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Tinder Makes Women Suffer - MGTOW

340 Views • 10/14/22
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⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Tinder Generation Can’t Find Love <br> <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Jacqueline. She didn't give me a topic so I want to cover an article called: &quot;Tinder Generation Can’t Find Love&quot; written by Kim Hirsch on the Victory Girls Blog and here's the short version of what her article has to say and I quote: &quot;Suzy Weiss is a 27-year-old journalist and she's very lonely. She wonders why Tinder and other apps like it have failed members of her generation. Suzy claims in an article called “Generation Swipe,” that “Tinder promised it would revolutionize romance.” So far, however, it appears to have failed not only her, but her peers as well. And she wonders why. Her first paragraph reads: “Every generation thinks they have it the hardest when it comes to finding love, but it’s hard to look at mine and conclude that we don’t have a good case. Never before have young people been having so little sex …” Men want to marry good girls. Trouble is, however, that now lots of men don’t want to get married. And some, notes Weiss, don’t even want to have sex, believe it or not: “By the time my parents were my age, so the meme goes, they had a house and two kids. A lot of men in my generation aren’t even <br>having sex.” So what happened with Tinder? Weiss points her finger at Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs and blames them which is odd, considering that Jobs died before dating apps became big. But she places the biggest blame just like every younger generation does: at the feet of the parents. She says that these “snowplow” parents failed to teach their children to be resilient: “When you’re raised in a world perpetually protected from skinned knees, you tend to be scared of running fast.” She also blames the Metoo movement beucase it's for men to know how to interact with women let that they aren't even dating. Jordan Peterson says that Tinder encourages predatory men, and puts women at risk. What he means is Chads will exploit the hope of commitment from naive whamen. Weiss write: the reality is that some are getting thrown into the discount bin, while others are being marked up and set on the highest shelf. Comments flowed in to Suzy Weiss’s article, many from older adults who simply advised people to get off the screens, dump Tinder, and just get out into the world. Like a 59-year-old father who’s been married for 30 years: “Get out there, and meet people. his advice is get off the phones, and go make some mistakes with real people. Correcting the mistakes is part of the fun, and people will respect you in REAL life.” Yet another man noted that “Chastity until marriage, fidelity until death” can WORK.” Feminism, the sexual revolution, hookup culture — things I wrote about last month — have not provided the liberation they advertised. Want to Meet Your Soulmate? Get Thee To a Church! “My wife introduced a couple at our synagogue one Shabbat morning. That turned into a very successful relationship.” unquote. This article is hilarious because you know you're going to take dating advice from a 59 year old boomer that hasn't been on a date in 30 years. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.

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2 years ago

I would say fuck them hoes, err, rather the Hell with them hoes! They caused this because "They on the right side of history" or "men just need to modernizse" or "get with the times." No. We are men: Collectively, we
are immortal through science, philosophy, and athletic performances... well, I guess and ingenuity too: Women are cunts or just rather snot pockets for the receiving... get over it.

2 years ago

Let their granddaughters and great granddaughters see them die alone surrounded by empty wines boxes covered in cat feces... maybe, then, they will to submit to good men


2 years ago

As I always say, and will continue to say:

Tinder = prostitution

2 years ago

I remember when a dating app was seen as last-ditch and desperate.

I miss that stigma.

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