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The Queen In A Chokehold
• 08/22/23
Drums McBashington
65 Subscribers
Lifted From: Police Watch <br>
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They were the protected and cherished gender. They demanded equality with the disposable gender. Now they don't understand what's going on.
2 years ago
2 years ago
We really are fucked, we are not gonna make it, - bye bye Humanity!
2 years ago
If she is as she say's a Mother god only know's what it's kid's must be like! lol! It's the same ol' deluded SHITE, I'm a women, I'm a mother! lol! I had a women a few weeks ago try to berate me in pubic because I didn't open a door for her. She shouted at me in a supermarket in front of everyone Telling thwem I was no Gentleman, to be honest I didn't even notice her as I entered. Anyway My reply soon shut the CUNT up. I loudly replied with a laugh in my voice - "Well lady when women start acting like women again maybe I will consider being a Gentleman" her silense was instant to the background of a few customers laughing at my reply, I was BOSS that day! lol!
2 years ago
Wheres that fucking TASER when you need it, even if it's just to protect your hearing! lol!
2 years ago
If she was DRUG MULLING I think the bag up her ass broke open and got in her system! lol! Or maybe a DEMON flew up her ASS when she took a shit! lol!
2 years ago
by the time they reached the Car any semblance of LOGIC had evaporated and she starts screaming for a LAWYER! lol! Yet she is so entitled she cant see she is in the wrong anyway? I hate CUNT's like this, sadly they are becoming all to prevalent in normal society, (Not always women either these day's.