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The Value Of Women - MGTOW
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Felix. He didn't send me a specific topic so I've decided that I want to explore the topic of female value and what happens to it when technologies like artificial wombs and some form of loverbots come out. Besides sexuality and reproduction as women age they still provide companionship, female validation and possibly child care if the man has kids through surrogacy or if he's interested in co-parenting. Right now women have a monopoly when it comes to sex and motherhood. But those are the two things that will most likely be challenged in the coming decades. Right now they are mammary monopolists. But that power could come to and end and if it does then they will have to rebrand themselves as no longer being in a man to fulfill his sexual needs and give birth to his children. But instead be there to keep him company and tell him how great he is so that he feels good about himself. The problem for women of course is that most men seek out sex primarily. Especially the younger ones. So if there's a substitute out there for sleeping with some slut then most men would take it. I'll discuss this more in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. I first thought about this while I was researching Bitcoin and various arguements encouraging me to own it. The guy I like the most is Tim Draper. He's the third in a family line of venture capitalists. He was biggest investments are things like Hotmail, Skype, Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter, Coinbase and Twitch. He called a ten thousand dollar bitcoin price when it was only a few hundred dollars. He's got lots of them and is now calling for a price of around two hundred thousand after the 2020 halving that we just saw recently. What really go me thinking was when he said that the biggest changes in history happen when someone comes along to challenge the monopolists or oligopolits with some new technology they can't control. The reason they challenge it is because those in charge of the monopoly offer bad service at a high cost. I don't know about you but that sounds like every relationship I've ever been in. On the flip side sexbots would provide good service at a low cost. Even if you had to pay a woman to project her likeness into one. Tim Draper says that crypto is one of the biggest revolutions in human history because it means that two parties can trade without a government or bank in the middle being the intermediary with their government currency and bank fees. It's the first time that money is truely free to use without you being used in the process. At least for now. Imagine if with technology there wasn't a woman there between you and the gratification of the golden vajayjay? A woman that offers bad service at a high cost.
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5 years ago
There already is technology to skip the red pill rage. It’s called hypnotherapy. You’re welcome ;)
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
I prefer Bitcoin Cash. It actually works as peer-to-peer electronic cash. So does Dash. BTC is slow and expensive.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
is doown...
5 years ago
If the internet tanks so does crypto.
5 years ago
5 years ago
hoping for the artificial womb to actualize. so these useless women become obsolete.
5 years ago