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The Power Of Magical Thinking
• 06/14/23
301 Subscribers
Most humans believe in something that can only be called magical thinking by some accounts, an attempt to explain things or perhaps better put justify things they believe. Why do they do it and is there a common thread?
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2 years ago
Tzeetch will transform the dogs of single moms into princes for them to marry. Or he will turn the single moms into bitches. Magic!
2 years ago
Pitmommies, midwits and other assorted subhumans claim that supporting total pitbull genocide is wrong with false-equivalence 'gun control' arguments and pics of their pitbulls with flower crowns
2 years ago
the average shitbull owner:
2 years ago
With the pitbull vs poodle thing I'll take the room full of poodles. I'm fairly certain I could kill them all. Pitbulls on the other hand is far less likely to be a positive outcome. I actually watched two pitbulls kill a cat once. One grabbed the head, the other grabbed the ass and then tore it in two pieces. To be fair that cat fucked around and found out, it taunted the dog's for months. For the record I'm not a fan of pitbulls.
2 years ago
2 years ago
This has been very good.