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The New World Order is not hiding their agenda any longer

56 Views • 03/24/22
Jess Sosnoski
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers

⁣The New World Order is not hiding their agenda any longer

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3 years ago

Boomers are a real bunch of scumbags. Their 'New World Order' is slavery for the youth (and the Asians), as they continue to own all the assets of the West. Boomers are worse than Jews. Because, at least with Jews, you can be careful to make sure you're not getting Jewed somehow, but with Boomers, it's your own elders leading you off the cliff...

Those bailouts in 2008 flipped the script on the entire economy. The Boomers - underwater and technically bankrupt - were not required to divest or offload their assets. And now, they're rent-seeking upon the youth, via insane rents, and they're back-stopped from a global property collapse by all the Western Central Banks. It's actually a financial energy drain, putting all these resources into keeping the property prices propped up. It's destroying family formation in the West....

So, the Anglosphere focuses on ever increasing property prices, as the Asian nations focus on continuous improvement in their technical manufacturing capability. I know which one will win out in the long term. The main reason the West insists on keeping the property prices elevated, at a Central Bank level, is because if it collapsed, everything financial collapses, and then you're looking at an implosion of banks, and soon after, the erasure of ZIONISM.


3 years ago

The mechanics of elevated property prices is mainly due to the debt paper that each piece of property is carrying. All those phantom assets on paper are riding on the price of the property underlying those instruments. If the underlying property is sold for what it really is worth, then every single phantom assets that is being leveraged is suddenly worthless. All of the currency created at the Fed and borrowed by the big banks is suddenly worthless because the assets and phantom paper reflecting that "value" is suddenly gone. Instant hyperinflation! In Flori-duh (my State), the building mania cannot stop, even if everybody wanted it to. NOBODY is able to pay down on the accumulated principle and it takes everything just to finance the interest! Developers and banks MUST borrow more and more and more. They have to borrow to retire the old debt PLUS leverage new paper to create more mortgages to back new houses AND the future interest on top of that. Sad to say but, this pyramid was started before the Boomers. But, the Boomers got caught up in the early low-hanging fruit of Jewish money games and made gobs of money. Now it's all burnt out and it can't grow any more. The (((EMPIRE))) has no choice but to come back home and cannabalize itself to keep the Jew World Order going just a bit longer until China can carry the Matzo Ball. But, China can't carry it for long and the entire world will fall into Israel's hands and the world will be enslaved to them.

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