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This pandemic treaty is the greatest power grab any of us has seen in our lifetime, says Neil Oliver

30 Views • 05/15/22
190 Subscribers

I'm totally with Neil Oliver on this one. I didn't follow Covif Rules, I made a fake Lanyard to wear so I got round the mask thing, I didn't keep a social distance of two meters unless some ASSHOLE complained. I was out on a motorcycle in both lock downs and never saw a police car. I've heard rumours as well that the Jab was mainly &quot;Saline&quot; solution (salt water) with the occasional batch poisoned with something so a few would die off? How true I don't know? but for that assumption to be released their may well be an ellement of true somewhere in it? <br> <br>The one thing I do know with hikdsight is the P{landemic was just a scam that millions fell for? I didn't and I wont comply or follow any of their crap to come in the future either. I do have good health and old age on my side though so whatever tyhey do IO think I will be long gone before I get caught in any of it? lol! I'm actually in my late 60's and a &quot;Spring Chicken). most who meet me thing I'm a bout 45 to 50 top's. I have still got asll my own teeth and hair because I never fell for the BULKLSHIT of society like smoking or drinking, taking recreational drugs and shit. <br> <br>I tackled my life trauma's head on and belive me their have been plenty, which started the moment I entered this HELL we call life. I diued within a couple of minutes of arriving in this place, I was put on what was caslled an oxygene tank . Many of the baby's ibn these tings ended up with brain damage, blindness or feafness and many other prob's. I ended up with cateracts only, but I wonder and sometimes wish I had stayed dead, because my life has been a horror story. So anything these CUNT's want to do to me I will reject and I WILL survive as I did with all my other life trauma's. <br> <br>I've been to the other side and I have no fear of death or going back there at all. It will be a grateful release for me? But for now i WILL live the best I can and enjoy what I have lewft in my twilight years, &quot;Or should that be in the TWILIGHT ZONE! LOL! I have a big metal poster on my front door (inside) thqat sday's you are about to enter the Twilight Zone, that reminds me of what to expect when I leave my safe zone!

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2 years ago

Not Complying with the WHO or UN.

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