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The U-N-I-V-E-R-S-E
• 01/03/23
"K C" "Sunbeam"
17 Subscribers
Fascinating thoughts and observations about the entire physical universe.
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2 years ago
I thought at a very young age that space has to end somewhere ,, buuut, it cant end there always has to be something beyond.. that is one of the mental conundrums. and size is relative..
2 years ago
space is 3 dimensional and nothing could exist without it..
2 years ago
The known universe is all matter from the big bang.. whjich could be but a grain of sand.. time is the man made indexing of a stable repetetive motion like planetary motion./.. there is no such thing as time.. only matter and motion.. One could say the time continuum.. Time cannot be a dimension because it does not exist.. and you therefore cannot go back in time.. in order to go back in time everything would have to go into reverse.. lol.. and that is not very likely.. even if the universe reaches its limits and reverses from expansion to the collapse cycle.. yesterday is history..
2 years ago