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The truth about EVs and fire risk in our cities - Auto Expert John Cadogan
EV's are the biggest distraction in todays society if you want to call it that. I predict the NEXT Great Fire of London but it wont be a bakers oven but compact EV's that WILL cause it. We've alredady see the result of just 500 of the fuckers on the ship The Free (MENTAL) Highway go up in flames. Imagine the horror of EV's side by side under an office block or high rise Appartment's. they should in my oppinion be banned from close prox parking and underground or multi level parking, Banned from being parked in housing with a garage builkt into the house. They should be BANNED from using TUNNEL's more than 1/4 of a mile long as well especially those that run under runway's and shoppind malls. EV Buses should be kept in a separate Bus lane well away from other road users. Until the 1970's the UK had an EV infrastructure, it was called the Trolleybis system. Other countries still have their troplleys and tram's , But oh no not deluded pathetic Britain that wiped it all out on the Delusion they still had a fucking invincible EMPIRE. Look at us today? What a fucking worthless SHITHOLE all thyanks to Politician's and they expect use toi vote for them to create our OWN imprisonment? FUCK OFF!
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2 years ago
Oooooo these are "Orrible" - I'd only get in one, if it came with the Russian style ejection seat, you know, crash site to be this way, eject that way.