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The Power Series: This is What Anti-Male Looks Like | Woke Feminism in Action
The Power is a thriller based on the award-winning novel by Naomi Alderman. It is set in our world, with one difference. Suddenly, teenage girls can electrocute people. The Power follows extraordinary characters from London to Seattle and from Nigeria to Eastern Europe. What begins as a tingle among teenagers develops into a complete reversal of the balance of power. <br> <br>Our videos are made for educational purposes. <br> <br>Support Our Channel: <br>Paypal: <br> <br> <br>Patreon: <br> <br> <br>“We Men Ain’t We” T-shirts <br>
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2 years ago
Gee, I wonder why these women can't find a man. Oh, you told a bouncer to smile? First off, if these women were so overpowered, wouldn't there be women bouncers to counter their power? Oh God dam, not trhat fucking logic thing again you fucking misogynists! LOL! Secondly, the whole smile more often thing is because people are actually trying to help you out! The resting bitch face warns men to stay away from you (thanks for using it): The "Smile" these whores so hate makes it look like you are an approachable person-- you know showing that you are a "decent person." Why isn't the clotshot killing these dumbass cunts off yet? Damn, dark elf Fauci is not only a liar, he's fucking incompetent!
2 years ago
Yep. As I suspected, total shit. I will not be watching: I already have a long backlist of good shit to watch why would I watch I am whore hear me roar dieversity bullshit? I will go a step father than Lotus Eaters' Benjamin (Sargon of Akaad), "I would not rape you if you were the last living women in thirty miles during the post apocalypse shithole world you lying cunts created."
2 years ago
I actually could feel my brain getting dumber listening to all the females talking in this video. I had to FF anytime they were on. Ugh!!!! That was horrible!!
2 years ago
an isscienate and an innumerate. As a numerate scientist, and male, I found her basic, supposedly scientifically based assumptions a sick joke.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
You just gave me an idea