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There’s no way this isn’t satire. (It isn’t satire.)
• 06/07/23
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2 years ago
Damn, who'd let the retards out?! The fucking dawgs are smarter than that! Yess, black people were in the Americas. They called them Olmecs: They like ole Chris Columbus crashed and were shipwrecked. We strongly suspect they came from a Black coastal king or prince with his Mali Fleet. Second, dumbass, Egypt was ruled by all white people except for the Nubian Kings' dynasty... hell even a Jew hath ruled Egypt. What we "call" black matter has no bearing on what ever we call with the same world. Ever heard of an english, and not I am not talking about the English or Englishmen of England or Great Britain. Look it up birtch...
2 years ago
2 years ago
i guess that she was unaware of DNA and how it can be used to establish who was where and when . the native americans came out of Asia and the ancient Egyptian pharaonic families were all european
2 years ago
Those Afrocentrism is also trying to tell me my Celtic and Nordic ancestors were black and that the Pagan Roman's and the Roman Empire was black. Basically everything is black and evil whitey managed to steal everything from the poor black's lmfao.
2 years ago
2 years ago
"When dumb fucks believe they know something" is more appropriate as title for this video .