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The Movie WIFELIKE Is A Possible Future Of The Synthetic Companion.
• 08/07/22
752 Subscribers
Search "Frigid Farrah True Companion" <br> <br>Here's the trailer.
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3 years ago
Well, they are out of luck, Russia made a Robot waifu tv show called Better Than Us and China make Sex Doll. These countries are not misandrist and not anti robots humans relationships. When the Waifu are made and the feminazi come out to annoy men, men will simply drop the west.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Next possible HMT episode
3 years ago
The Twilight Zone: Episode "The Lonely"
The Outer Limits: Episode "Valerie 23"
...and more video games and anime than I can list or remember have more than convinced me that under the right circumstances, AI in a synthetic would be fine as long as it's not programmed to be willful, selfish, or in any other way like a modern woman. All the good, none of the useless drama. Look at your peers that use terms like 'partner' or 'spouse' rather than gendered hierarchical terminology like 'wife'. A woman's place in a relationship is not to contend or be equal, but to be his helpmeet, his 'first officer' in a family, not to undermine or contend, but to serve and honor. Do not let feminism be the groundwork of how this fantasy can play out, A female AI that is agreeable, pliable, and submissive can still be in a way autonomous, just like a woman, it's the rebellious nature that makes this a problem.
I'm for it, not because I need it, but because I can't imagine peace without it. Feminism has won, which means we have all lost, fine, but as a man i have desires and needs, and if that can be achieved artificially, I am not so burned that I am ready to throw away the possibility that an artificial woman is capable of doing what a flesh and blood woman is not.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Feminism, the "cancer that kills all that it touches"!
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago