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Deeper stuff 2 - TheRedKnight

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The Forces Of The BEAST Are Forming For THE END (2023)

26 Views • 11/04/23
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12 months ago

Well, it isn't like he has anywhere to go. He and his demons, are basically "trapped" with us here on the earth (Rev. 12:7-12), until the return of The Creator and The Word, when the Adversary and his demons will be locked up in the bottomless pit. More to come...

Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack
12 months ago

[Down Vote]
This is all bullshit.
I've survived Catholicism, Y2K, and 2012.
Communists come, Religious Zealots rise, this is all just an attempt to control the weak minded.
If you are a true christian, then why do you fear death?
If this world falls to the stronger, truer faith, then why do you fear the truth?

Why? Because you love the lies. That's why.

Ask oneself, "why is death scary?"
Because one judges it so.
Ask oneself, "why are foreign religions scary?"
Because one believes others control one's decisions.
Ask oneself, "why am I afraid to be alone?"
Because one has never tried it before.

"End of Days" fear mongering mirrors the "Climate Change Catastrophe" leftists believe.

I will have none of it.

12 months ago

You can believe that; that is your right. I died three times and was comatose briefly... The End is coming: I believe extremely strongly it won't be until after 2040... some time during that decade will be the "Apocalyptic End of an Age," the Astrological Age of Pisces, ie Biblical or Christian Age of Salvation into the Age of Aquarius, ie Age of Enlightenment or Biblical Revelations. It is funny if you think about it: God of Israel has the metaphor of dumping his cup of wrath or vengeance and Aquarius is the waterbearer pouring out water... God and God in Cosplay as Christ did saw to watch "the signs of the times:" That's literally a billboard sign saying watch the skies, the signs, ie constellations and Heavenly bodies, ie planets or comets... and of time, ie orbitals, which our perception of time is based upon... So literally we are told to watch for signs or constellations. So, an Astrological Age is rounded to 2,200 years, but I think it is actually 2,178 years. God of Israelsaid in Gensis 2 or 3 that "A Day for the Lord is A Thousand years," literally half an Astrological Age. Next, we had while Trump was President, "The Virgin with a Crown upon her head and the Moon at her Foot give birth." Literally, for nine months prior to this Astrological event, the Planet Jupiter, Greek/Roman "King of the Gods" has been "floating around" Virgo's "Belly" until the Crown at her head, ie Pleiades aligned with her, and the Moon was at her Foot, "Jupiter" was "Born" from her womb... Now add in The Moonand the Sun aligh with the earth causing complete solar and lunat eclipses-- do you know how mathematically significant that it is? The moon is the perfect size and perfect distance to completely blot out the Sun, thus exposing the Sun's atmosphere or "Corona" predicted by a young Albert Einstein, thus establishing his international fame. He later got the Nobel Prize from the "Photo-Electric Effect" where light waves move electrons from orbital to orbital, thus paving the ground for NMR, CT/CAT scans, and MRI-- quantum Mechanics in short. More importantly, The Istaeli Feast of the Triumpant, celebrating when Trump finally acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel's capital despite the last few American Presidents promising on campaign to do it. For over three eons, Jews have been celebrating that day as directed by God or Minsman of Israel, part of the Seven "festivals." I often wondered how translators kept translating it as "seasons?" What's the Seven seasons? So, this is very connected: I begin taking it more seriously when I realized under Egyptian Pharaoh Ahmose I that the Exodus and the Sinking of Atlantis were caused by the same event, the eruption of Santorini or Ancient Greek Thera... so much History starts making sense when you add the pieces together. Now, there are eleven or twelve "Atlantises," but that's because Solon made an assumption. He confused mythical Titan Atlas, the first King of Atlantis, the Eye of Sahara Atlantis in 10th to 9th Millennium BC with the Avaris recording of the sinking of Atlantis c. 1,500 BC, which coincides with the Exodus. Plus, the rain erosion on the Sphinx matches up with the Eye of Sahara Atlantis from brutal climate changed , which created the Sahara Desert driving survivors to the Nile thus creating a ragtag band or "country," which became Egypt. Most Historians won't tell you this because their Satanic donors don't want the Truth out... hence, they "academia" keeps putting the "Exodus" in the New Kingdom when Jericho and Hazas don't exist... but, when you go back to the Middle Kingdom, not only are Jericho and Hazas among other Bronze Age cities in Canaanite/Israel destroyed and abandoned, but all the events of the Exodus ate not only carved literally in stone styles about five to six times, they ate also written on a papyrus scroll and followed by economic collapse or "A Dark Age"... yeah, just coincidence. No evidence here preserved in archeology.... "How dare your infidel minds not believe our Narrative." Narrative these days is just a polite word for lie...

12 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Well, damn.. that came out long!? And yeah, that's what she said when last I dated these femon 304s...

12 months ago

Goddammit auto-interrupt! I said steles not fucking styles! And why change are to ate?! Talk about miscommunication?! Our damn phones are underminding our words!! Fucking AIs will be the death of us, but if it ends Feminism and Islam, which knows how to treat women, ie clitorectomy, it is a price worth paying. .!

Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack
12 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Don't you see that the collapse of Empires is cyclical? This has happened before, and will happen again! Paix Americana is short lived compared to other empires, yet the heights of attainment are greater than any before. Atlantians, Greeks, Romans, Chin Dynasty, or any other never set foot on the moon, nor know about the small planet Pluto to study it. Everybody wants their favorite dead hero to come back and save them. They just don't realize that they can be someone's hero today, while they are still alive. This fear mongering by the left or the right does nobody any favors!!!

Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack
12 months ago


12 months ago

@Villainous Jack: I do. It's not that it is cyclical, what it is is "forces" always woking to keep us down and destroy us-- those forces? Demons. Devils. Jealous spirits or nonhuman creatures...

Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack
12 months ago

@WMHarrison94: By the by, the seven "seasons" refers to the seven events in a human life to celebrate: 1.) Enfant (birth) 2.) Child (boy/girl) 3.) Pubescent (master/maiden) 4.) Youth (young adults) 5.) Marriage (husband/wife) 6.) Parents (Father/Mother) 7.) Old Age (Crodge/Crone)

Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack
12 months ago

@WMHarrison94: A weak mind blames others, for it's own shortcomings. Explain that to God, when you fail.

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