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The Truth about COVID 19 BANNED (Not MGTOW)
• 05/02/20
407 Subscribers
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5 years ago
5 years ago
nice one for upping this :)
5 years ago
Goats, Fruits & Birds Tested Positive For Covid-19
5 years ago
i doubt alex jones would come to to host his content. even though we are close to fully monetized. but him and his ppl would likely want to shut us down while at the same time try and say that everyone get's a say and there's no place for censorship.
it's really sad when ppl's principles get in the way of them co-opting and creating something that would help them all by allowing true freedom. basically how youtube used to be before the CEO who built it gave it to Susan who is in the middle of running it into the ground.
that's all it takes, it's supporting these platforms. maybe amr will get approached by these personalities at some point. and maybe they will put their resources together and actually give youtube as well as many of the big tech companies something to worry about.
5 years ago
I haven't got a vaccine in 5 years, fuck vaccines, its time to end the drug war, that will bring more promising treatments for everything.