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This Modern Woman Says 'men need to talk nice about women CONSTANTLY!' & Its Funny AF

124 Views • 05/03/22
213 Subscribers

This Modern Woman Says 'men need to talk nice about women CONSTANTLY!' &amp; Its Funny AF <br> <br>#TikTok #Deuce #Bed

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2 years ago

Jesus much more than a curse word, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and soon returning Ruler to this Planet.


2 years ago

Which Jesus are you talking about? The modern Judaized Jeebus that everybody is familiar with? Or the real Jesus who intended to de-construct the Jews in order to repair their megalomania and genocidal ways? You CANNOT MAKE JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR "KING" and defend the Jews at the same time.

2 years ago

Want men to talk more nicely about women? How about fixing these issues then:

Stop with the arm-length lists of assets you "demand" from men.
Stop forcing men into parenthood via the court system, even when the child isn’t his.
Stop having sex with underaged boys and girls and do the same prison time as men.
Stop hitting men and expecting us to stand there and take it.
Stop falsely accusing men of rape or sexual assault.
Stop trying to getting out of doing the same prison time for the same crime of men.
Stop initiating 80% of all divorces just because you have the weapon of no-fault divorce.
Stop lying in court in order to ruin your children's relationship with their father.
Stop refusing father's court ordered visitation rights.
Stop lying in divorce court about abuse. (Lawyers that suggest it should be disbarred)
Stop lifetime alimony for women after 10 years of marriage (depending on state).
Stop asking for taxpayers to pay for abortions and birth control.
Stop pushing the wage gap issue. It's been debunked.
Stop demanding pay for maternity leave. No work no pay.
Stop expect police to automatically side with you during domestic disputes.
Stop assuming the woman is not the aggressor in a domestic dispute.
Stop government-enforced gender quotas that only benefit women.
Stop government benefits that solely serve women’s interests but not men.
Stop exclusive tax benefits for starting and operating a business by women.
Stop government funded domestic violence shelters, if they won't do the same for men.
Stop lowering standards for police, firefighters, military, etc. careers. Feel safe people?
Stop blaming everyone else for your choices in life.

Oh, and stop dressing like prostitutes. If the men you're dating like the way you look dressing like a prostitute they have issues. You dressing like a prostitute for their attention tells me you have issues because your momma didn't slap the stupid out of you when you were growing up. Get back to acting like a lady and talk nice about men. Stop being the angry, ugly, femanazi females you've become.
Okay ¯\_㋡_/¯ ?

2 years ago

Women project everything they do against men on men. All the time.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
2 years ago

They are desperately afraid that the truth of women will be exposed and therefore must police all communication regarding such. Lies, gaslighting and projection, this is what the empowered, strong and independent woman of today is all about. They've gone from contributing virtually nothing to civilization, to openly destroying it and themselves. Worthless.


2 years ago

A woman's primary purpose is to make herself worthy of marriage. If she is not worthy of marriage, then she is not worthy of the extra effort men have put forth to create the world that she enjoys. Without a decent supply of marriage-worthy women, men have nothing to work or fight for outside of themselves. You have to go back to the 1930's (perferably before WW1) when women were worth the risk of marriage. WHY? If it wasn't for marriageable women and a culture that supported nuclear families, men wouldn't have done a QUARTER of the hard work that built America. Motivating men IS a woman's sole contribution. Take that away and a woman is DEAD WEIGHT and WORTHLESS. Women truly contribute nothing if she doesn't inspire a man to do great things. But, because modern women are worthless, men have gone into survival mode (MGTOW and Black Pill) and that is a death sentence for the country. Women and Jews killed America for the sake of temporary and illegitimate gains.


2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I'll bet ol' Mustang was mildly intrigued by my take on women UNTIl right near the end, I call his out his precious JEWS! BAM! Instant downvote. Mustang must have a dreidel stuffed up his ass.

2 years ago

She wants to control what men say and do in private. Stay in your lane bitch.

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