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The Putin Puzzle | Live From The Lair

218 Views • 04/10/22
Terrence Popp
Terrence Popp
4,129 Subscribers

⁣With so much propaganda, there are a lot of missing puzzle pieces. But if you take some time, you can fill in the holes… if you know what I mean.
#LiveFromTheLair #Putin #Ukraine

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2 years ago

Pop Curious if you agree with my assessment?
These Russian propaganda videos like Bucha being a staged production were very quickly dis-proven by satellite imagery. Oh yes, The Russians had the names, numbers, and addresses of many Ukrainian militia and servicemen living in Bucha. They knocked on doors raped, tortured and executed entire families and filmed it to be used in their torture sessions of Ukrainian POW's.

2 years ago

Its first time since 2WW when Russian/Soviet army meets another regular army what has similar size and they do not have experience to fight with it that much. And like i have told before Russia is not USSR. USSR was 15 countries and it had supporting eastern Europe too but now most of eastern Europe is other side than Russia and same with other parts of USSR just Belorussia some way cooperating allowing Russia use their territory. Others are against Russia or does not want involve . Russia has military helping treaty with Kazakhstan but they do not help Russia.
Beside that USSR took every year in service 2 million men and had 4 million men army , Russia cant take 10% of it. Now just about 145 000 men. And they have huge land what needs army everywhere so can not collect all that in Ukraine. Yes Russia has very much tanks and other weapons but all those are outdated and used for parts to keep that part of army what moves in move. Because not enough money and culture of stealing from soviet time makes things worse. And things go worse because Russia has not able to produce much things on own. Russia can not replace war losses in without help. Even cover man losses is hard as russians run away from Russia to avoid sending into meat grinder.
After acting as usual Russian army way and making a lot war crimes what world knows now Ukraine gets more help and they do not have shortage of men about 450 000 men during 8 year frozen conflict has sort of war experience already. Russian side took good care of that keeping shelling them and not letting peace time make Ukrainians lazy. There was news that Russian western military district got 11 men during march who wanted go service, not conscripts who must but contracted service. One side has now angry men who want fight for country other side has men who do no want die for some crazy guy for no reason.

2 years ago

Pop "Basically only in the Ukraine do they have all these housing developments or whatever" Sigh, its soviet style architecture it's how they planned their cities. Housing was designed minimally to be slept in and inhabited to encourage people to be outside and among the community. Ideally most of the citizens needs are within 500 meters walking distance. Towns and cities were designed with public transportation in mind. Housing was usually centrally heated from a thermal generation plant. Big projects were deemed more efficient due to scale as apposed to fitting every housing unit (however big) with it's own heating unit you filthy capitalists(joke). That's "real" communism this gender studies and lesbian dance theory shit should be called something else


Terrence Popps - I have researched your claims to being a Time Traveller, and they appear to be true.

Time Traveller
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Time traveller, a person who engages in time travel

What about your predictions on the return of the Moon Base Nazis and the Atlanteans rising from the centre of the earth to subjugate the Moon Base Nazis?


Quantum mechanics of time travel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Until recently, most studies on time travel are based upon classical general relativity. Coming up with a quantum version of time travel requires physicists to figure out the time evolution equations for density states in the presence of closed timelike curves (CTC).

Novikov[1] had conjectured that once quantum mechanics is taken into account, self-consistent solutions always exist for all time machine configurations, and initial conditions. However, it has been noted such solutions are not unique in general, in violation of determinism, unitarity and linearity.

The application of self-consistency to quantum mechanical time machines has taken two main routes. Novikov's rule applied to the density matrix itself gives the Deutsch prescription. Applied instead to the state vector, the same rule gives nonunitary physics with a dual description in terms of post-selection.

1 Deutsch's prescription
2 Lloyd's prescription
3 Entropy and computation
4 See also
5 References

Deutsch's prescription
In 1991, David Deutsch[2] came up with a proposal for the time evolution equations, with special note as to how it resolves the grandfather paradox and nondeterminism. However, his resolution to the grandfather paradox is considered unsatisfactory to some people, because it states the time traveller reenters another parallel universe, and that the actual quantum state is a quantum superposition of states where the time traveller does and does not exist.

He made the simplifying assumption that we can split the quantum system into a subsystem A external to the closed timelike curve, and a CTC part. Also, he assumed that we can combine all the time evolution between the exterior and the CTC into a single unitary operator U. This presupposes the Schrödinger picture. We have a tensor product for the combined state of both systems. He makes the further assumption there is no correlation between the initial density state of A and the density state of the CTC. This assumption is not time-symmetric, which he tried to justify by appealing to measurement theory and the second law of thermodynamics. He proposed that the density state restricted to the CTC is a fixed-point of light.

He showed that such fixed points always exist. He justified this choice by noting the expectation value of any CTC observable will match after a loop. However, this could lead to "multivalued" histories if memory is preserved around the loop. In particular, his prescription is incompatible with path integrals unless we allow for multivalued fields. Another point to note is in general, we have more than one fixed point, and this leads to nondeterminism in the time evolution. He suggested the solution to use is the one with the maximum entropy. The final external state is given by maths stuff. Pure states can evolve into mixed states.

This leads to seemingly paradoxical resolutions to the grandfather paradox. Assume the external subsystem is irrelevant, and only a qubit travels in the CTC. Also assume during the course around the time machine, the value of the qubit is flipped according to the unitary operator.

The most general fixed-point solution is given by clevererest maths. This leads to an interesting interpretation that if the qubit starts off with a value of 0, it will end up with a value of 1, and vice versa, but this should not be problematic according to Deutsch because the qubit ends up in a different parallel universe in the many worlds interpretation.

Later researchers have noted that if his prescription turned out to be right, computers in the vicinity of a time machine can solve PSPACE-complete problems.[3]

However, it was shown in an article by Tolksdorf and Verch that Deutsch's CTC fixed point condition can be fulfilled to arbitrary precision in any quantum system described according to relativistic quantum field theory on spacetimes where CTCs are excluded, casting doubts on whether Deutsch's condition is really characteristic of quantum processes mimicking CTCs in the sense of general relativity.[4] In a later article,[5] the same authors have shown that Deutsch's CTC fixed point condition can also be fulfilled in any system subject to the laws of classical statistical mechanics, even if it is not built up by quantum systems. The authors conclude that hence, Deutsch's condition is not specific to quantum physics, nor does it depend on the quantum nature of a physical system so that it can be fulfilled. In consequence, Tolksdorf and Verch further conclude that Deutsch's condition isn't sufficiently specific to allow statements about time travel scenarios or their hypothetical realization by quantum physics, and that Deutsch's attempt to explain the possibility of his proposed time-travel scenario using the many-world interpretation of quantum mechanics is misleading.

Lloyd's prescription

An alternative proposal was later presented by Seth Lloyd[6][7] based upon post-selection and path integrals. In particular, the path integral is over single-valued fields, leading to self-consistent histories. He assumed it is ill-defined to speak of the actual density state of the CTC itself, and we should only focus upon the density state outside the CTC. His proposal for the time evolution of the external density state isno solution exists due to destructive interference in the path integral. For instance, the grandfather paradox has no solution, and leads to an inconsistent state. If a solution exists, it is clearly unique. Now, quantum mechanics computers using time machines can only solve PP-complete problems.

Entropy and computation

A related description of CTC physics was given in 2001 by Michael Devin, and applied to thermodynamics.[8][9] The same model with the introduction of a noise term allowing for inexact periodicity, allows the grandfather paradox to be resolved, and clarifies the computational power of a time machine assisted computer. Each time traveling qubit has an associated negentropy, given approximately by the logarithm of the noise of the communication channel. Each use of the time machine can be used to extract as much work from a thermal bath. In a brute force search for a randomly generated password, the entropy of the unknown string can be effectively reduced by a similar amount. Because the negentropy and computational power diverge as the noise term goes to zero, complexity class may be
not be the best way to describe the capabilities of time machines.

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