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The Stoic: Episode 7: Anima Animus Marks

19 Views • 04/02/23
Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
78 Subscribers

Never get a tattoo of a person's name , a portrait of one who has died, a symbol of their passing, or the day of their death. No matter how close they were, it will be a constant reminder of the tragedy you endured and in you greatest time of weakness it will take hold of you like death and further drag you into victimhood. And getting a person's name is foolish for most people in our time are unreliable and friendships are as fleeting as temperature. <br> <br>In this video we talk discuss the difference between tattoos why some get them.

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Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
2 years ago

Sorry for the coughing and nose correcting. I felt sick.

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