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This Is What A Man Looks Like Now - MGTOW

390 Views • 09/14/22
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⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Half-Duplex and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hey Sandman, This topic is with regard to the whole transgenderism movement. On a few recent social occasions; said topic came up and I voiced my opinion that a man can only be a man, and a woman can only be a woman - period. But if somebody wants to to refer to themselves as such, then I will call them by their preferred pronouns out of respect. But if I'm asked to identify said person (say in the court of law, or in my own house) I will refer to them as what they are genetically. This usually where people ask &quot;Why does it matter so much? I go on to explain with an example. If I let a friend (female turned male) sleep on my couch or ride in my car and then the house burns down or car crashes with friend inside, and friend has to be rushed to the hospital while authorities question me or the coroner needs me to help identify the body - I'm going <br>to say x person - SHE was my friend. I also mention Rachel Dolezal and her &quot;transracial&quot; identity story from a few years back. She was a white woman presenting herself as black. Growing up - she dressed/looked/showed the part. Felt trapped inside her white body. All the same things I hear when anyone explains trans to me... But society shot her down. I'm a black male in my mid 30s. Growing up in Southern California in a small mountain town (mostly White) I was often told I did not sound/act black. The term Oreo comes to mind, as that is often what I was called. There were parts of me that wanted to be white It wasn't until high school when I started hanging out with more black-kids. Now that I'm an adult - I'm 100% certain of my identity despite what I want people to view me as. I'm a black human, who is male. What sparked me to write in this topic was a video I came across while surfing worldstar. Its Macy Gray being interviewed by Piers Morgan and he basically asks what her thoughts are on the whole gender reassignment clown show we are living in. If anyone can identify as any sex (transgenderism), why can't anyone identify as any race? Why does the buck stop at sex/gender, if its really about accepting people for who they identify to be? Are the parallels not there Sandman?&quot; Well Half-Duplex I'm not 100% sure what you want me to talk about. People can identify with a cultural group but not be part of the race that originated that culture. There were wingers back while I was going to high school in giant starter jacket that were listening to bad wrap music thinking it was good. But they didn't spend hours in the sun to become darker skinned and grow their hair into dreads so they could look Jamaican. Whenever I think about a white man trying to pass for black I think of that CNN reporter. But he doesn't go around calling himself black. He just looks black. I think that the reason people are so obsessed with race and gender is because everyone is trying to play the part of the biggest victim. If you identify as a woman but you were born a man then you gain access to the privileges and power that comes with being a woman. If you are a white male and identify as black or at least can pass for it then companies are more likely to hire you especially if you are polite and intelligent. It allows them to score browny points when it comes to exclusivity. Plus women and minorities are supposedly more oppressed and in today's world the more oppressed you are the more moral and virtuous you appear to the rest of soyciety. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

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3 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

Look if I ever by some miracle make contact with Aliens and they turn out to be relatively normal people, I'll just stand over there with them while the rest of my species descends into insanity.
Because we all know the wokists would be the first ones to try to genocide the aliens, and that ain't gonna turn out too well for them.
Just a thought I had.

2 years ago

Wow. Good video: The fire man scenario makes sense.

2 years ago

I'm okay with transgenderism so long as wahmen are most affected. Call it karma.

They were perfectly fine putting their sons in dresses yesterday and taking the 'boy' out of Boy Scouts the day before.

Are we only NOW meant to fight it? Now that women's sports are slightly more entertaining?

Nah. THEY made the futa. THEY can lay with it.


2 years ago

Nah, I disagree. If whamen are affected, men will also be affected. I don't see this as a way to punish bitches and not experience blowback. Transgenderism is one of the most perverse Jewish social engineering weapons! The very evils of "toleration" are bearing an astounding harvest of madness. It is a crop that must be burned, plowed under, and replanted with good seeds.... what little that can be found. The DEMON JEWS who sowed the seeds of our destruction must be purged from the world at any cost. The JEWS are the Sowers of the Tares as described in Matthew 13:24-30. (((THEY))) are also the Evil Seed sown by their father, the Devil. Transgenderism is a desperately monstrous evil but, it is not the only one. There are others....

2 years ago

I wanted to start an all boy Boy Scouts replacement without "Boy" or "Scouts" in its name. If we find a way, it will have to be be word of mouth and somewhat underground to keep lying Main Stream media away from it.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Well, George Soros does get around. I think he is the dEvil Incarnate. Evil seed? Have you read Macheveli The Prince? I may have misspelled his name. Sleeping has been hard for me, but I am returning to working out today. I hope that solves that problem. Anyways, you need to appear to be generous, but do not be generous. You need the reputation. When shit hits the fan, if you had the money then instead of "giving it away" as a generosity, the serf would love you,. So, we outworldly look super progressive but inward;y are not. Spend too much time in the lie, it becomes second nature. Undercover cops feel this all the time in long sting operations.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: The ORIGINAL Boy Scouts was an entry-level para military corps. It was insipired by the wilderness expertise of the American Indian tribes and the ruggedness of the pioneer stock. The Boy Scouts lost their mojo in the late-1960's and rapidly became soft. Women and pedos came in when legitimate male Scout leaders were in short supply. Now it's just worthless and needs to go under. The Boy Scouts will NEVER amount to anything UNLESS it becomes a White Ethno-centric group with para-military training. Young White males are in desperate need of racial and cultural direction and an opportunity to get hard, both mentally and physically.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Well, you covered what I knew: It was started by a Native American war veteran to reconnect with Nature and teach boys the survival skills, which did make them more ready and useful in that paramilitary thing you were talking about. You know it like you can not take a shit anywhere or piss in the wind without hitting some Jew!? Guess they really do think they own the place. Anyways, I was wanting to start that up again and teach them how t oavoid women and survive their lies...


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I'd like to think that there are enough MGTOW venues that can help young men who are looking for it. The keywords are, .... looking for it. It's hard to teach somebody who is not ready to receive Higher Knowledge. I think the original Boy Scout methods would be greatly appreciated AND with the added benefit of teaching these boys and young men the doctrines of both the Old Red Pill (no PUA and self-help gimmicks for chasing pussy) and the Black Pill. The more advanced Scouts will be led into the Inner Sanctum and taught the dark truths about the dirty dirty Jews. IMO, they must read Henry Ford's, "The International Jew" pamphlets and either the NDSAP or the Ford Translation of MEIN KAMPF. I've read both and that just blows the Bible away for power and the kind of relevant truth that actually matters in these dark times.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: The difference between the NDSAP and the Ford Translation is like comparing an Olde English book to a modern English book. The modern English is obviously smoother and easier to read. But, the Olde English has a charm that's hard to describe; even if the meaning is sometimes lost.

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