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There is no more 'common ground' with the people that hate you.

154 Views • 10/21/22
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The Daily Wire Giveaway status: We're currently in 1st place. Promotion ends November 1st 2022. <br> <br>Let's build a men's retreat we can win 250K- Winner takes all! Help us win the giveaway with a subscription to Daily Wire or a razor purchase - with Jordan Peterson, Gina Carano, Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro with the link below. <br>ALL FUNDING will be used towards a men's retreat in Tennessee (Central US). Not only will you support a non-woke company AND get great razors or a sub to excellent news, but you can help in funding this amazing retreat. Referral link <br> <br>Razor order - 10 pts <br>Subscription to Daily Wire - 20 pts <br>Yearly Sub or Upgrade to yearly - 20 pts <br> <br>Main story 06:15 <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see all the same content you get here on YT. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel <br>Instagram: The_Unknown_Adventure <br>

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13 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

When I was a kid in the UK we had a saying that seems to have been forgotten? £Sticks and stones may break my bones, But words can NEVER hurt ME" ans I lived my life with that and it really works. I've had a shitty life through no fault of my own, but it has made me STRONGER.

2 years ago

Under Feminarchy or rather gynocracy,WORDS can kill you, you Bigot. Yeah. I remember that I believe Biblical phrase. It became popular again because it was said in The Blair Witch project fake movie.

2 years ago

That made sense back when the words were coming from other schoolyard boys trying to get under your skin. Now, words will hurt you, because they're not said to you, they're said to the cops about you.

2 years ago

The very WORD - Empowerment - Say's it all proving women are WEAK and weaker than they have EVER boon with no backup plan except for some simps and cucks that is which are NOT really MEN but fefails with a small dick! lol! Women truly after all this crap are WEAKER than EVER! lol!

2 years ago

Many UK charities have how got "Whites" especially MEN on their books as a charitable cause I read the other day! Yet when I go into charity outlets the place is full of crap for women,MEN'sa clothing in particular is scarce in many places? This could be because MEN can make anything last a long time?

2 years ago

Feminism IS failing and it is meant to. Goverment has had what it wants from feminism that THEY probablr created in the first place? to get them where they are now with lies and promises to the "WEAKER" sex because women have done everything to PROVE that they ARE the weaker sex. so feminism is now surplus to requirements and all the insanity and mind fuckery is coming from the brainwashed free fall fefail's themselves now. they are weak, out of ciontrol and government don't care because it has provided what the wanted. feminists and women are do DELUDED now they have no ability to see this or any ability to counteract it in any way or form. In fact, where women are now is where MEN would traditionally have Stepped in to sort it out? "But it's to late Baby" as Carol King once sang! lol! The party is over, they have mislaid their coats and its raining outside and the taxi's are on strike, that's where feminism and femininity are right now. Us MEN are comfortably off have learned we are NOT wanted, warm and safe in a nice apartment with our Beer, Game's and movies, a nice roaring fire and no thought related to the fefail. It's HEAVEN! lol!

2 years ago

It's not enough to stop "this wave" of feminism. We need to roll back feminism, all of it, all the way back. It wasn't until the 70s that a wife could open a bank account without written permission from her husband. Let that put into perspective just how far down feminism road we are, and how we need to roll back feminism in our own hearts and minds first. There is no happy medium, there is the rightful social order called patriarchy, and various degrees of disorder.

2 years ago

No my man. We need to takes these waves of Feminism back to 1776. Sure, women can have a bank account and jobs, mostly from home like babysitting, knitting, cooking meals for meals on wheels programs, Hell, home schooling from strong "Christian" women like televised through the internet with special remotes (we had these in college-- some professors used it as an attendance recorder) to answer pop quizzes, multiple choice of course. etc. Man, this sucks: I can't say Bros anymore because of some fag and his gay orgy RomCom, some guys get offended from dude, and we men in general are looked down upon. I considered using monk, but that will just become another incel terrorist angry word with media hate pumping onto it. It's like you just can't win with these paid media liars and "reputation hitmen" employed by the Cathedral!? I guess we'll just have to do what RGE and TFM have said, keeping changing our words two steps ahead of them. Neologisms! You got to love them!

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