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The One Question Most Modern Women Can't Answer

2 Views • 09/07/21
20 Subscribers

Pinned by Kevin Samuels <br>Deshawn <br> <br> <br>14 hours ago <br>9 subscribers <br>Time stamps <br> <br> <br>Introduction 00:00 <br>24:22 Opening song <br>28:00 Doing what the doctor ordered <br>29:15 Candle of the evening Hotel 1 <br>29:55 Fragrance of the evening Boadicea The Victorious blue sapphire <br>30:44 Impromptu Instagram announcement <br>31:40 Men want women, start of dialogue <br>42:20 Question, what have you not given to another man <br>1:03:18 The call lines are open <br>1:05:49 Money world <br>1:10:07 First caller <br>1:22:11 Second caller <br>1:29:05 Third caller <br>1:49:40 Fourth caller <br>1:56:00 What do you have to offer a man that he wants <br>1:58:00 Men want you to Rap, Respect, Appreciation, and Praise him <br>2:09:10 Ladies need 3 things for a future with a man <br>2:13:20 Closing Song

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