goal by training and training over and over to get it. My dad has the same disdain for cartoons. I actually was an artist wanted to make a cartoon movie or series of movies. Imagine how that felt trying to mention that to my dad. I am a writer when not working my ass off just to survive and eat. I told my dad I was going to write a book, qa novel. I am still working on that, but certain political and spiritual bullshit has taken immediate attention right now. My college professors understood and knew me more than my own parents. Granted, I spent more time with some of them taking their other classes-- I have a Classical Culture Lit Degree along with two STEM degrees. I am about more well rounded than any who could find today. I am fighting back against the system by supoporting Comic Artists fired for being "Conservative" and shouting back against the Feminist takevoer and also by voting with my wallet and boycotting most of main stream, by trying to educate boys here and apeaking up online (limited yes) but planting the seeds that will later grow to fruitition in those boys as they realize what

3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Well I can see my effort to work together Or to even have a conversation is fruitless . I was born too late just like you I am the last year of what they call the boomers . And by the way I don't think I bitched about a thing . I said what I was doing as a youngster and the only thing I mentioned was video games . And what makes you think you or I could have did a thing about ( Spiked food, estrogen, birth control , or what they put in the water, .. Hell man I didn't do it ! ... So I gave the effort to try. Looks like the Door is closed . Good luck on your path with the Anime angle .

3 years ago

As they realize what I told them and how they can adopt. Like Turd Flinging Monkey, we lost firends over feminism and war. We were disheartened by the Boomers who challenged O'Bomber as the "Tea Party"only because their Social Security was threatened. Most people only care about themselves, a bitch attitude. To try to help boys or teach in school now means as a man you are a "pedophile" despite post wall bitches molesting boys all the fucking time and keeping their jobs to molest more boys and then, enslave them for money once they become eighteen. Women attack men for their mentorship as being sexualized; and you can not be friends now because "Bromances" shaming men for having common likes and enjoying them trying to sexualize that too. Women exist only for sex and they use that sex manipulation. They are projecting their sexualized nature onto men and boys. That is why walking away from them is the only choice today. So, yeah, thanks. We "younger men" are fighting back because we liked movies and video games and are pissed about how they are trying to infiltrate and destroy, Bitches suck. Most of us wantto be left alone because there is nothing else out there. You need to build a community much bigger than Waco like the Amish to keep the government away as long as you pay your taxes on time. However, women are the problem as they are nearly all infected with "feminism" and "I deserve this;" You do not have a community without women. TFM and I are looking at Alaska where some bastion of masculinity survives and thrives when the bears are not eating it. Common ground is lost. You need to start with that. Dammit. Now, I feel compelled to make a video on this and I already have six or more videos I am working on as it is!

3 years ago

@Bagoodman: Sorry about that. I hit the enter button when typing before I could go back and proof read. I finished that though in another post: I guess you posted this as I was still typing. I was listing where building a community has failed or is "burnt bridges: but also listed some areas you could start with-- video games and anime. Try it out. Perhaps, if you can like hunting games (and are a hunter), you could talk a "Xbox bodied" boy out to a hunt and literally teach him sonething. Our foundation has been shattered as asociety and as men. Marriage was the bedrock Christian Western Civilization was built upon. We need to build a new one. That's what I was getting at though I took the scenic route. I apologize for that. Sometimes the scenei routes are more enjoyable but take more time. I have found in life the little unplanned moments become the bedrock our souls hold onto during tough times. I experienced as much in war.,

3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: My friend I'm not the old ( Fuddy-duddy) you may presume - Fact is I almost died every year for three years in a row - I am a musician have played Guitar for over 40+ years . At this time I'm spending every weekend in the Studio putting down all my music on CD's to live on after I'm gone .( Rocking out keeps you young ! ) I did play World of Warcraft for a few years - I have no problem with video games I was there playing PONG when the first video game came out. I am just of the mind you build your kingdom first and play a game at night to relax . ( Business before pleasure) You should have got to know me before you assumed I was like you dad or grandfather. Well Good Luck . ....8^)_*oo0

3 years ago

@Bagoodman: I can agree with that. Ty to use your music to build bridges. Music used to reach across races, sexes, nations, and generations. I never got to play the WoW. I was too busy trying to save lives. I do lllike Tomb Raider and Alien versus Predator II and used to like Age of Empires. Now, I work alot and try to finish some said videos. The Last time I played a video game was asfter my grandmother died about two years ago. I ran out of money after tuning up my car for a drive nearly half the country, well maybe a thrd, but then I could not afford to drive back for her funeral. I missed my grandfather's too because I was too busy and well a poor graduate student... my dad plays guitar too: We are a military family mulitple generations like sixteen I think, but I hope my neices and nephew stay away from that toxic dump. I absolutely agree with work first play later. It is funny that it is not "play with women" later these days....

3 years ago

Try making a song lamating how feminist silence gamers while they are gaming... just a thought!

3 years ago

Oh, since you mention it: I died twice and was comatose. I reincarnated twice into the same body. I remember some things while I crossed over. So, I get it,

3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I also died twice in 2005 - It made me understand what is really important in life ! Like I keep saying you should Talk to me find out what I'm all about it may surprise you !

3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Go to the DM please . Need to talk about the songs .

3 years ago

@Bagoodman: You are reminding me of one of my favorite professors. He was a musician too and made it in the top 100 artists from Time Warner. He prefer to read over fucking groupies. He is a professor about to retire now, not in music though. We had some good conversations over art, feminism, educations, WW2 as he was digging for artifacts and surveying, militaries over time, etc all that good masculine stoic stuff them bitches hate us for today. You'd like him. Hell, you probably use ne of his musical techniques on the ole guitar. I was hoping to make a professional NatGeo or History Channel documentary or series and hire him on as an adviser to counter the miseducation today... I have to break out as a writer in a time when people stop reading?...

3 years ago

Anime target market from the 90's onwards was for Japanese young men. Yes, that hikikomori otaku loser young men that was always fantasize being loved by the female protagonist for what they are. All the tropes and fan services episodes was there for them. They said no to reality because society is injustice and choose to die living their fantasy. They spend their given money on internet, video games, 'moe' action figures and brand merchandise and what ever left on fast foods. The population is below replacement and the future looks doom. Okay, I'm done.


3 years ago

I've always hated the "Goku is afraid of chichi , and when bulma throws a tantrum everybody obeys " and so on.... but that's just Toriyama showing , what he see's in real life . He is not a simp he that's why there weren't any female super saiyans and stuff like that until recently. People bitched him to almost death to create female sayians and he finally caved in

3 years ago
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