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The TFM Show: 9/2/2023
Morning Constitutional Article Links: <br>Matrix Server Link:;!iqyyMIsjP....GQuOdyrsz:nerdsin.sp <br>Registration: <br>If you registered with, consider creating a new account. accounts are the most likely to be censored. They also record you IP address and personal information for 7 years. <br>Here is a list of different mainstream servers you can register on: from which you can click the homeserver name and join. Those are the mainstream servers, but here is a list of based servers that are banned from where you can click the hyperlink to open an account there and avoid censorship. <br>Social Media Links: <br>SubscribeStar: <br>SubscribeStar Tip (one-time donation): <br>GiveSendBro: <br>Rumble: <br>MGTOW.TV: <br>MGTOW.TV Stream: <br>TheVertex.IO: <br>PeerTube: <br>DLive: <br>Bitchute: <br>Bitchute Referral Link: <br>Odysee: <br>LBRY (uncensored Odysee: requires app download): <br>Odysee Stream: <br>Mastodon: <br>Matrix Username:; <br>Matrix Server Link:!iqyyMIsjP....GQuOdyrsz:nerdsin.sp <br>Instagram (Celestina): <br>Main YouTube Channel (TFM): <br>Doctor Dollhouse (doll-centric Alternate YouTube Channel): <br>Amazon Books: <br> <br>Sponsor Links:
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1 year ago
<h1>Market manipulation</h1>
<h2>Market manipulation</h2>
<h3>Market manipulation</h3>
<h4>Market manipulation</h4>
<h5>Market manipulation</h5>
<h6>Market manipulation</h6>
2 years ago
@5:10:00 Right now, because used car prices are so high, just go new. I myself just bought a brand new car, I was looking for a car that I wont have to maint (since my current car, the repair was going to cost me 6k, and my car is old and its only worth 3k) I went seaching for anything with less than 30k miles, and they cost 1k less than a brand new car. the Average person drives up to 14k a year (less now with Remote work), so 1k for 2 extra years of no maints to me is worth it.
2 years ago
@4:27:08 Remember what you said at one time TFM, Every man is one blow job away from betraying Other Men. This is why not all Mgtow or men in the manosphere are real, and many of them are like like woman, they are Chameleon, like AngryMgtow who everytime he gets with a woman he attacks Mgtow but once he gets dumb he comes crawling back.
2 years ago
TFM: The US government (democrats and leftists) are shutting down our payment processors. Soon there will be no where to go.
also TFM: Crypto is worthless. Give me US dollars in my US bank account. And by the way, US banks and wallstreet are safe. The federal reserve bank will definitely not cause another depression.
2 years ago
@06:04:40 - Here's a great, well-written post from a website (no longer working) that I archived. It mirrors perfectly my general experience with (most) Filipinos:
"I'm an American guy who has lived in many countries over the years and I've lived in Cebu City for about 5 months. I have to say that Filipinos are the worst people I've ever encountered. They have almost no redeeming qualities. The only redeeming ones I can think of are non-violence (compared to some countries), for the females only: loyalty, and to a small extent friendliness even though most of the friendliness is fake and very shallow. Still they are more friendly and open to people than in many cultures.
I haven't dated any Filipinas. I haven't been 'burned' by any of them. Well at least not in any serious way like some of the stories here. Just been scammed out of pocket change due to trusting them to just a small extent. I've observed how people are here and I'm saddened by what I see. It is true that they are truly amoral sociopaths with no sense at all of right or wrong. The whole idea of right or wrong does not occur to them. The only person who is real to them is themselves or maybe their parents.
Actually if anyone is to blame it is the parents: any Filipino with children. They treat their children like farm animals. They'll have 10 children hoping that especially the daughters will lay golden eggs for them and very often that is exactly what happens. Instead of working which they absolutely hate they can just sit in front of their television watching stupid Filipino movies in Tagalog and eating lechon and Jollibee fried chicken all day while their daughters are working like slaves in foreign countries or working on their backs married to a foreigner they don't like and are not really attracted to. The foreign guy is also a slave working to keep them supplied with buckets of fried chicken for their entire lives.
They are always trying to point the finger away from themselves and say "but not all!" or "everyone is the same" even though they have never lived outside the Philippines and so cannot possibly know this, or "we were colonized!" or "It's the politicians who are bad!". Always looking to blame someone else, anyone else but themselves, for being such bad human beings. They are always saying, "Not all." when criticized. Fair enough, but 99% of them are like this. It's a tribal culture. So most of them tend to have similar personality traits.
As far as the "everyone is the same" argument (which isn't really an argument) I do think it is not only the Philippines that is like this. I think it's a Pacific Islander thing. Probably people from Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Guam, Hawaii, and other Pacific islands are the same. Is it a Polynesian thing? The Philippines shouldn't really be considered part of Asia. The culture is not Asian. It's Polynesian. Strangely enough Indonesians seem to be better. Not great, but better than Filipinos at least. Although I haven't lived in Indonesia I have traveled there and they seem only slightly worse than the Malays in Malaysia who aren't nearly as bad as Filipinos.
Filipinos are liars yes. Lying comes as naturally to them as breathing. But they are not just liars. They are sociopaths. Other people do not really exist for them. They have no empathy or compassion. Other people's emotions are not real for them. The only exception to this is their family. Their families are the only people other than themselves that they care about even to the smallest extent. And when I say 'family' I am mostly talking about their parents to whom they are eternally indebted for having given birth to them and having raised them. Their parents are their masters and they only exist to serve them.
They are of course naturally lazy to an extent I've never seen before. I think the only other place that might compare is Africa. They have an African level of laziness that is just hard to comprehend if you have never seen it. They will do almost anything to avoid working and will often quit as soon as they have made enough money to subsist on extremely basic food. Working is definitely a last resort to them and when they do it they don't do it well. They take no pride in doing a good job, at being good at what they do. So most are incredibly incompetent. I've never seen such incompetence before either. There are some exceptions to this, a few Filipinos who are highly skilled, but this is rare. Most are just awful at anything they do.
They are uneducated and thus extremely ignorant. As some have pointed out they don't even have a basic idea of geography. No idea where other countries are. Even though English is actually used here and is an official language most of them are not very good at speaking or understanding it. It isn't the only country in the world with stupid people, but I've never been to a country where such a high percentage appear to be stupid. Way more than 99%. More like 99.999% are stupid and ignorant and uneducated. It's just sad. An educated foreigner will have a hard time holding any sort of real conversation with most of them.
Overall I would say they behave like spoiled children or animals most of the time. I try to regard them as human, but it's tough. Other foreigners here have compared them to dogs or potted plants and I can see that. It is difficult to feel too much sympathy for people who are so selfish and greedy and petty and mean-spirited, but I do my best to at least regard them as human.
The culture here is toxic. It seems to infect nearly everyone who grows up here. I don't think they will change until/unless their culture changes, but like most Pacific island cultures I don't see that happening any time soon. It has been like this for thousands of years before Europeans came here. I think it will endure. It is self-perpetuating. The people here are too lazy and fatalistic to ever change it themselves. There may even be a genetic component involved so that even if a country like China invaded and tried to change them they couldn't do it."
2 years ago
1 year ago