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The Horror of Teaching Critical Race Theory to Kids
• 06/12/21
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4 years ago
Just like my pathetic SJW Simp teacher.
4 years ago
The toothpaste sales pitch at the end is completely unnecessary
4 years ago
4 years ago
If a white guy gets fired by a nigger.....who is the racist ????
4 years ago
I'm laughing but the situation really isn't funny. Or at least it's not going to end well for the majority of people.
4 years ago
The sad thing is THIS IS REAL!!! This is what's being taught to CHILDREN! I don't have children, (Thank God) but I can't for the life of me understand why more "parents" aren't raising HOLY HELL over the brainwashing they're children are receiving at the hands of these marxist, commie lunatics! God help this country and the poor little children who are being led to slaughter by they're own parents and (((teachers)))!