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59 Views • 03/31/22
Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
78 Subscribers

Best fitness motivation. Watch this video when you're too lazy to go to the gym. "The gym will never wake up one day and..."

#shorts #motivation #fitness

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3 years ago

Right pal. post your lab reports including lipid panel and test results for PED's and get back to me. Advising people to waste their lives in the gym is a surrogate activity and if you are using gear is a good route to a premature death, heart problems, sterility, erectile dysfunction, or cancer. You are jacked no doubt. but it comes at a high cost. I refuse to listen to people on gear anymore because this is becoming an extreme form of narcissism at this point and they preach a falsehood to the rest of fellow man. If you use steroids, remember, you are potentially taking decades off of your life and in some cases risking sudden death. proceed with caution and with professional medical advice if you still want to do it, depends what's important to you. its better than suicide i guess. Become a slave to a way of life that then requires you to be on pharmaceuticals for the rest of your life just to get by. good luck.

Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
3 years ago

What is it about you sanctimonious type that think I want to live that long in this world of feminism and gayshit. Just because you live in fear dosnt mean i should

3 years ago

@crimsonhawk: Agreed - I worked at a oil company from 6 years old lifting heavy oil cases carrying dump buckets ect ect - It made me as strong as a ox with no steroids or other drugs - Now I'm 60 still have a flat gut and still strong not as strong as I was at 25 but at 60 I'm still in good shape . So I would say just work hard and you will be Ripped for life .

3 years ago

@Bagoodman: are you trying to tell me this guy is not on steroids?

3 years ago

@crimsonhawk: so you want to take steroids?

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: No way man this dude looks like a roid junky - I say NO drugs work and do isometrics to make all the in between mussels strong . That's how you get as hard as a rock and strong everywhere .

3 years ago

@Bagoodman: I hear you. People need yo be aware that this physique cannot be achieved without gear, plain and simple, that's all I really mean. Steroids work very well to increase strength and muscle mass but there are huge drawbacks and health implications one needs to be aware of. I don't think it is very useful to waste your life in a gym, I don't see the point in that but to each his own.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Brother when I was 16 I could pick up Honda cars and VW bugs and move them sideways in a parking space NONE of my friends could do it and that was with no drugs ! We never even heard of Steroids back then.

Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
3 years ago


Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. Socrates

Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
3 years ago

@Bagoodman: i pushed Escalades.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: If someone could afford steroids I wouldn't fault them for taking them. They are expensive however and the increase in caloric intake they need is also quite unaffordable. Personally I would worry about secondary insufficiency of the stress hormones steroids force out of you. They are there for a reason. And I believe that's why in intense adrenaline fueled situations the steroid users can't exert as much strength. If you force your body to have like almost zero stress hormones in you than if you ever NEED them you won't have them. Steroids become a trade off,day to day strength will increase however in intense life or death situations a man who never used the steroids will be able to accrue more strength in that moment and be more likely to survive.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Also I'd say its a terrible idea for our immediate future. Civilization is about to collapse,someone who has to eat 7-10 times more calories to sustain themselves is going to starve to death very quickly. People can starve to death even if they are bulky or fat,especially for the gearheads because the body can't process and eat away at itself fast enough to get that many calories. If a steroid using gearhead needs 7-10X more calories he's not gonna starve to death in 3 weeks it's gonna take a week to severely effect him instead. I think eating a regular diet is prepares a person more,if I can't get very much food I can survive off half the calories......someone like THAT cannot survive on 1000 calories a day and still perform their body needs too much

Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: if i where you i wouldnt waste my time with rapist man. Who gives a fuck if im on gear or the guy in the video was. He delivered a message and this out of shape p.o.s. missed it completely because he wanted to dismantal something or someone not because it was the right thing to do but just to make out of shape ass feel well. I bet noel deyzel has better blood pressure than rapist.

3 years ago

@crimsonhawk: your socrates quote didn't really answer whether you advocate steroids use or not. I am not like the guy in the clip because I don't use steroids, I didn't know his name was Noel Deyzel but the problems run deeper than just blood pressure, it is a very complicated multifaceted health problem that develops after long term steroid use. I am just tired of these people on youtube, etc. Trying to act like you can achieve his physique by working out. It's not possible without steroids. Sorry if I made you mad, just I think it's bad advice to give to waste your life at the gym.

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: you bring up valid points, but it is possible to use steroids for about 100 dollars a month if you know what you are doing and are modest with what you use. It doesn't have to be that costly, sometimes it depends where you live and if you are willing to use lab chems. I think your concerns about caloric intake are valid, but more importantly in a collapse scenario, you would likely lose access to a reliable steroid and pharmaceutical pipeline, and this would cause severe immediate medical problems for a long term steroid user. Imagine if someone like this guy or the rock or someone like that just stopped taking steroids cold turkey without help from a skilled doctor, that person would be screwed and they would deflate like a Ballon in a matter of months. They would also have numerous health problems that would be very burdensome in a collapse scenario.

3 years ago

@crimsonhawk: also I looked into if further and he indeed admits that he is a user of steroids. He also openly admits he is a homosexual. Just shows you the immense levels of mental illness. It's pretty safe to say it's not a good idea to look up to this guy unless you want to end up in the gym all day shooting roids and showering with the guys haha.

3 years ago

@crimsonhawk: I'm sorry I see now man I watched your other videos. I can see the problem here now. I think we both agree on things and I hope you find a way to get off the gear. I would suggest going to see a doctor, ask around and find a doctor people go to for TRT. He probably will have to knowhow to taper you off the stuff you took safely. You need to be careful because this stuff can mess with your head. I would go see a doctor asap.

Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: i good

Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: i good

3 years ago

@crimsonhawk: I was pointing out that there are downsides to taking steroids and illustrating them for anyone willing to listen who is contemplating steroid use. I don't hate people for doing it,but with civilization collapsing people deserve to know the disadvantages not just the advantages. If you are using on the gear you need to make sure you aren't eating many times over what a normal man does,or you risk a fast starvation once the grocery stores are empty which is already happening. It's important for people to realize the best course of action may be to avoid them,not because of health risks but because they ramp up the body to a point where a man in a real survival and self sufficiency situation may not be able to properly feed himself. And if he survives he will shrink down to the size of a regular man who works out regularly regardless,after suffering much hunger......well that's those who don't turn to cannibalism lord Humongoid is gonna get real hungry real fast and I won't be surprised if these mountains of muscle quickly become cannibals because of that insatiable appetite they have developed. You need to think about your survival more than your total body mass,Neanderthal man couldn't survive because he needed too much food and thus had to breed with smaller weaker humans or die out. There won't be any wooly mammoths to provide the 10-20 thousand calories a day those men eat. Think smart do not set yourself up for disaster because a bunch of PUA dipshits convinced you to worship muscles

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Good job bringing up the additional points you have here. I agree,well except for the homosexual thing I personally don't have a problem with homo's themselves. I do hate that they've mostly been taken over by the marxist commies,but that's because the religious right specifically brutalized and hated them for so long,that's why the marxist commies were able to take control of them. They convinced them that the white race and free market economics are the reason they have been mistreated in order to divert blame away from the priesthood away from the worshipers of god,who still hate them and want to destroy them in the name of god. Much of marxism is comprised of them blaming the white race and free markets for everything which the Christians and Jews did in the name of their god. The marxist NWO is only pretending to hate god,while the pope openly endorses it constantly and the one world religion is already running commercials on youtube. I don't like being blamed for the evils comitted by the priesthood of god and his devout servile slaves

3 years ago

@crimsonhawk: and just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are out of shape or whatever else you would call them. I'm telling you that you shouldn't be on the gear because it is actually going to hinder your efforts to survive in the coming collapse. Repair your body and get your hormones right and get on a 2 thousand calorie diet or the future will be much bleaker than you think. Remember when food became more scarce the best evolutionary survival tactic was for animals to become smaller not larger. Follow natures example do not try to become massive while the food supply is vanishing or you may very well suffer the same fate many giant creatures faced. I'm trying to help you so that you can survive

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I know it may be pointless to try to persuade you otherwise, but somehow you have chosen a set of principles that has you calling yourself a demon, appreciating homosexuals more than Christians in general, promoting violence as a primary method to solve your problems, and watching strange cartoons all over the videos I try to comprehend on your channel which are hard to understand because of this strange voice changer you use. Try to look at it objectively, not just in a Christianity versus you perspective, and understand how close you are to losing your mind. I assure you, your beliefs lead to a world filled with people who will lead short, brutal lives, and will lead to mankind going back to the dark ages. It is almost comical how you make such a point to reject any concept of a god or potential goodness in the world and look at how badly it has twisted you. I don't mean to attack you or get personal, you could be a very different person in real life, but you seem to be another example of what happens to these outspoken atheists, you guys just get into more deranged and degenerate stuff the further you go. You can only get into so many gunfights until you are the one who is going to be shot. Christianity has been dwindling in the west for a long time now and I find it peculiar how you seen to think of Christians being your primary enemy when it is clear that communism and the evils it produces and promotes are the primary factors rotting away the civilized world. All humans sin, even Christians, the key difference is being humble enough to understand you are wrong and try to correct it. You are clearly an intelligent person, I don't mean to try to tear you down or attack you, please try to consider some of the things I said. I mean consider, we were talking about steroids, but you seem so fixated on this collapse/christian thing you morph every conversation into this.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Homosexuals are following their own desires same as us straight people are. Anime is just plain better,doesn't attack masculinity and shows it in a positive light and Christianity has a history steeped in violence and still seeks to crush all other belief systems and cultures. It's right there for everyone and anyone to look up not just in the bible christians talk about converting the whole world all the time,pretty disrespectful if you ask me about it. I can be understood just fine with my voice changer. And if you think I like anime and recognize war is what is what is neccesary to save ourselves just because I hate god,you don't understand. I'm not trying to be the opposite of a Christian like they think. I'm thinking for myself and I have many valid reasons for hating god and his faithful flock of sheep. Christianity inspired communism and communist leaders openly talk about it you can look it up yourself.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: And I don't really care whether or not someone sins. I'm at war against god itself I recognize a lot of unarmed people begging for mercy have to be killed or enslaved. This is a war being a pacifist will only get me killed or enslaved. Truth is if you won't fight back unless everythings perfect and you're part of a big army you'll be waiting for that until the day you die. And I wasn't morphing any conversation into it,I was explaining that my white race is being blamed for the atrocities and inhumane treatment people have received in the name of god. They weren't hurting the homo's in the name of the white race it was specifically Abrahamic Judeo Christianity. There is no good reason for hating someone just because they wanna put their dick somewhere you don't wanna put your dick. Fuck what god has to say about it if they aren't marxists don't worship god aren't my enemy in any other way I'll accept gay people. Following their own hearts desires is not or evil or bad it's just sex get over it

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: now I've gotta get back to work very soon,I've already got a jagged hole in the bottom of my foot so I certainly can't waste too much time here

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: why do you have a hole in your foot?

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: stepping on a big sharp thing. No footwear is truly inpenetrable

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I guess the only thing I can ask again, to be clear, you think Christianity is a bigger threat than communism today? I do not agree with you that Christianity inspired communism, but lets table that for a moment, in modern times Christianity is anti-communism, and Christianity is in decline while communism is rising do you agree at least with this yet simultaneously believe communism is better than Christianity?

Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: dude im not going to live long any way. Thats what you failed to see. I want to hit the peak before i check out . makes sence?

3 years ago

@crimsonhawk: It's your free choice. Live your last days the way you choose

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: The pope is a marxist and every mainstream church which is 99% of them praises antifa and puts up BLM signs. They're openly encouraging white women to breed with brown men so they can virtue signal while killing those potential white children. They use any chance they can find to virtue signal to the left. You are in a tiny little bubble,you are not representative of Christianity. And if you support socialism I have bad news for you,it's just baby steps to communism. No I don't agree with that do not write your words as if I do that's manipulative. I hate God and I hate Communism and they are intrinsically linked that's why all religious groups support communism,especially the ones dumb enough to think socialism is different than communism double dumb if they think socialism is anti communism

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: How about instead of trying to convert everyone else you wake the fuck up and smell the Jew and stop worshiping the god of your enemies?

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I agree on some of your criticism of the church but this doesn't really speak to Jesus and what the Bible actually says, the framework outlined in the bible is morally sound and also warns against the synagogue of satan.. I think the current pope is problematic but it wasn't long ago that pope pious made a decree against communism. A lot of the Christian churchs are corrupt at this point I agree, for instance how can there be a female pastor or a gay flag on a church? Doesn't make sense. It's just my view that communism is a much bigger problem than christianity which is a shrinking group while communism/socialism is rising.

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: and i see your point, you view is that the church is one in the same as communism in a sense because of the agenda they follow based on the actions we witness and I have to agree with you to an extent but a lot of Christians are misguided in the modern age in my view. With that being said I don't think the solution is to develop an army and kill anyone in your way and it almost seems you really want the collapse to happen at this point.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: You are right about that. I do want the collapse to happen I would love it if my enemies straight up nuke each other. There is going to be unprecedented opportunity when this collapse happens. This will be the time to take women's rights away and establish a better future for our people. I hate the governments global and local let them collapse they never did one good thing for me. Fuck their schools fuck their corporations fuck their commie marxist bullshit,bring on the collapse the only ones who will be hurt by it are my enemies. I shed no tears as my enemies all kill each other it just makes my evil plans that much easier

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