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This is how you deal with out of control dogs.

75 Views • 10/31/22
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TheManInside 2 years ago  

Hats off to this man.
He knew exactly what to do, no violence, no hurting the dog, no panic, no agitation.
He got there, did what needed to be done and left. The dog got up and left too.
Now, where's the fucking owner?

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2 years ago

I am impressed with the blood choke he did on the dog, it was awesome. But I gotta be honest, tell me I'm a dumb american, but I would shoot that dog without a second thought and not even give it a chance. These shitbull dogs are very strong, I've had a few run ins with dogs in the past that are weaker than shitbulls, and they are very strong. These shitbulls here in the US are out of control and the people that own them can't control them if they go psycho.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I can't stand by your words. Why does the dog has to die because he got stuck with a stupid human? And I don't agree with the label you're putting on the breed. There are fuck up dogs, but in general, dogs become what the owners allow them to be. And let me tell you, the most aggressive dogs I've seen were micro dogs, Yorkshires, pinschers and chihuahuas. Because the fucking owners think it's cute, and the dog is harmless. What damage can a 1,5kg dog do? Well it left my hand bleeding. I don't believe people would allow this behaviour if there were serious consequences for themselves.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: human life is more important than dogs. I like dogs, but here in the US, typically, pitbulls, and other aggressive breeds are put down after they attack a human even if they aren't killed in self defense. It is not unjustified to single out pitbulls and other aggressive breeds, this is because there are very clear statistics on how deadly they are, this is fact based, not opinion, pitbulls kill far more than any other dog. I can show the proof. A pitbull is the only dog breed I know of that literally ate a human child, bones included. I want you to consider that if a human being were attacking you at the same level, you would be justified to use deadly force at that point even on a human, and I mean legally allowed to use deadly force in the United States. In the US, people are becoming so obsessed with dogs that there are now more pet dogs in the united states then human children. There are people getting health insurance for dogs. The economic market for dogs in the USA is becoming larger then the market of goods and services for human children. Women are carrying around their dogs like little babies and in some cases have sex with their dogs. It is getting to the point that dogs seem to have more rights then human beings now. My friend who delivers pizza even saw a large gathering of people singing happy birthday to a dog with a birthday hat on, not a child in sight. They have coffee shops and restaurants now that encourage animals that are somewhat unsanitary to come in and eat with their owners and they have a menu for dogs alongside the menu for humans. I do not mean to accuse you of this personally, but this is becoming a mental illness here in the us with dogs, and it needs to stop. You really have to consider what you just said, You are almost indicating that little dogs pose a deadly threat the same way a pitbull does, this is not a reasonable statement man. Further you are saying the dog is stuck with the "stupid human", I understand this view I suppose, but dogs are domesticated animals that wouldn't even exist without humans. Further, in the US really consider that if another human were attacking you at that level, once again, you would be well within your right to use deadly force. I can provide links to support how deadly these dogs are if you need me to. that guy got a bit lucky. there are reports where tasers do not stop these dogs, and they can often survive several gun shots.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: there are many dogs in the united states that live better lives than a lot of people in the third world. People spend more money daily on dogs in the US then what some people in the third world even make.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: too long of a reply mate. I'm not arguing there are attacks on people, I just showed you one. I know what happens out there. I'm not by any means you need to prove whatever. I'm not a stupid blind dog lover, I'm just a dog lover. And I'm not found of pit bulls, not a dog I would have, but I've had enough contact with them to know that if raised correctly those dogs are playful and sweet. The kind of dog you would trust your children to without fear of it being eaten.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I don't care about people who I don't know. Be it in the third world or next door. Fuck them. My dogs are treated very well. But I always say, pets, not children. I hate people who treat pets like if they were children. Those people have serious mental issues.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: man im venting due to this dog insanity in the US. Dogs get more female attention then most males now haha. I wouldn't be surprised if they start to have veterinarian ambulances for dogs and if they saw the woman, they would ignore her and call an ambulance for the dog instead because it was choked and then arrest the man for assault while the woman is bleeding out. I mean this is out of control. I would argue, right now, clearly, dogs are a more successful species then mankind at this point because we have all these people who seem to put the needs of dogs above mankind haha. Everyone says that about pitbulls that is about how you raise them, they are the same ones calling 911 when the dog is killing them, bites off a toddlers leg, or eats there own owner while she is taking them for a walk. I know a lady who happily injected her 6 year old daughter with the c19 serum but had a huge objection to giving her dog the rabies vaccine or allow them to fix the dog. All im asking is for at least to consider equal rights between dogs and humans, it seems only fair.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: can we at least agree humans should have equal rights to dogs?

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I can understand your frustration. I don't agree or stand by that madness either. Yes, you are correct. Specially women have a tendency to say the raising thing and pay for it. I know why. People can't read their dogs. I know. I've grabbed my dog more than once and people around didn't even noticed me doing it. Because they were oblivious to what the dog was doing. A couple weeks ago, my Soviet neighbour who has a pit bull mix, I read the dog and clearly understood the dog was attacking me, he was completely oblivious to that fact. The moment I started telling him the dog was ready to bite my, the dog launched at me. Just a scratch on my elbow, nothing serious. He was caught completely by surprise. They are the kind of people who shouldn't have dogs. He didn't correct the dog at all. How can the dog understand what's wrong?

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: no. Dogs are not people. Doesn't matter how much people argue, so far over here, animals have no rights. There are laws on cruelty which I do agree. And there are stupid laws that benefit, for example stray cats, and hurt people. I don't agree with that. I don't agree that it takes over a year to remove a barking dog from a building where people can't have rest. People are people, animals are not. People who own animals are responsible or them under any circumstance.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: but consider, dogs can get covid 19 and spread it but they are not forced to take a covid vaccine so they have more rights then humans right now.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: can dogs be trannies too? That's a load of bollocks.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: probably soon man.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: the pitbull was wagging its tail while attacking people.. you are correct in your statements.. the public is not safe with that dog on the loose..

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: that dog needs more than just a chain..; it needs an enclosure.. if it is even reasonable to let it exist..

2 years ago

@jim bennett: there is a guy known locally in an area where I go to hunt geese, mid atlantic region, the story goes that somehow he shot a dog with a 10 gauge he was using to hunt geese and this dog died. The dude claims the dog attacked him but other people argue about what happened, I was not around. The guy got like 15 years in jail, i saw the charges online through the court website so they are not lying. There is another guy we know that had like an involuntarily manslaughter charge when he killed someone in an accident reckless driving and he only got like 7 years. I really do think dogs are held in higher esteem than male humans now and they definitely have more rights then human males now, almost more rights than fefails

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: you are completely ignoring genetics. I had several Pitbulls when I was a young ego driven man. Even after I watched one kill the family cat I still had one more… They are not the same. My dog was happy it was loved and he killed because it’s in his fucking DNA. If you haven’t experienced this firsthand or had a lot of firsthand experience with dogs you should probably stop talking as it makes you sound foolish and also arrogant to comment on something you’re not really familiar with so emphatically

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: you assume too much my friend. Read the comments mate. You'll find your answer there. Cheers.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: I just did, I still don’t feel you understand the issues with Pitbulls. It’s a huge problem here in America

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: we live in a fucked up world these days.

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: is it a big problem, or is it amplified by the media? I can't comment on your reality. I'm not living your reality, as you shouldn't assume you know my reality as you just did on your previous comment. The reality to me is I had a fucking neighbour complaining to the pili6in front of me that he had a neighbour, without saying it was me, who had two pit bulls, vicious and demonic... The police looked at my dog and told him "that dog isn't dangerous" and for the most part told him to fuck off. I then walked to the police and told them he was talking about me. They were shocked. I don't have, nor have ever owned a pit bull. That's how stupid people are. Their ignorant and point fingers shouting "pit bull" to anything they don't like. My dog doesn't even look like a pit bull. My dog is a bull terrier. See where I'm coming?

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: I liken the pitbull attacks I have seen to that of a lion.. in fact the dogs may have less inhibition around people than lions do.. I spoke with someone today who had to swing his small dog around in a circle on the leash. by the neck.. in the air to prevent the pitbull from attacking it and he said the pit bull was jumping up and trying to grab the dog still.. the man pulled a knife out of his pocket and said he bought it after that day in miami.. his current dog is a very nice full sized poodle.. family man. wife and daughter.. He said he never saw anything like it he could not stop the attack..

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: I’m not talking about one incident or how peoples views are misguided on canines. I’m talking about thousands of hours spent with dogs. I’m talking about the tendencies of the animal My last dog, gsp, probably knew50 commands. Full service dog trained him myself. 100% under control off leash which even I was impressed with. Some dogs are just built for obedience. Most people that understand dog psychology well agree that aggressive breed dogs are problematic at best The best analogy is I can give you is that F1 race cars are amazing machines that have a very specific purpose. Not Everyone Should Drive F1 race cars. The same could be said for aggressive breed dogs. For people that are good at being a leader and dealing with that dog psychology all the best but nobody should be shocked when a pitbull does something outrageous. I was young and naïve when I had them. And I never would get one again… I live with one, we’re buddies, but he’s still a pitbull

2 years ago

@jim bennett: Yes, that is how I would describe what I watched when my purple killed the family cat. It was like he just clicked, and he latched onto that thing and tell it was dead. Me and another adult male could not stop him. And when he was done he just let go of it and sat down next to me and kind of smiled and his entire face was covered with blood from the cats backs clause. I will never forget this day ha ha

2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: pitbulls are responsible for 65 percent of people killed by dogs year after year, it never changes. Throw in Rottweilers and you have almost all kills covered. This dog is not a housepet and you should never relax around this breed.

2 years ago

in wrestling they call that the sleeper hold ;)

2 years ago

Fyi: Dogs have a pressure point behind their shoulder blades. Learn how to grab this point. It won’t always work on all Pitbulls because some of them are so thick you won’t have the strength to squeeze but 99% of dogs if you apply this technique the dog will yelp and drop and then avoid you

2 years ago

I would not even try that personally, you seem like you have a lot more experience with dogs. These dogs are tough man. I have seen full grown men 200 lbs+ fail to restrain these dogs, I don't trust what people say. There are youtube videos where the pitbull was shot twice with Beretta 92 9mm and it just kept coming. It's like you need .357 or 00 buck to stop pitbulls. People do not understand how dangerous these dogs are. They are like those caucus mountain dogs. These are serious guard dogs, not house pets.

2 years ago

It is probably very hard to hit these dogs with a pistol when they are coming at you. The have a small profile from the front. Pitbulls are basically weapons. I go inside if I see someone walking one.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: oh totally, in that story above my buddy who was a strong early 20s just like myself broke a 2 inch stick over this dogs back and it didn’t even budge. Too early 20s very fit young men could not get this one dog to stop killing the cat. I know what you mean . I did preface this technique with it probably won’t work on a pitbull. But it’s very very valuable for somebody to learn because it’s not always a pitbull attacking. But if a dog latches on to you you have easy access to this technique

2 years ago

I used to carry a Beretta .22 whenever I go jogging. It was a little peashooter. Only ever brought it out once, German Shepherd started circling me and my dog out in the desert. I pulled it out and started ordering commands… And it’s mother Kim running around the corner yelling at me. Completely ignoring that I’m a man holding a gun ha ha. She started telling me how sweet her dog was how he just laid on the couch and loved her own Kids haha She’s saying all of this as the dog is showing aggressive behavior towards me and she will not follow my command to restrain your dog Haha it was terrible and surreal

2 years ago

I wonder why the strong independent women did not take of the problem themselves . I mean since they can do anything a man can do better than any man i wonder why the woman did not just choke out the dog like that man did . she could have freed her friend sooner and with fewer injuries .

2 years ago

You said it yourself. "Women". ;-)

2 years ago

The femons had it all under control, they don't need no man!

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