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The God Equation
• 04/18/21
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Some people will dismiss this and call it pseudoscience or a conspiracy theory. Others might believe everything blindly, The idea of this video, and most of the videos on Ground Zero, is to get you to question things.
Aristotle said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it". Believing everything in this video is just as silly as dismissing everything in this video. Both are lazy styles of thinking.
Each question you have is like a rabbit hole that leads to new understanding and perspectives. Education does not stop when school gets fact, it just begins! So stay curious and NEVER stop questioning things.
4 years ago
Try reading in a crazy old mans voice, when reading what the commenter below has to say about this video.
It's very entertaining to read.
4 years ago
Leaving clip page. Do whatever... 'ts what you'll do anyway. That's why a dominant species is endangered today. Dumbest thing ever.
4 years ago
4 years ago
KEEPER will probably erase this comm. Suck my shit KoKo !
This clip is a nicely packaged 2 hours (to suck your brains inside) of sciency ALARMISM that CERN breaks into unknown existences and brings aliens, that the universe resets, and such bullshit.
First off, Mister KEEPER, by heightening my frequencies through methods you don't hereby deserve to know, I created energy forms, entities, through the fusion of energy, will and belief, so I know bloody well with my own life experience how God geates. Speaking of which, He, is named YHWH, or, with the vocals added YaHuWaH, not God, that comes from Gad, a Sumerian deity, You, by Lucifer's lies, confused little human.
Now, YHWH, was, to begin with, a stability concept within chaos. The concept of being. For his undefeated will and reziliance in extracting himself into a state of self, the energy we know as Holy Spirit, or Love, that was a state of absolute permeation in Chaos, and the principle of bonding, attraction (not about sexuality), became admiring and imbued him, thus giving him her endless magnitude. She bercasme One with him, without losing her identity. With this new power, he vibrated the basic principle of Existence (his possibility of being), vibrating the concept I AM., and thus began, bitrhed Himself, That Is that He Is, YHWH, under hebrew acronym, YaHuWaH, I AMthat I AM.
Now, fuckface, ,,, the higher principle dominates the lower principle. Matter, is dominated by energy, energy, is dominated by information, information, is dominated by will, will, is dominated by emotion, emotion, is dominated by spirit, spirit, is dominated by existential concept, existence.
What you might notice, that the higher the force, the more "soft", it is, all the way to the pure state of notion, which is as unsubstantia;l as nothingness itself.
That is the height of purity from which YHWH Creates. At that place, a simple vibrating, or motioning into existence of, can bring into being entire dimensions, filled with untold wonders, both safe and dangerous.
What I say is, I'm trying to get a diarrhea, to deposit on the Sheer ARROGANCE of some skeptic, measuring tape and microscope, wide-eared, bespectacled MORONS, who, Earthbound as dogs, have never seen past their pitiful little tools.
If you talk ,,, """ GOD EQUATION """" ,,, but you have never seen past you skeptic little science tools, or your prejudices, or have been never had brought existence into being, little as a human can, with your own being, than you are nothing more than yet another sesationalistic SPECULATIVE LIAR, as the more and more being found these days.
I know Creations, because I have created, the same way as YHWH ! My magnitude produce a puff of energy, His endless, infinite magnitude, powered by the unmeasurable force bonded to Him, produces Existence, and Eternity.
Claro ???
And Fuck your "Mooonsteers from CEEERN !!!" Alarmist bullshit. I ask you: In their own envirinment, are those creatures the equivalent of sharks with rabies, to call them monsters, or are the just some cows and beetles, that are and look how things look in their dimension, but OUR, "never having learned a goddamn thing;, human PREJUDICE, Immediately labels them Maawannshteers !!! Yeee, Run For Your Wives !!!, ???
I puke on this goddamn species !! You make me Sick !
WHY ???
2 things, YHWH told you to do, TWO FUCKING THINGS !! :
1. Love Him, YHWH
2. Love Each Other, same much as you love yourselves.
And look at the world today !!!!! ... He doesn't matter to you, and you all, Hate each other !!
Problem Here: LOVE, is the Force of Life, the reason why substances decide to work together as bodies, this energy unites them and gives them structure. Sure, she can't be Fucking Measured, by your Pathetic Science Apparatus, BECAUSE YOU ARE MORONS ! She, binds to Spirit.
Do you work Steel with a jointer ?? No, fuckface ? Wrong tool, right ?? So why do you want to measure the Spiritual with a fucking Geiger counter, WHEN YOU ALREADY HAVE THE PROPER TOOLS. Can you not perceive Love as a feeling, inside ? There, You Have Equipment. USE THAT.
What was the problem ???
Oh, yea ! If Love, departs, Ignored, LIFE ON EARTH CEASES.
Worrying Enough for ya ???
Now go the fuck back to your monsters from CERN, kid !!!!!
4 years ago
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4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Title is catchy, though.
4 years ago
Dude, what the flying fuck ? Are you afraid of the nanos already inside you from eating twinkies, or what ids this wrapping in dramatickalish cocko-drama-phones-prezidents.... are you TRYING to make your clips chase people away and be not watched ? I pushed the download button and trying to make sense of your clip. I'm sure it says, in one fucking hour, something that can be clearly expressed in one phrase, as usual with situation that try to bullshit one's brain by packaging a pea in a zeppelin. Shall return to comment. Fuck, man !
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago