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The NHS has already collapsed!

31 Views • 10/21/21
190 Subscribers

I think this video say's a lot from my own perspectve? I have not seen my GP for nearly 2 years, although I'm on a list of people that should be priority due to family hgealth history and my condition - Apparently? (personally i feel fine). anyway's, whereas every now and then there was a phone call booking me for Blood Test's or my annual "Old Fart" priority Flu Jab the phone has been silent. If I phone the surgery I'm told by a robot voice I'm in a queue, the FIRST in that queue! 20 to 30 minutesa lkater, I am still first in that queue? I don't trust the NHS since Covid, especially when I followed ambulances from the ambulance station with all their blues and two's on . they then drive around the estates and raced up and down the carriage way for 15 minutes and then went back into the station? A one off counciled call I csan believe, but 5 times now I've followed and watched this. The P{olice did the same thing at the start of covid as well. Driving like maniac's up and down the Carriage way's all "NIGHT", sirens blazing then after a couple of runs parking up on the roundabout either end, then repeating this ever 15 to 20 minutes until about 2 am?

The NHS in the UK in general is FUCKED. I don't even trust or respect NHS workers anymore, not after a friend who sadly died last year from cancer told me the hospital he was in was EMPTY when he took a few late night walks around descreitly? The care he got was minimal and he spent hours alone? so much for the caring Nursing Profession? withi the month they sent him home to DIE, which he did.

I used to be a corporate Medic, so I know how to keep what I need to protect ME. Which is what I do. Also being as I have no fear of death anyways, who needs the NHS anyways? I think dying at least get's you out of this Hell?

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3 years ago

I'm not in the U.K. but, looking at it from over here in ZOG-U.S, in my opinion, the main trouble with NHS is trying to be all things to all people and failing because of that. It is a hellish mix of privatization and gross malfeasance with public funds. It squeezes operational and labor costs while maximizing profits to (((TPTB))) who are positioned to skim, scam, and swindle the hell out of NHS. The insane bloat of "administration" is not operations or labor but, bureaucratic overhead. All of those paper pushers and regulatory busybodies are there only because of the fucking lawyers, lobbyists, and politicians.

NHS *used* to exist as a dividend of modern progress and was created to benefit the rightful people of the land. The rightful people being White Britons and legacy citizens of the U.K. The NHS was originally formed and regulated as a PUBLIC SERVICE. I don't know if Maggie Thatcher turned the NHS on its head and made it into an engine of profit for Jews and Big Pharma. But, putting the NHS on a business model instead of a public service model is the root cause of NHS's dysfunction.

IMO, NHS could be fixed by putting in tiers of health care and limiting it ONLY to citizens of the U.K. Some rationing HAS TO BE DONE. Primary care and the meds at that level should be free. Secondary care should charge modest co-pays and tertiary care should require a means-tested payment plan that the patient can handle without undue stress. If the British citizen is a bum or unemployed, then it is time for the Work Houses to come back. Nobody should be lounging about in their flat if they are able to work in the Work House to pay for their surgery or whatever they had done.

3 years ago

Yep you are right again. The fat cat's are creaming of the ? well Cream! In the UK today it is GREED with a big "G" that has infested every part of English life? I get free stuff because I'm of a certain age, but outside of that even though I have paid into it with National Insurance, I've never actually been entitled to very much. I am supposed on paper to be disabled, dispite numerous attempts at getting the benefits I paid into for over 40 or more years I get NOTHING, so especially recently I've started going it along, and would you believe I actually feel better than I ever did with QUACK's looking at a PC screen and giving you shit, then saying "See how that Goes" any problems make an appointment andd i will see you in 6 month's. A good friend had a fall last week and it took 23 hours for an Ambulance to come 4 miles . In that time he had a bleeding head wound and a bleeding bruised leg, neither he or his wife drive, YET! I've sat and wqatched and followed Ambulances that will go out with lights and sirens going drive around a couple of housing estates and return to the

3 years ago

Ambulance station. Yep OK once in a while a cancelled call, but all DAY? The NHS is dying and that is what Conservative governments have wanted since the early 1960's, All this STICK we are being beaten with won't make me ever offer any carrot for government ever again.

3 years ago

Sorry for the break! lol1 I it something on the keyboard! lol! Jeff Taylor is one of our "Pundet's"? I think that's the right word, whom is well worth listening too, you don't get any BS from him.


3 years ago

@mrghoster: @mrghoster: So, the NHS was already under attack before Thatcher came along? Interesting. It's common practice for (((neocons))) to run a public function into the ground and then say it was faulty from the start. Any money spent on the Goyim is money not going to Israel or the (((Top 1%))) and we can't have that! The masses have been regurgitating Jewish memes for decades and calling for their own disenfranchisement and never knew it.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Most cant manage their mown money so scamming it off them is what the jew's are good at. The NHS is like all those tower block's that they built in the 60's. It was fine whilst it had a caretaker but once the mantainance was removed they fell into disrepair, that is what has happened to the NHS, it also happened to our Train's and Railway's and bus services. anything public is made public so they the 1% can creqam us off.

3 years ago

Oh if only they had Administrators who could help with this. What, they have fucking thousands of them? Its a dysfunctional gravy train, as it is always is with public money.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

when " doctors " care more about men, maybe the conditios would get better, lol, doubt it.


3 years ago

That's really interesting stuff about the ambulance crew pretending to do call-outs around an estate, and then returning to the station.


3 years ago

What did they expect would happen? This is called communism. When you pay junior doctors the same as nurses, porters, ambulance crew or hospital security men, eventually you will run out of doctors. It was obvious and predictable... I swear, women are stealing from society when they're in employment. They don't do squat but delegate their jobs to others. Women are the real Jews.


3 years ago

"Women are the real Jews." There's a lot more truth in that statement that meets the eye. Jewish society is matriarchal and that feminism came straight out of Reform Judaism is no mystery. The matriarchal structure among Negroes in ZOG-U.S. came straight from the Jews and crypto-Jews who ran the plantation system throughout the Western hemisphere (American South, Carribbean, Central America, Brazil, etc.) Go to Africa itself and the traditional tribes are patriarchal. This female empowerment shit is JEWISH and the connections run deep.

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