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The Media Lies BUSTED! Media Crimes Exposed - How news media are always lying to humanity

16 Views • 09/26/23

PROGRAMMING THE MASSES <br>LIES <br>Rebel News Daily Mail Caught out <br> <br>Was Uploaded Jan 14, 2023 <br>Shocking whistleblower confessions, leaked video footage and secret recordings expose extreme crimes by media. With Project Veritas, Charlie Chester from CNN, Udo Ulfkotte (RIP January 2017), Julian Assange from WikeLeaks, and more... <br> <br>TEL-LIE-VISION <br>How has television been used as a vehicle of propaganda? What psychological techniques are deployed in media manipulation? What is the future of media? Join James for this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast on the past, present and future of television, media and brainwashing..

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