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The Way of Monkey Book: Stoicism for 2022

78 Views • 10/02/22
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Way of Monkey Book:

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2 years ago

Good take. I think you are forgetting who we are, the Men Guarding Their Own Wallets-- that is what boys called before they learned who and what we really are, just from observations on "the outside" of the Red Pilled community, which we MGTOW created, mostly from Sandman with his humor and Matrix references. We all have been angry: It is like that one line in that Nicholas Cage movie about the violin: The father tells his daughter love is not the lustful acts, it is what happens afterward... So in a sense, MGTOW or life is not the Red pilled rage, but what we do afterward: Most MGTOW have gone their own way off the plantation of women but our society as well. We have moved into living as hermit, experimenting how to live without them and their system and poisoned food, and mentoring as a phase for those who wish to learn and remain free. Like Christian shepherd of men, we are trying to save as many as we can: Back to TFM's starfish story on the beach, we may not be able to save all the star fish we could toss back in the ocean, but the ones we do save are grateful. As a war veteran like TFM, I do see some hope that boys cheated out of an education recognizing one core aspect without being told. You are correct about blame the Republicans-- it's like they have an inside track on reality: I blame them for not doing their fucking job and impeaching and imprisoning after trial all the fucking Leftist Constitutional traitors, but "they will say mean words about us in the press!" Well, arrest their commie asses and deny their sales permits you fucking dumbasses! It warms my heart a little that boys still see reality. The Truth is out there despite the demonic take over of most nearly all Christian sects and churches. Some True voices are still out there; are you listening? We live in a world of sin surrounded by sin and the demonic.

I also see the Holy Spirit of the God of Israel: HE who spoketh through the prophets move His hand here and there like with creating Omnicron, which absolutely destroyed their plandemic, but we did not act and soon I feel the military is going to go door to door to enforce vaccination or kill you outright. This thing is too deep, the military has basically bypassed the FDA, and the Biotech companies are going along with it for those lucrative military contracts. We likely will die soon. I believe the only chance we as the World have now is if the MAGA Republicans bring their Red Tsunami of votes and start impeaching and taking to trial these traitors or NeoCons, the New Conmen. OR if Putin carpet bombs DC but not all the Commie infection would die there... They are everywhere.

I see God of Israel sending out and helping guide just men to become beacons of Truth and lay out bread crumbs to help those who still have eyes to see and ears to hear. After the Flood, it was said in the Bible that God of Israel removed all the demons of earth save for 10%, which "Satan" asked for despite Noah's plea to remove all demons; according to this paradigm in thought, evil people die and become demons. With that in mind, that means man hater and murderer pedophile Killary Clinton will live forever as formless harpy demon plaguing mankind until God of Israel destroys this mortal realm. If that is not a genuine curse, I do not know what is. Additionally, it is like we are at the End of Days because I sense all the demons have been released unto the earth. Perhaps, it was CERN opening a dimensional hole or God of Israel opened the gate to the Abyss... whatever. The Demonic are proliferating too unchecked. Not to mention, the signs of the times and the all that astrological alignments God of Israel hinted at.

I only ask myself daily if there is enough of the good and just in the world to gather together and fight back struggling in the courts to win and expunge these traitors and hopefully execute them or should we squirrel away and let the evil off themselves and emerge to reclaim what we lost?! Good show Cappy. As a writer and a learned man, I find it hard deciding what to do when there is so much to do... I do struggle back against the demonic and their system. Good day sir.

2 years ago

Sorry man, I was half asleep, and this seemed to have become a free writing session?!

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