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The Oofy Doofy Theory Is Alive & Well In San Cristobal Mexico
• 07/06/22
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3 years ago
now that i have been exposed to the Oofy Doofy Theory, my eyes have been opened. im on twitch and the majority of the time whenever theres a woman around , the males usually act Oofy Doofy.
3 years ago
We are far removed from the masculine spirit of the ancient Davidic Israelites, Greeks and Romans, being out there philosophizing and networking in the Coliseums or bathhouses, praising athletics and aesthetics, not wasting a second on psychoanalyzing women, they are inferior, property and for diversion. Compare that today to centuries of modern euro-cuck neurotic romantic intellectuals or puritans, ending today with most plebes getting spurned by the sloots, she enjoying that emasculating power when the guy has to be the bitch by jestering and by chasing. Think about the life affirming feats and prowess of ancient generals and soldiers going to war to crush the enemy, exact tribute and fuck literally hundreds of teenage virgins as the spoils of war, meanwhile today they would call that barbaric and pedophilia while many 13 or 15 year old got semi-erotic sleazy social media accounts with thousands or millions of soy followers. My point is that in this matriarchal matrix they want you emasculated and serving women to keep you in a state of arrested development and keep you as a physical and spiritual slave with sex addiction or sex deprived.
3 years ago
more like goofy doofy & jesus is just zeus hence the name
3 years ago
The DC Dollhouse ad just stopped playing after a couple of seconds. Not a complaint, but an observation. Great video btw.
3 years ago
3 years ago
. . . if theory is correct- You should be covered in Pussy.