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Toddler Escapes Playpen. Goes For A Drive...
• 07/23/23
Drums McBashington
65 Subscribers
Lifted from: Body Cam Watch <br>
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2 years ago
I bet you any money you like that "Amanda" was a school BULLY? She just looks the type!
2 years ago
It's fucking shameful that all that resource has to be wasted on one Pathetic, Toddler, 5 year old playing the VICTIM after breaking the rules.
2 years ago
Did anyone else spot the young firefighter Guy nodding his head as if to say "PATHETIC"? lol!
2 years ago
Those American cop's always seem really amacable and chat among themselves knowing what is going on. Here in the UK The WOKE Rainbow Cop's are complete pussies with a god complex with their prwetty rainbow Tonka Toy Car's and their Dayglo GREEN clobber. GREEN to me has become a really DIRTY color today weaponized against Genuine People by fuck wit lefties and NIMBY's, Police are Government lackies that are not Trained but BRAINWASHED with neat liquid SHITE theses day's! lol! I guess that is why they are called "PIG's" because they eat shit and wallow in thier own self importance. She was so loud you could barely here that jet flying over! lol! I'm still trying to work out how she wrecked a car in the middle of a wide road and no other vehicle seemed present?
2 years ago
Have you noticed that in playing the VICVTIM these CUNT's always end up spouting out what they have actually done so incriminating themselves! lol! Shows just how fucking DUMB women really are!