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The Fine Art of Self Extermination (Yours - He, He, He!)

28 Views • 05/21/22

When the 12th Steppers Self Delete, Through Self Deceit.

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When the 12th Steppers Self Delete, Through Self Deceit.

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2 years ago

I really like your long-form content, mate. Better than putting somebody else's stuff up.
Yeah, I get it. Sometimes your Muse isn't cooperating and you have to put up stuff that isn't yours.

2 years ago

Yep. Its just a pity party for a bunch of self serving narcissists that can't except change. The rest are just there to validate there co-dependency.


I don't think it's all bad - if you view change as good and necessary, then the old AA basic text can be viewed as "How to do a business plan for living" for the people who are or can be seriously fucked up and with issues that long term therapy can be helpful with, but are beyond the means of most. Like if the bank wants me do present them with a very high grade, and well thought out business plan, before they loan me the $1 Billion, then doing a business plan for getting my fucked up mind and life, back on track and evolving into something far better is a good idea too.


It's the fact that you are going to encounter and have to deal with a lot of retarded cunts who ARE going to fail along the way, and who will do everything they can to undermine you in the process. Kind of like shit heads sitting on the steps outside the bar, calling every cunt who has worked hard, played it smart and honest, and drives a nice car - and the best these retarded arseholes can do, is sit there saying, "Who does that cunt think he is - Mr. fucking big man driving around in his new car - he's a fucking arse hole that's who he is" - blah, blah, blah, blah - same thing. The cunts will mouth off at everyone they compare themselves too, who they look like shit beside them,, but they will never study economics, business management, secure investments, planning , retail markets, logistics etc., It's a case of what they chose to do and what they chose not to do., that determines where they end up..... We all have choices and opportunities to do or not do, and we reap the outcomes. Generally very good decisions make for generally very good outcomes and vis' versa.


And to be fair, there are a LOT of people who will do what it takes to FAIL - they are important teachers, in what NOT to do and what comes with it. So they have their place.

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