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TFM Constitutional 2020 - KEEPER

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The Morning Constitutional: 7/23/2020

698 Views • 07/24/20
T.F. Monkey
T.F. Monkey
4,110 Subscribers

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11 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago


5 years ago

42:39 FINALLY, someone on the show said it. Yes, the leftists are very evil and very stupid. Remember this?
"You cannot judge ideologies by their values as values are subjective, but what you can do is judge them by their outcome. Pushing communism when you know it will not work and cause millions of deaths but doing it anyway because "IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO." is wrong no matter how you slice it."
TFM used to say that , or something along those lines all the time. Somewhere along the line TFM changed his tune and started to pander to 'all sides'. This also goes with what I've been telling TFM for the longest time; The core value of leftists is not 'equality' but rather subjugation and orthodoxy.

1:01:13 The vast majority of those people have nothing to do with Mexico, they are from Honduras, Guatemala, etc. but even those that used to be actual citizens are rightfully considered traitors to the nation (Malinchistas). Give them a swift kick in the ass back over the border, all of them, or put them on a boat over to N. Korea. They are garbage and have no value to anyone. That's how you solve that problem.

5 years ago

2:40:17 Dude, are you kidding me? Don't come to post-soviet trio of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. You don't know what you're talking about. And
Asia? Do you think people are fleeing Latin America in caravans though a desert risking their lives without a reason? You really want to immigrate there? If you're trying to find a better place to live at least do your research on rampant corruption, violent crimes and mafia activities and try to avoid such places. I understand you guys probably have no idea how shithole countries look like from inside and how real corruption influences your daily life, but you should consider alternatives like Poland or look for other more or less civilized places like Balkans or Baltic countries. When I say you don't want to cross path with mafia or real corrupted police officer who has no issues torturing you to get your confession on something you never did or threatening to put you in jail if you don't give him money I mean it. It might sound like something like a news from other planet, but I assure you it's real and it's ugly. If you're still not convinced try searching info on Russia's median income, for better impressions grouped by city. You'll never even consider getting up from the couch and scratching your ass for this pittance. Remember, you'll have to live your life somehow without having your own place to stay and competing for low-paying jobs with local aborigines without knowing their language. Still tempted? Start preparing right now and start learning foreign language before you find yourself starving in foreign country where you have nowhere to go and you can't even ask for help. Consider the following - most of US states after the civil war and collapse will have better infrastructure and human potential than post-soviet trio I mentioned above has now. To be honest, some of the places you mentioned already look like they've had a war going on recently.

5 years ago

Just as TFM and co. don't know about Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, you don't know about 'latinamerica'. You do not know what you are talking about, especially about the 'caravans through a desert risking their lives' because that's not how it goes, at all. That situation happens in Mexico and it happens because Mexico VERY stupidly elected a socialist president, I.e. AMLO and one of his first acts was to completely betray Mexico by signing a treaty with central-american nations at the expense of natives. tldr; You are guilty of doing what you are accusing TFM and co. of doing, aka you = hypocrite.

5 years ago

@RoboCat: Good to know I was wrong about Latin America, it's a relief to know there is one more place on our planet that is not as shitty as I thought it was. I got a really strong buttheart when I heard about bright idea of moving to some place with completely different culture, language, work ethics and overall quality of life instead of seeking something more or less similar to what you've used to. Especially Asia. Maybe you can shed some light on the prospect of moving to Mexico and possible future of this country?

5 years ago

@RoboCat: Although it might be worth mentioning my original intention. I'm not trying to accuse TFM and co. or show how moral and just I am while they are immoral and blind, I'm trying to convince them not to make a huge mistake of choosing a wrong place to live.

5 years ago

@Pu4__: Yeah okay. Mexico sucks but it is still the top dog of 'latinamerica' with the highest quality of life, lowest levels of corruption and very low (comparatively speaking) levels of crime & violence. There is a conflict between government and narcos but the average person will never even see it unless they actively go out looking for trouble. Mexico also has a long history of accepting refugees from other nations fleeing whatever problems, for example; There are lots of Chinese communities formed by people fleeing China that were established as TFM describes. Some Chinese made a neighborhood, then new Chinese arrived and they old ones helped the new ones get jobs & homes but at the cost of having to repay their debt later. These areas operate largely without government oversight ("no-go zones"). There are similar areas for U.S. ex-pats as well. The people of Mexico are objectively the hardest working people in the world (OECD 2018 hours worked) but not work smart, only work hard. If you want to move to Mexico, you must have a business online or already have enough money to retire. Guns are illegal here but people have guns in their home and business anyway, you just don't tell anyone or carry it on the street. Mexico is a bad choice but it is the best choice of "latinamerica" if you really want to go that direction. Find a 'no-go zone' and you'll be fine......... as to the smugglers, Mexico has a treaty with other nations to ferry the smugglers into the U.S., these people are given free food, free lodging and are protected via military force, this is what a 'caravan' is. They're not poor, desperate, hard-working people looking for opportunity, they're foreigners that are complete pieces of shit living it up at the expense of Mexico's citizenry, people that fully intend to do the same in the U.S. , they don't 'risk their lives' or do anything other than be parasites, fuck 'em.

5 years ago

1:26:36 " If Trump ordered for all rioters to be shot, how long do you think it would take for people to accept it ? "
This is such a strawman question. Of course it is blatantly obvious the president would get lambasted and forced out of office . I disagree that people would be against him, but it is the strategy of execution in how to pull it off is how it would work.

Yes, an election year he absolutely cannot do that period he will lose guaranteed. What trump should do, is announce that he is going to arrest and detain the rioters indefinetly that are destroying property and killing people. The commies will escalate that and use weapons. Gradually 1st use rubber bullets. When the commies try to go to suburban areas of homes and start killing people and the American voters scream out for a help, THEN... He is justified in using lethal force! You see how much better that works? Now if the GOP insist on turning on the president , trump had better sound like a goddam banshee and put them on blast and tell them the treacherous behavior that they've gone to side with the enemy instead of the American people ! And seeing how trump is, I definitely think he would do that.

Blitz Driver
Blitz Driver
5 years ago

I wasn't banned from twitter, but I don't go over 450 followers for over a year, even though I gain new followers every day.

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