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The Quran Absolute Truth and Art of Critical Thinking

25 Views • 08/28/21
Imran Hosein
Imran Hosein
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I want you to know Hosein, that I don't hate you, but everything you know about life is a part of your culture and up bringing and according to this, recycling the message, is the right thing to say and do. But one of the things about this indoctrination, is that your never allowed to question what it is you are being told to believe AND to never examine the alternatives, AND the people who say Islam is a bad thing - and WHY they have their reasons.

This is the difference between being brainwashed by a cult and analysing a cult.

I hope your OK though.

3 years ago

LOL.....critical thinking and absolute truth.....take this 7th century bullshit to the morgue and fuck another corpse.


Roll with the intro - How that nasty old jew cult, with it's "either toe the line or we kill you" rabbinical bullshit, evolved into islam and then ISIS.

The old testament - the book of the jew - the torah - could as easily have been written by Adolf Hitler and his shit head stooges, as the murderous jew cult psychos called "the rabbi's".

The EVIL priests.

I am taking you down the rabbit hole........ Enjoy the journey Alice.

(Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel.
(Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)
Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock.
Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction.
Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. “The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him.”
(Numbers 31:7-18 NLT)
They attacked Midian just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. All five of the Midianite kings – Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba – died in the battle. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder. They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived. After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to the whole community of Israel, which was camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho.
Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle. “Why have you let all the women live?” he demanded. “These are the very ones who followed Balaam’s advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the LORD at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the LORD’s people.
Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.
(Ezekiel 35:7-9 NLT)
I will make Mount Seir utterly desolate, killing off all who try to escape and any who return. I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword. I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
(Exodus 23:23 NAB)
The Angel of Death My angel will go before you and bring you to the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites, and Jebusites; and I will wipe them out.
(Jeremiah 48:10 NAB)
Cursed be he who does the Lords work remissly, cursed he who holds back his sword from blood.

And it it just keeps on going.

(I had a link to a war in the middle east video, where they were killing each other by the hundreds,
but it got deleted at it's source...)

The book of the jew (old testament) is pure plagarism.

The 6 or 8 books out of first 11 are substantially or significantly in portion, verbatim copies of the Code of Hammurabi - He was the king of Babylon who set the laws literally in stone, in the city square, and the war slaves from around Judea were set free by a Sumarian King who went to war against the Babylonians, the war slaves took what Hamurabi had written, and then scrubbed out his name, wrote in "Our diety said, we the priests said" and then away we go.

The Jew cult was invented 3100 years ago....

.Hell was the name of the rubbish tip outside of Jerusalem where the criminals bodies were dumped, and the tip was occassionally set fire too.... "So your going to burn in hell for all eternity!" Yeah and when the city waste workers go on strike for 6 weeks, what happens to the eternal hell fires then?

Possessed by Satan? Superstition, Lies and Fear.

The History Of The Devil

Hey fuck - the pope is onto the big ticket here.....

The superstitious and stupid are going to love that....

Cults are BIG money, It does not matter what the fuck the flag it is they fly under, the under score is fear, control, manipulation and deceit. The catholics, the jews, the mohomodans, the church of latter day saints - all bullshit based upon other peoples bullshit.

"Oh Oh what is that? Jesus the jewish zombie in low earth orbit is giving me guidance from outer space by telepathy.... I am the chosen one... Yes..."

Biblical accounts

A mythical profit who gets killed for blasphemy (jew cult) and is never recognised as a prophet, by the holy bullshit artists in the jew cult, who has been dead for nearly 2 months - flies up into the clouds, until he disappears out of sight..... by magical levitation skills..

Ohhhh fuck awesome....

Yeah 2000 years before space capable rockets were invented too!


Nooooooooo ALL BULLSHIT.

The cult of the jew, the cult of christos, and the cult of mohommadism, they are all criminal industries of deceit and control.


And onto the Vatiscum.

"Oh Father Cockalotus, I - I know I have sinned but I can't go out drinking and the bullshit you and the rest of the arsehole mind fuckers manipulate people with, I think I will have to go to Cathaholics Anonymous, for my servile stupidity and getting brainwashed with your bullshit..... "

Vatican to hold exorcist training course after 'rise in possessions'
This article is more than 2 years old
Critics warn exorcism can be a form of spiritual abuse as priests report jump in possession claims

The Vatican is to hold a training course for priests in exorcism next month amid claims that demands for deliverance from demonic possession have greatly increased across the the world.
The Vatican-backed International Association of Exorcists, which represents more than 200 Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox priests, said the increase represented a “pastoral emergency”.
According to a priest from Sicily, the number of people in Italy claiming to be possessed had tripled to 500,000 a year, and an Irish priest has said demand for exorcisms has “risen exponentially”.
Last year, the Christian thinktank Theos reported that exorcisms were a “booming industry” in the UK, particularly among Pentecostal churches.
But some warn that “deliverance ministry” can be a form of spiritual abuse. Critics also say LGBT people and those with mental health issues are targeted for deliverance in the belief that their sexuality or psychiatric problems are the result of demonic possession.
The Vatican training course, which will be held at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome between 16-21 April, will focus on exorcism and the prayer of liberation, a prayer commonly used for deliverance from possession.
“The fight against the evil one started at the origin of the world, and is destined to last until the end of the world,” Fr Cesare Truqui, one of the speakers, told Vatican News.
“But today we are at a stage crucial in history: many Christians no longer believe in [the devil’s] existence, few exorcists are appointed and there are no more young priests willing to learn the doctrine and practice of liberation of souls.”
Fr Benigno Palilla, an exorcist from Sicily who reported a tripling of demonic possession cases on the island, acknowledged the issue was controversial, but added: “The demoniacs … suffer a lot.”
Training in deliverance was essential, he told Vatican Radio. “A self-taught exorcist certainly makes errors. I will say more: it would also take a period of apprenticeship, as happens for many professionals.”
In Ireland, Fr Pat Collins said he had been inundated, almost daily, with people seeking help to deal with what they believed to be demonic possession and other evil, and called for more training in exorcism.
“It’s only in recent years that the demand has risen exponentially,” he told the Irish Catholic. “What I’m finding out desperately, is people who in their own minds believe – rightly or wrongly – that they’re afflicted by an evil spirit.
“I think in many cases they wrongly think it, but when they turn to the church, the church doesn’t know what to do with them.”
Pope Francis has said if a priest becomes aware of “genuine spiritual disturbances … he must not hesitate to refer the issue to those who, in the diocese, are charged with this delicate and necessary ministry, namely, exorcists”.
The Church of England offers guidelines on deliverance which say that for some people “going through times of suffering and anxiety, or when distressed by what seem to be continuing experiences of evil within or around them … it may be right to ask for God’s saving help through the church’s deliverance ministry”.
The guidelines, which were updated in 2012, say caution must be exercised and “the ministry of exorcism and deliverance may only be exercised by a priest authorised by the diocesan bishop”.
Such priests should be trained in deliverance and should not minister alone. They should be covered by adequate insurance, the document says.
“Language, body language and touch should be courteous and considerate … No one should receive ministry against their will.”
The guidelines say doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists should be consulted where appropriate, and that deliverance should be followed up with continuing pastoral care and “should be done with a minimum of publicity”.
According to Anne Richards, the C of E’s national adviser on such issues: “Exorcism in a technical sense is incredibly rare. I don’t think I’ve ever come across a case that’s been authorised.”
Each of the C of E’s 42 dioceses has at least one person experienced and trained in deliverance, she said.
The church was “extremely concerned” that deliverance and healing should be undertaken in collaboration with professionals, such as doctors, and in the context of good safeguarding practice, she said.
But, she added, “I accept in some cases people get together and do something ad hoc. It shouldn’t happen – it needs to be a proper process.”
According to Christianity and Mental Health, a report by Theos, demand in the UK is being partly “driven by immigrant communities and Pentecostal churches which are very open about their exorcism services”.
Ben Ryan, its author, said charismatic and Pentecostal churches, particularly in areas with large west African communities, were advertising “healings” and exorcism outside their premises.
But, he said, “some Christians are sometimes treating mental health issues as if everything is spiritual. So if someone tells a church leader they are suffering from depression, sometimes the response is that everything can be treated with prayer. The extreme end of that is exorcism.”
The report quoted one chaplain, who said he had “never seen anything I would say that looked like demonic possession, but I’ve seen plenty of people who have been told that’s what they’re experiencing by other Christians”.
Priests in the US have also reported a growing demand for exorcisms in recent years.
The shortage of clergy trained in exorcism has led to a growing number of independent operators in Europe, who will rid people and properties of demons for up to €500 a time, according to the Economist.

ALL religious people and their MIND FUCK bullshit should be punched in the face and utterly beaten.

Next time some christian preacher screeches shit at you about "Satan and the Principalities of the Demons" - tell them to fuck off and give them a good right hook.

"Oh you'd like some Bellzebub. Is that with one slice of ham or two?"
Look at this for a bullshit trip.
Oh oh Mary of the immaculate constipation, having a heavenly spitroast in her husbands back yard with a god and the gods angel.....
Yeah fucking sure. There are questions of paternity on the birth certificate of Jesus.
"Who did you say the father was???"
"Got any witness's or signatories who can prove it?"
"Where is kid with the Big Dick daddies DNA test?"

And with the fairy tale of Beezelbub. And the only thing that makes any sense, is the very last line.
But look at all the shit the fruit cakes dreamed up about this.
This is why you punch them in the face with their mind fuck crap.
Beelzebub or Beelzebul (/biːˈɛlzɪbʌb/ bee-EL-zi-bub or /ˈbiːlzɪbʌb/ BEEL-zi-bub; Hebrew: בַּעַל זְבוּב Baʿal Zəvûv) is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron, and later adopted by some Abrahamic religions as a major demon. The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal.

In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is sometimes another name for the Devil, similar to Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of Hell. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the "Lord of the Flyers", or the "Lord of the Flies".

Hebrew Bible
The source for the name Beelzebub is in the Books of Kings (2 Kings 1:2–3, 6, 16), written Ba'al Zəbûb, (pronounced "Ba'al Zvuv"), referring to a deity worshipped by the Philistines. The title Baal, meaning "Lord" in Ugaritic, was used in conjunction with a descriptive name of a specific god. Opinions differ on what the name means.

In one understanding, Ba'al Zəbûb is translated literally as "lord of the flies".[1][2][3][4] It was long ago suggested that there was a relationship between the Philistine god, and cults of flies—referring to a view of them as pests, feasting on excrement—appearing in the Hellenic world, such as Zeus Apomyios or Myiagros.[5] This is confirmed by the Ugaritic text which depicts Baal expelling flies, which are the cause of a person's sickness.[5] According to Francesco Saracino (1982) this series of elements may be inconclusive as evidence, but the fact that in relationship to Baal Zebub, the two constituent terms are here linked, joined by a function (ndy) that is typical of some divinities attested in the Mediterranean Sea world, is a strong argument in favor of the authenticity of the name of the god of Ekron, and of his possible therapeutic activities, which are implicit in 2 Kings 1:2–3, etc.[6]

Alternatively, the deity's actual name could have been Ba'al Zəbûl, "lord of the (heavenly) dwelling", and Ba'al Zebub could have been a derogatory pun used by the Israelites.[7][8][9] In regard to the god of Ekron, the belief that zebub may be the original affix to Baal and that it is a substitute for an original zbl which, after the discoveries of Ras Shamra, has been connected with the title of "prince", frequently attributed to Baal in mythological texts. Ba'al Zebub was used in the Hebrew language as a pun with Ba'al Zebul, where Zebul meant "of the manor", and in a derogatory manner Ba'al Zebub was used to offend the enemies of the Israelites.[5]

The Septuagint renders the name as Baalzebub (βααλζεβούβ) and as Baal muian (βααλ μυιαν, "Baal of flies"). However, Symmachus may have reflected a tradition of its offensive ancient name, when he rendered it as Beelzeboul.[10]

Testament of Solomon
In the Testament of Solomon, Beelzebul (not Beelzebub) appears as prince of the demons and says (6.2) that he was formerly a leading heavenly angel who was (6.7) associated with the star Hesperus (which is the normal Greek name for the planet Venus (Aphrodite, Αφροδíτη) as evening star). Seemingly, Beelzebul here is synonymous with Lucifer. Beelzebul claims to cause destruction through tyrants, to cause demons to be worshipped among men, to excite priests to lust, to cause jealousies in cities and murders, and to bring on war. The Testament of Solomon is an Old Testament pseudepigraphical work, purportedly written by King Solomon, in which Solomon mostly describes particular demons whom he enslaved to help build Solomon's Temple, with substantial Christian interpolations.[11]

Christian Bible

In Mark 3:22, the scribes accuse Jesus of driving out demons by the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons, the name also appearing in the expanded version in Matthew 12:24,27 and Luke 11:15, 18–19. The name also occurs in Matthew 10:25.

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you."

—Matthew 12:25-28
It is unknown whether Symmachus the Ebionite was correct in identifying these names, because we otherwise know nothing about either of them. Zeboul might derive from a slurred pronunciation of zebûb; from zebel, a word used to mean "dung" in the Targums; or from Hebrew zebûl found in 1 Kings 8:13 in the phrase bêt-zebûl, "lofty house".

In any case, the form Beelzebub was substituted for Beelzeboul in the Syriac translation and Latin Vulgate translation of the gospels, and this substitution was repeated in the King James Version, the resulting form Beelzeboul being mostly unknown to Western European and descendant cultures until some more recent translations restored it.

Beelzebub is also identified in the New Testament as the Devil, "the prince of demons".[12][13] Biblical scholar Thomas Kelly Cheyne suggested that it might be a derogatory corruption of Ba'al Zəbûl, "Lord of the High Place" (i.e., Heaven) or "High Lord".[14]

In Arabic translations, the name is rendered as Baʿl-zabūl (بعلزبول).[15][16]

Gnostic tradition
Texts of the Gospel of Nicodemus vary; they use Beelzebul or Beelzebub. The name is used by Hades as a secondary name for the Devil, but it may vary with each translation of the text; other versions separate Beelzebub from the Devil.

Christian tradition
Beelzebub is commonly described as placed high in Hell's hierarchy. According to the stories of the 16th-century occultist Johann Weyer, Beelzebub led a successful revolt against the Devil,[17] is the chief lieutenant of Lucifer, the Emperor of Hell, and presides over the Order of the Fly. Similarly, the 17th-century exorcist Sébastien Michaëlis, in his Admirable History (1612), placed Beelzebub among the three most prominent fallen angels, the other two being Lucifer and Leviathan. John Milton, in his epic poem Paradise Lost, first published in 1667, identified an unholy trinity consisting of Beelzebub, Lucifer, and Astaroth, with Beelzebub as the second-ranking of the many fallen angels. Milton wrote of Beelzebub "than whom, Satan except, none higher sat." Beelzebub is also a character in John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, first published in 1678.

Sebastien Michaelis associated Beelzebub with the deadly sin of pride. However, according to Peter Binsfeld, Beelzebub was the demon of gluttony, one of the other seven deadly sins, whereas Francis Barrett asserted that Beelzebub was the prince of false gods.

Within religious circles, the accusation of demon possession has been used as both an insult and an attempt to categorize unexplained behavior. Not only had the Pharisees disparagingly accused Jesus of using Beelzebub's demonic powers to heal people (Luke 11:14–26), but others have been labeled possessed for acts of an extreme nature. Down through history, Beelzebub has been held responsible for many cases of demonic possession, such as that of Sister Madeleine de Demandolx de la Palud, Aix-en-Provence in 1611, whose relationship with Father Jean-Baptiste Gaufridi led not only to countless traumatic events at the hands of her inquisitors, but also to the torture and execution of that "bewitcher of young nuns", Gaufridi himself. Beelzebub was also imagined to be sowing his influence in Salem, Massachusetts; his name came up repeatedly during the Salem witch trials, the last large-scale public expression of witch hysteria in either North America or Europe, and afterwards, the Rev. Cotton Mather wrote a pamphlet titled Of Beelzebub and his Plot.[18]

The name Baʿal Zəvûv (Hebrew: בעל זבוב‎) is found in Melachim II 1:2-3, 6, 16, where King Ahaziah of Israel, after seriously injuring himself in a fall, sends messengers to inquire of Ba'al Zebûb, the god of the Philistine city of Ekron, to learn if he will recover.

Now Ahaziah fell through the lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria, and he became ill; and he sent messengers and said to them, "Go inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I will recover from this illness."

— 2Kings 1:2
Elijah the Prophet then condemns Ahaziah to die by God's words because Ahaziah sought counsel from Ba'al Zebûb rather than from God.

But an angel of the Lord spoke to Elijah the Tishbite [saying], "Arise, go up toward the king of Samaria's messengers, and speak to them, [saying], 'Is it because there is no God in Israel, that you go to inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron? Therefore, so has the Lord said, "From the bed upon which you have ascended you will not descend, for you shall die." ' " And Elijah went.

— 2Kings 1:3-4

Rabbinical literature commentary equates Baal Zebub of Ekron as lord of the "fly".[19][20] The word Ba'al Zebûb in rabbinical texts is a mockery of the Ba'al religion, which ancient Hebrews considered to be idol worship.[21]

Jewish scholars have interpreted the title of "Lord of the Flies" as the Hebrew way of calling Ba'al a pile of dung and comparing Ba'al followers to flies.[22][20]

So humanity and it's crap has evolved the same issue, the same topic,
from "Like flies on shit" - to satanic / demonic possession.


Religion - The Industry of Lying Fucking Neurotic Manipulative Fruit Cakes.
Who also like to cut the end of childrens cocks or clits off.


3 years ago

Can you give us the TL-DR digest?


@InfiniteMushroom: I might, but I don't know what a TL-DR digest is.


3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: TL-DR = Too Long - Didn't Read. aka the Reader's Digest version.


Then you get raised in a society that has ONLY the one doctrine then there is no critical thinking, only parroting of the narrative.
The trouble with religions, is that by the very nature of the cult, one is not fed nor is one encouraged to find, truths and alternatives of thought, history and insights, to what is only permitted to be taught.

This by it's very nature, squashes free thinking and opposition to the monotheistic doctrine.

Mohommad had some good ideas I am told, and the Quaran, answer me this, if it is the word of the one god, how come there are three different books, with three different sets of rules and customs, by the followers of the one god, who the priests said, to their followers, that all the other followers of the other cults, of the one god, must be killed?


3 years ago

The god of the Jews is nothing more than that. The god of the Jews. Therefore, he is a demigod, at best. Centuries upon centuries of Vatican propaganda and Protestant fantasy have created this wild narrative (JEWdeo-Xtianity) that has plagued Western civilization. The Jews' god never claimed to be anything but the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. If anything, this stupid desert deity is the spiritual golem that carries the Jews' collective psychoses. The New Testicle is largely the writings of the allegedly converted Apostle Paul and plagiarized writings of wealthy Romans who fabricated a lot of the apologetics we've all heard of. ALL THAT SAID, it is NOT the best idea to seek after the God of the Universe. By definition, He cannot have favorites and whether good or evil wins on Earth has no effect on Him. Therefore, it is vital that the WHITE RACE discover the god of our race and summon him forth, as the Jews summoned their demonic deity known as YHWH. Our salvation comes from segregation and ceasing to expend our spiritual energy on an alien deity that passes on that wasted worship to the Jews.


The Absolute Bullshit
Of the Virgins to Fuck
In the Afterlife

The first problem is that your dead....

And this does not go any further than smelling bad and attracting flies, and your hungry cats, if your a feminist.

And the only book I could NEVER finish, was Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf...

At first it was pretty inspirational, and then it wore on and on and on, and then it very quickly became living death - with the insane ranting.

This islamic bullshit (down below) is just like reading Mein Kampf...

It's fucking insufferable.

Mozziism is like all jew based cults, including cathaholics anonymous etc., they brain wash their kids with crap so they believe it.

Where did the nazi's learn it from - the jews...

The old testical - the book of the jew - is all about war against everyone who is against "the cult".

The dead beat goat herders (war slaves) stole the bylaws of Babylon (Code of Hammurubi) and essentially rubbed out "The King Said" with "We the priests said, our diety said".

And so 6 or 8 books out of the first 11 books of the old testament, are almost wholly or substantially in part, based upon word for word plagarism.

And the indoctrination and brain washing and forced coercion under threat of death continues.

The Hitler Youth - Episodes 1 - 5

Episode 1 - Education (WWII Documentary)

They disabled sharing for vid 4,


Or your allotment of magical, transparent, chicks, who are 60 cubits tall, to fuck in low earth orbit, who don't piss, shit or bleed, and no matter how much you fist fuck their big meaty cunts - they magically retighten up into born again virgins every day...

70 fresh cherries to pop,
Every fucking day for eternity.


(60 cubits ~ 30 meters or ~90 feet)

The houris (/ˈhʊəriz/;[1] from Persian: حُـورِی‎, ḥūrī; plural of ḥaurāʾ or ḥūrīyah;[note 1] Arabic: حُـورِيَّـة‎) are beings in Islamic mythology, described in English translations as "and splendid companions of equal age [or well-matched]",[2][3] "lovely eyed",[4] of "modest gaze"[5] and virgins[6] who will accompany the faithful in Jannah (Muslim paradise).[7]


The houris are mentioned in several passages of the Quran, always in plural form. No specifics are ever given, though, as to the number of houris that should be available to each believer. As for the gender of the houris, the Quran does not indicate that only men would be granted the company of houris—in fact, it can be inferred from the context that both men and women believers will have a plural number of houris for themselves.[8] This in turn leads to the assumptions that houris can be both male or female.

On the other hand, feminine adjectives or participles are always used when it is possible to make a distinction,[9] and the Qur'an says that one of the favors granted to those in Paradise is houris "untouched before them by man or Jinni",[10] which implies that they are (female) virgins.[11] They are described as virgins in 56:36 (although the word in another context can mean "first-born").

Quranic description[edit]

In the Quran, the houris are called "companions", described as being "restraining in their glances" (chaste),[12][13] with "modest gazes",[5] "wide and beautiful/lovely eyes",[4][12][14] "eyes like pearls",[4] and "full-breasted".[2] The word itself occurs four times, always in the plural, but they are also referred to in a few other passages in different terms:[15]

44:54:[16] "Thus. And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes",
52:20:[17] "They will be reclining on thrones lined up, and We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes",
55:72:[18] "Fair ones reserved in pavilions",
56:22:[19] "And [for them are] fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes"

And among His wonders is this: He creates for you mates out of your own kindC so that you might incline towards them, and He engenders love and tenderness between you: in this, behold, there are messages indeed for people who think! ... And He it is who creates [all life] in the first instance, and then brings it forth anew: and most easy is this for Him, since His is the essence of all that is most sublime in the heavens and on earth, and He alone is almighty, truly wise.

— Quran, sura 30 (Ar-Rum), ayat 21...27[20]

And, O our Sustainer, bring them into the gardens of perpetual bliss which Thou hast promised them, together with the righteous from among their forebears, and their spouses, and their offspring—for, verily, Thou alone art almighty, truly wise

— Quran, sura 40 (Ghafir), ayah 8[21]

Shi'ite description[edit]

To Shi'ite scholars, the most important fact of the description of the houris is that good deeds performed by believers are recompensated by the houris, which are the physical manifestations of ideal forms, that would not fade away over time, and who will serve as faithful companions to those they accompany.[22]

Sunni description[edit]

Details of the houris that have been pointed out by Sunni scholars include that the houris would not urinate, defecate or menstruate.[23] It has also been said that all houris are "transparent to the marrow of their bones",[24][25] "eternally young",[26] "hairless except the eyebrows and the head",[26] "pure"[25] and "beautiful".[25] Islamic scholars such as Ibn Majah and Al-Suyuti have also described them as having libidinous vaginas.[27][28]


A number of Sunni ahadith (collections of the reports of the teachings, deeds and sayings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, accepted as canonic by most, but not all, Muslims) also mention the houris:

Muhammad al-Bukhari (810–870):

"...everyone will have two wivesF from the houris, (who will be so beautiful, pure and transparent that) the marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and the flesh."

— Muhammad al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 54 "The Beginning of Creation", hadith 476)[29]

[People who enter Paradise] will not urinate, relieve nature, spit, or have any nasal secretions. Their combs will be of gold, and their sweat will smell like musk. The aloes-wood will be used in their censers. Their wives will be houris. All of them will look alike and will resemble their father Adam (in stature), sixty cubits tall.

— Muhammad al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 55 "Prophets", hadith 544[30][31]
[note 2]

Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj Nishapuri (821–875):

Muhammad reported that some (persons) stated with a sense of pride and some discussed whether there would be more men in Paradise or more women. It was upon this that Abu Huraira reported that Abu'l Qasim (the Holy Prophet) said: The (members) of the first group to get into Paradise would have their faces as bright as full moon during the night, and the next to this group would have their faces as bright as the shining stars in the sky, and every person would have two wivesG and the marrow of their shanks would glimmer beneath the flesh and there would be none without a wife in Paradise.

— Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj Nishapuri, Sahih Muslim, Book 40 "Pertaining to Paradise", hadith 6793[32]

Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported: I was shown Paradise and I saw the wife of Abu Talha (i. e. Umm Sulaim) and I heard the noise of steps before me and, lo, it was that of Bilal.

— Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj Nishapuri, Sahih Muslim, Book 31 "Pertaining to the Merits of the Companions", hadith 6012[33]

Abu `Isa Muhammad ibn `Isa at-Tirmidhi (At-Tirmidhi) (824–892):
Al-Hasan Al-Basri says that an old woman came to the messenger of Allah and made a request, O’ Messenger of Allah make Dua that Allah grants me entrance into Jannah. The messenger of Allah replied, O’ Mother, an old woman cannot enter Jannah. That woman started crying and began to leave. The messenger of Allah said, Say to the woman that one will not enter in a state of old age, but Allah will make all the women of Jannah young virgins. Allah Ta’aala says, Lo! We have created them a (new) creation and made them virgins, lovers, equal in age.

— Al-Tirmidhi, Jami` at-Tirmidhi (Surah Waaqi’ah, 35–37).[34]

A houri is a most beautiful young woman with a transparent body. The marrow of her bones is visible like the interior lines of pearls and rubies. She looks like red wine in a white glass. She is of white color, and free from the routine physical disabilities of an ordinary woman such as menstruation, menopause, urinal and offal discharge, child bearing and the related pollution. A houri is a girl of tender age, having large breasts which are round (pointed), and not inclined to dangle. Houris dwell in palaces of splendid surroundings.

— Al-Tirmidhi, Jami` at-Tirmidhi[35]
Ibn Majah (824–887):

Houris do not want wives to annoy their husbands, since the houris will also be the wives of the husbands in the afterlife. "Muadh ibn Jabal (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, 'A woman does not annoy her husband but his spouse from amongst the maidens with wide eyes intensely white and deeply black will say: Do not annoy him, may Allah ruin you." He is with you as a passing guest. Very soon, he will part with you and come to us.

— Ibn Majah, Sunan ibn Majah[36][37]

Like Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj Nishapuri (see above), Abu Hurairah mentions houris as the solution to previous mundane worries as to whether there would be more women or more men who would go to paradise[32] (and whether, therefore, there would be a shortage of each gender for couple-making in the afterlife). Abu Ubaidah ibn al Jarrah (Abu Ubayda) said that the recreated women of this life referring to
We have created (their Companions) of special creation.
And made them virgin—pure (and undefiled)

— Quran, sura 56 (Al-Waqia), ayat 35-36[38]

were mentioned in the previous verse as houri in verse 22. Al-Hasan al-Basri stated that the word "houri" implied the righteous women among mankind who are rewarded with paradise as related in the Tafsir of Tabari quoted by Muhammad Asad in his tafsir "Message of Quran"[39] concerning the following ayah:
We have created (their Companions) of special creation.
And made them virgin—pure (and undefiled)

— Quran, sura 56 (Al-Waqia), ayat 35-36[38]

Quranic commentators[edit]
Artat bin Al-Mundhir said regarding houri mentioned in sura Rahman (55), ayah (verse) 56:
Damrah bin Habib was asked if the Jinns will enter Paradise and he said, 'Yes, and they will get married. The Jinns will have Jinn women and the humans will have female humans.'

— Ibn Kathir, Tafsir ibn Kathir

Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari mentions that all righteous women, however old and decayed they may have been on earth, will be resurrected as virginal maidens and will, like their male counterparts, remain eternally young in paradise.[39]

Ibn Kathir says that the houris "are delightful virgins of comparable age who never had sexual intercourse with anyone, whether from mankind or Jinns, before their husbands."[40] by commenting, "in the other life, after they became old in this life, they were brought back while virgin, youthful, being delightfully passionate with their husbands, beautiful, kind and cheerful."[41] Ibn Kathir also stated that Muhammad confirmed that there would be sexual intercourse in Paradise.[31]

Al-Qurtubi reconciled between a previous hadith that stated that the majority of the inhabitants of Hell (Jahannam) would be women by suggesting that many of the women that will form the majority in Hell will be among the sinners that would stay there merely temporarily and would then be brought out of Hell, into Paradise. Thereafter the majority of the people of Paradise will be women.[42]
Fakhr al-Din al-Razi comments that amongst the houris mentioned in the Quran would also be "[even] those toothless old women of yours whom God will resurrect as new beings"[43]


Classical Arabic usage[edit]

The word 'ḥūr' (Arabic: حُور‎) is the plural of both ʾaḥwar (Arabic: أحْوَر‎) (masculine) and ḥawrāʾ (Arabic: حَوْراء‎) (feminine) [44] which can be translates as "gazelle-eyed" (or "having eyes with an intense contrast of white and black",[45]) or as "distinguished by ḥawar (حَوَر)", which itself means "intense whiteness of the eyeballs and lustrous black of the pupils". This is when it is used to describe the eyes, on its own the word simply means a white-skinned woman. Some also propose that the most literal translation of the noun into English would be "pure companions, most beautiful of the eyes".[46]

Corresponding Hebrew root[edit]

In Hebrew the corresponding adjective חיוור hiwer has the same root h-w-r, meaning "pale, whitish". The corresponding word for eye is עין Ayin.

European usage[edit]

The word "houri" has entered several European languages (French – 1654, English – 1737) with the meaning of a "elegant, beautiful, charming woman".[47][48]

"Houri" versus "whore"[edit]

The English word "whore" (German Hure, Danish hore, Swedish hora, Dutch hoer, Proto-Germanic *hōrōn, masculine form Gothic hors, Proto-Germanic *hōraz) is thought to stem from the Proto-Indo-European verb root *keh₂- "to love" and is not etymologically related to the Arabic (Semitic and thus non-Indo-European) word houri.[49]


Several translators—like Hilali-Khan, Arberry, Palmer, Rodwell and Sale—have translated the adjective ka'ib in Book 78, verse 33 of the Quran to refer to "wide shoulders and chest".[50]

Ibn Kathir, in his tafsir, writes that the adjective contained in said verse "means 'fit pectorals or breasts'." He goes on as to state that it is "meant by this that the chest and pectorals or breasts of these girls will be fully fit and not sagging, because they will be virgins, equal in age. And the houris can be male and female both. It means the 'fit pectorals or breasts' can be male or female."[51]

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, on the other hand, translates said adjective into English simply as "charming, elegant and holy"[52]—which refers to sensual (or physical) attributes, though not necessarily chest, pectorals or breasts.[53]

As an alternative interpretation, Muhammad Asad has said the following regarding such verse:

As regards my rendering of kawa’ib as "splendid companions", it is to be remembered that the term ka'b—from which the participle ka’ib is derived—has many meanings, and that one of these meanings is "prominence", "eminence" or "glory" (Lisan al-Arab); thus, the verb ka'ba, when applied to a person, signifies "he made [another person] prominent", "glorious" or "splendid" (ibid.) Based on this tropical meaning of both the verb ka'ba and the noun ka'b, the participle ka'ib has often been used, in popular parlance, to denote "a girl whose shoulder and chest are becoming prominent" or "are budding" hence, many commentators see in it an allusion to some sort of youthful "female companions' who would entertain the (presumably male) occupants of paradise ...

This interpretation of kawa’ib overlooks the purely derivative origin of the above popular usage—which is based on the tropical connotation of "prominence" inherent in the noun ka'b—and substitutes for this obvious tropism the literal meaning of something that is physically prominent: and this, in my opinion, is utterly unjustified. If we bear in mind that the Qur'anic descriptions of the blessings of paradise are always allegorical, we realize that in the above context the term kawa’ib can have no other meaning than "glorious [or "splendid"] beings".

— Muhammad Asad, The Message of The Qur'an[3]

The authoritative Arabic-English Lexicon of Edward William Lane defines the singular of the word kawa`ib as "A girl whose chest is beginning to swell, or become prominent, or protuberant",[54] related to words meaning knob, chest, bosom, virginity, and so forth.[55]

Sexual intercourse in Paradise[edit]

Ibn Kathir mentions Muhammed saying that man in heaven would have sex with one hundred virgins in one day.[56] In another version of the hadith, Muhammad is reported to have said: "In Paradise, the believer will be given such and such strength for women." Anas said, "I asked, 'O Allah's Messenger! Will one be able to do that?' He said, "He will be given the strength of a hundred (men)".[56]

Some companions of Muhammad are reported to have said that man in heaven will be "busy in deflowering virgins"[57] Ibn Kathir says that the houri "are delightful virgins of comparable age who never had sexual intercourse with anyone, whether from mankind or Jinns, before their husbands."[40] by commenting,"in the other life, after they became old in this life, they were brought back while virgin, youthful, being delightfully passionate with their husbands, beautiful, kind and cheerful." [58]

In another place, Ibn Kathir emphasizes the literal nature of sexual intercourse in Paradise by another Hadith:

"The Prophet was asked : 'Do we have sex in Paradise?' He answered: 'Yes, by him who holds my soul in his hand, and it will be done dahman, dahman (that is intercourse done with such shove and disturbance[59]). And when it is finished she will return pure and virgin again.'"[60]

Alternative Interpretations[edit]

Ibn Kathir relates concerning the following verses: "Verily, the dwellers of the Paradise, that Day, will be busy with joyful things. They and their wives will be in pleasant shade, reclining on thrones. They will have therein fruits and all that they ask for." [Chapter (Surah) Ya Seen (O Thou Human Being)(36):55-57][61]

Although Ibn Kathir relates the opinion of some companions of Muhammad being reported to have said concerning "will be busy with joyful things" that means in heaven people will be "busy in deflowering virgins", he continues to relate other alternate meanings. Another companion, Ibn Abass has said that it refers "listening to stringed instruments".[57] Others such as Al-Hasan Al-Basri and Isma`il bin Abi Khalid have said, "they will be too busy to think about the torment which the people of Hell are suffering." Qatadah implied "with the delights which they are enjoying." Ibn Abas said, "this means that they will be rejoicing.". While Mujahid said, "Their spouses,(will be in pleasant shade) means, in the shade of trees."Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, `Ikrimah, Muhammad bin Ka`b, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, As-Suddi and Khusayf said, "beds beneath canopies."[61]

Reference to "72 virgins"[edit]

The idea of 72 virgins in Islam refers to an aspect of paradise. In a Sunni collection by Abu `Isa Muhammad ibn `Isa at-Tirmidhi in his Jami` at-Tirmidhi[62] and also quoted by Ibn Kathir in his Tafsir ibn Kathir of sura 55[63] it is stated:

It was mentioned by Daraj Ibn Abi Hatim, that Abu al-Haytham 'Adullah Ibn Wahb narrated from Abu Sa'id al-Khudhri, who heard Muhammad saying, 'The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are eighty thousand servants and seventy-two houri, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah to San'a.[64]

However, regarding the above statement Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf has said: "The narration, which claims that everyone would have seventy-two wives has a weak chain of narrators."[65]

In the same collection of Sunni hadiths, however, the following is judged strong (hasan sahih):

That the Messenger of Allah said: "There are six things with Allah for the martyr. He is forgiven with the first flow of blood (he suffers), he is shown his place in Paradise, he is protected from punishment in the grave, secured from the greatest terror, the crown of dignity is placed upon his head—and its gems are better than the world and what is in it—he is married to seventy two wives among the Hur the `Iyn ["wide-eyed ones", اثْنَتَيْنِ وَسَبْعِينَ زَوْجَةً مِنَ الْحُورِ الْعِينِ] of Paradise, and he may intercede for seventy of his close relatives."[66]

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