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The Grim Rants Show (8-19-23) Grim Talks Occult (Psychology) & Crazy Female Delusions!
• 08/19/23
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2 years ago
Uhm, what are you doing in Tower of Monsters? I like the retro chick with backpack rocket, laser, and laser sword (light saber?)... but what are you doing? A fucking octopus in the sky? It does remind me of Bond's Octopussy...
2 years ago
How long until robotaxis are spreading antibiotic resistances STDs to all passengers...
2 years ago
Now, I would concede you know more about demons than I do, but I do know it's in mainstream Academia as Psychology, Parapsychology, Anthropology, and "Native" Art...
2 years ago
No. Not really. Julius Caesar was good though... he's the reason why Jerusalem joined the empire as Judea because they're in such a strategic position. Sort of. Constantine was facing a failing economy and falling apart empire: He robbed statues of the past and built new arches to put those statues in. He was reminding Romans of their good Ole days... Kind of like how Pedowood keeps pushing out WW2 movies...
2 years ago
If you want to talk to a demon, just call a Democrat!?