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89 Views • 07/12/20
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4 years ago

ALL of the one's trying to get baby to go back I notice were ALL MEN, Where the fuck was the bitch whore mother?

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

You like Star Wars BF 2?
The LucasArts one or the loot box one?

4 years ago

LucasArts of course ;-)

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Doggk: Oh thank god. I forgot why I ask though. The newer one has Rey in it :/


4 years ago

Instead of blaming White men like me for all their problems Black men need take a real long look in the mirror and see the problem,themselves. No dad's for black children, thug lifestyle, doing shit to get thrown in jail. Voting Democrats in that fund Planned Assasinationhood of Black babies killing 245 of their children every single day. It's not me or other White people that are causing Black people their perceived problems, it's them.

4 years ago

4 years ago

@Doggk: White men didn't cause this. Incompetence caused this. Mansa Musa was the richest person the wold has ever seen so don't be giving me that bullshit "It's Whity's fault" Put your race card back in the deck. Black people have shit in tier own house, not me

4 years ago

@Zerofucks: You stated that.. I didn't say anything else.. I just posted a picture to remind you about a fact, because it's too easy to say blacks are 100% faulty when they never asked to come to America.... so please put your victim card back in your pocket..


4 years ago

@Doggk: Asians and the Irish were brought to America and are doing just fine. Why the fuck can't Black people?


4 years ago

It's too easy to say that Blacks can't make it in America when that is demonstrably false. Nobody is holding Black people back in America today but themselves and I am sick of being blamed for it.

4 years ago

@Zerofucks: Are you joking or what ? Black people have been brought by force to America, and treated like animals for 400 years.. They have no roots anymore, their history has been deleted by arabs, jews and whites.. A lot have been degenerated for centuries to make them more dumb in order to have docile slaves in South and north america.. Chinese or irish people werent slaves and knew their roots.. This is where the difference is and what you still don't understand..

4 years ago

I would recommend you go do your research before saying stupid things like, "Black men need take a real long look in the mirror and see the problem,themselves". We did not pass feminism nor did we pass the laws that brought about the section 8 housing and single mother crap in the communitah. Also, we are not even allowed to discuss and point out the truth about the cause of all these problems nor the solutions. Go complain to the feminists and black females...Keep us out of this shit; thank you.


4 years ago

@AbyssWatcher: Oh,I'm sorry. Black men are perfect fathers and pillars of their community and raise well adjusted young black children.Shit, the numbers show it.


4 years ago

@Zerofucks: I praise the good Black fathers out there,and there are many of them but this "Blame Whitey" bullshit is getting old.

4 years ago

@Zerofucks: Don't go into your emotions use your brains/logic and admit that "AbyssWatcher" and I got a point bro ! It's a fact and if you don't take that in account, how the hell can you build a correct opinion about the subject ?? I don't blame you for what happened.. It's your far ancestors who did the shit.. What we first need to do in order to work together and make a better world is to recognize the truth ! Otherwise we're going nowhere...


4 years ago

@Doggk: I don't disagree. President Trump has made opportunity zones in Black neighborhoods. He passed prison reform with the help of Senator Tim Scott to reverse the Clinton ere policies that Joe Biden helped implement. . He has implemented job training programs I am tired of being called a asshole for shit that happened hundreds of years ago. If you hate America so much go live in Liberia. nobody today was a slave. get over it and start raising your fucking kids like a man and stop blaming me.

4 years ago

@Zerofucks: black men of integrity aren't on that blame whitey crap. Any black male you see posting or talking that crap is from a single mother household. How do I know this? Because a lot of times when I ask them if they lived with both parents they always tell me they lived with their mom or sister's roof. Perfect environment to develop bitch think. Also, most people who actually read the old testament know that it is stupid to put ll the blame on the ancestors of others. The sins of one's ancestor belongs to that ancestor unless you go doing the same wickedness as they did. You are not out there killing innocent people, harassing innocent people; robbing nor raping people so I don't see why the hell you have to atone for shit that you haven't done. It's stupid. I see a lot of black men and non black men trying to make something of themselves and unfortunately, some lose their lives tragically due to the so called system that people claim promote white supremacy. The shit happening in China, USA, Europe...all that shit was used to experiment on black people. Now the results of those experiments have been refined and is now being used on all ethnicity. The modern feminism you non black men are experiencing....those black females funded by the government have no taught it to the non black females in the western civilizations that is why you all are experiencing this shit going on in society today

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Doggk: Digging up all that gold and diamonds just to get laid lol. But the African ganglords are the ones enslaving their own to this very day. I have to go to work while the Gov takes over 1/3 of my income for all the welfare bums. Is that not slavery as well? Slave to the Gov and the entitled welfare class. Just stop having kids and let them take over the future world. Fallout 5.

4 years ago

@Zerofucks: i have to agree..Trump has done more for black citizens in the USA than the last 2 presidents. Too bad the msm will do all in their power to suppress this truth. Those African ganglords...are receiving support from foreign nations...if not for those external forces those scum in Africa would have been wiped out long ago. Yeah we are all for the most parts slaves today; just with varying degrees of comfort and yeah...taking my hard earned taxes to fund another man's orgasm pisses me the hell off. Why the f am I being forced to pay for children that aren't mine from females that I have genetically rejected or that have rejected my genetics?? This is some serious cucking....

4 years ago

@Toki: Gecamines and Areva aren't african multinationals runned by african warlords lol They extract tons and tons of minerals in Africa or decades.. (Cobalt, gold, Uranium, Coltan, metals,.. etc..).. The ones who run these companies are Europeans and Americans and it seems that they have no problem to see 4 year old african kids working each day for less than 0.25$ in mines with a temperature inside between 40 to 45 degrees celsius, no equipment, no security in the mines.. If a gallery collapses everyone gets burried alive no one will get any indemnity for dying during their work.. The warlord propaganda is simple.. Warlords sell less minerals to Western countries than western countries who extract themselves the minerals.. But these companies are aware of the scandal they are responsible for, that's why they pay the medias and hollywood to make documentaries and movies who automatically blame african warlord for 90% of the minerals exploitation.. While the real problem are these multinationals.. And the population of Western Countries believe that bullshit while its totaly false.. Oh man don't complain about 1/3 of your money going to the welfare sponges in Europe people give more than 1/2 of their incomes to welfare.. So consider yourself to be lucky ! Well the intention of US governements or European governements are to enslave their population.. USA had an exeption for 400 years with slaves.. But after it was abolished well US gov had no choice to enslave everybody in order to maintain a balance in the economy of the country.. That's basic economy...

4 years ago

@Zerofucks: Now you play the victim to avoid recognizing the horrible truth and change the subject to Donald Trump while it has nothing to do with the MAIN subject.. I already stated that I'm not blaming you for slavery.. I never called you an asshole you made this shit up ! Lol not everybody on this platform is from USA, USA isn't the center of the world lool let that sink in ! By your words black people should raise their kids without teaching them the truth about your ancestors and theirs, otherwise they aren't men for doing this.. Right ? Man what kind of logic is that ??? Probably because you don't want your feelings to be hurt instead of being a real man and face the truth in order to find solutions and build a better world ! White people, white companies made billions out of slavery.. After they abolished slavery.. where went these billions of dollars ??? So please don't play the victim when evidence is on the table, you'll shoot yourself in the foot and we all know how you will play the victim after that and say it's everybody's fault but not yours.. I'll tell you honnestly.. I'm not here to bash anyone or to do stupid debates.. But to share some knowledge in order to help my white, black, asian, indian, latino, etc.. -BROTHERS to become better people.. Emotional female debates are not welcome on my channel bro ! I also noticed you unsubscribed and wanted to thank you for the service.. Because I think personally you should take more red pills and do a serious introspection of yourself in order to improve yourself, to get that wisdom in your personality and to be able to watch my videos without leaving stupid incoherent comments!


4 years ago

@Doggk: Unbelievable. This is why we will never move forward. Everyone focusing on things that happened 100s of years ago instead of today.

4 years ago

@cantaffordher: If you don't heal a wound, it will increase the chances to get more and more infected.. And if you just move on like you said.. Well the infection will spread to a point where theres no turn back and you might get amputated.. Or you just keep moving forward till you die from the infection and there's still no solution.. That's why we are not moving forward and why we will never move forward.. Because people prefer ignore or skip what's difficult to solve instead of trying to solve it..


4 years ago

@Doggk: So...Civil War, voting act, civil right act, affirmative actions, and by all measure as equal and fair a society can get is not moving forward? You find and post interesting and funny videos, but your opinions are not. The USA is not the center of the world for sure...many great countries. Have you ever noticed...that all the greatest are majority white and all the worst are majority black? Every nation on Earth has had slaves...but only the black in the USA demand money for it. Even if money was given...once it ran out...the problem would still be there and the demands would return. The Barbary slave trade enslave five times as many white people than the salves brought to the USA...but no one wants to talk about that...if they even know about it. No one demanding reparations from any other slave time in history.

4 years ago

@Toki: Tokis got it. Research the black Israelite. sold their own kind out.

4 years ago

concentrating on race is retarded. Its a religious zionist movement. Lucifarian in nature. ALL MEN SUFFER USUERY unless they are in the 1%


4 years ago

@Doggk: Millions of black people have immigrated to the USA since the end of the Civil War. Direct descendants of actual slaves are minuscule in comparison. The blacks of today are responsible for their actions. Taking away their agency is far more racist than holding them accountable for what they do. You suggest they are entitled to break the law because their ancestors from ten generations before were slaves. Good grief.

4 years ago

@cantaffordher: Why are you always making shit up ?? I never stated that all the things you mentionned aren't making things moving forward.. I don't give a shit if you don't like my opinions that's your own problem.. And lol why would you tell me this hahaha to hurt my feelings lol because you can't stand the ugly truth ? ^^ If my opinions seem to be not interesting or not funny for you, it's probably because you're in denial or because you noticed that I won't let lies and false excuses win this battle.. That's why you keep looking for something to say by analyzing every comment, words I left.. About whites and blacks.. Well I noticed the same thing.. that's why I posted the picture to help people understand how whites became rich and powerfull and left multiple comments which explain in short how white countries manage to plunder and blame blacks in order to cover their crimes which are 1000 times bigger than the once black have done.. ^^ Most of these comments are an answer to your questions.. Wheres the problem that blacks are asking for what they deserve ? Native americans did too but oups white people killed 95% of them.. So now nobody cares about them.. And if blacks get the money and fuck it up where the fuck is your problem ?? You did the right thing ! if they fuck it up well you'll have the last word.. Other races asked for reparations, what you stated is wrong... Jews after WW2 asked for Palestine and got it.. Then why can't Africans ask for reparations ?? Because they black ?? untermenshe ?? Because you guys a scared to be honnest and give back what's theirs ? This is not the only reason why they break the law, but one of the main reasons.. That anger and injustice is still in their heart that's what you can't understand.. It's too easy to fuck up the past generations of these people for 400 years and then blame their grand grand kids by saying, they are responsible now, they are the problem... "We did nothing bad ^^ We helped like a few of them and destroyed millions of them, we still doing it in Africa with our multinationals, but we did nothing bad we helped them, now they are responsible for their actions.. If we extract tons of minerals each day out there it's not our fault it's the african warlords and presidents... " That's typically how white people play the victim... That's ridiculous and sad at the same time.. You guys want to move forward repare the shit your ancestors have done.. and stop bitching about "blacks this blacks that"... Just do it...

4 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: you go again....with this black israelite selling their own kind...again...please go and study history. Study about these whores; Queen Cleopatra of Egypt and Queen Nzinga Mbande. Those 2 whores for the most part where the ones whom led their people into slavery and destruction...much like how the black american females are causing chaos and destruction in the USA and through the rest of the world through the aid of foreign powers/governments who are helping to amplify their evil.

4 years ago

@AbyssWatcher: Black isralites have been tracked to the dawn of writing. Paleo Hebrew. You getting hung up of female power. Females aint meqant to have power and they didn't really. Cleopatra was forced by ceaser. blackmailed and then took control. Then mark antony been disillusion with rome couple with cleo. They both knew rome was coming.your assuming i don't know.laugh all you like mate. facts are facts

4 years ago

@AbyssWatcher: There's a possibility that it's true brother.. Judas stabbed his whole team in the back and he was alone... Some jews during WW2 did the same thing to their brothers.. Some natives did also the same thing in USA.. ..

4 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: Cleopatra has been chosen by ceasar to be the queen of Egypt.. Because her 12 year old brother was too young and too stupid to be king of Egypt.. Her brother understood that ceasar wanted her to be the queen and ceasar was also angry about the head of Pompey given to him as a present.. Because Ceasar wanted to forgive Pompey for the "coup d'état" he organised with Brutus and Ciceron.. so the king sent assasins to kill his sisters and the soldiers of Ceasar saved her.. Ceasar then killed that kid and threw his body in the river full of crocodiles and his servants were decapitated.. In order to protect and improve the economical relationship between Egypt and Rome.. Mark Anthony influenced Cleopatra after the death (murder) of Julius Ceasar, because he lost his army and wanted to manipulate Cleopatra to use the Egyptian Army against Octavius but it was too late and the egyptian army wasn't that strong compared to Rome army... Mark Anthony commited suicide with Cleopatra when Octavius (later Emperor August) Army was marching to Alexandria.. Cleopatra didn't enslave her population before Mark Anthony came.. the enslavement didn't last very long..

4 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: haha time for a little history lesson...Cleopatra...was the child from a female egyptian royalty and a roman guy. Egyptian culture back then normally does not allow for female royalty to be married off to foreigners. That was a bit of a side track there...anyways...Cleopatra got married to a King of Egypt when she was of age. She kills her husband and usurps the throne. Egypt is a Patriarchy so they wanted her to marry another prince who would become king. Different princes were brought to her; even her brother...she rejected most of them but killed her brother. Now before you talk about marrying her brother was incestious; royalty back then did this to preserve their wealth and status; stupid i know. Another thing....anything she could not resolve with planned assassinations or honeyed words, she used her pussy to obtain...that's how she got Julius Caesar whipped. She even had a child with a foreign dude and wanted to make that child her successor. The Egyptian royalty refused and wanted her to step down. So guess what she did? She used her roman allies to assassinate all of the royal family and even her younger sister. Also, Egypt was handed on a silver platter to rome; afterall, she was gettin her ass and pussy hollowed out by Caesar. I don't remember the details that led to the Caesar getting killed...but after he was killed the subjects were so angry that for some reason, they destroyed things related to Cleopatra and marched to ransack Egypt. The romans were going to stripe her of her crown and make her to become a concubine to the new king; on realizing this, she killed herself; Of course she could not fight back cause the bitch had given control of Egypt to the romans. To this day...if you asks the rural local elders who lived in the area where rome used to be about Cleopatra; they will all tell you this....she's the slut who ruined rome. Google has made this information disappear

4 years ago

@AbyssWatcher: Cleopatra did not ruin rome. Constantine did. I did not know about 20% of that. I wasnt going to go researching to the limelight was diverged away from the black Israelite's that were the roman empire. Most of the roman empire are black Israelite descendants. This is why the area of iraq, libya and egypt are important to them. Rome is still in control now. Its all connect through blood. Again i cannot start with meta data with you because i just cannot remember but i know this through past research.

4 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: ?? rome?? black israelite descendants?? nah man...that's false. Think about this...Why did the Israelites take up arms against the roman empire?Why did Emperor Nero get the Flavians to attack the israelites, marching to jerusalem to destroy the israelites and eventually make pursuit for the israelites that ran to and/or were already in Egypt. If the Israelites could blend into the roman population...Emperor Nero and the Flavians who have lost that battle. Also, I would recommend you figure out what made the Israelites vehemently fought against the romans. That will also negate the statement that most of the roman empire are black israelite descendants

4 years ago

@AbyssWatcher: because theres more than one Israelite faith. A modern example is zionism and the talmud

4 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: lol omg you've gotta be kidding me....zionism is not a faith of the israelites. The Flavians during the reign of Nero created zionism with the help of a traitorous scribe of the israelites in order to make the people of israel docile and slaves to the roman empire. Like I said earlier...once you know why the israelites ferociously fought against rome you would see all the points I've made. It's easy for me to tell you why but sometimes...certain knowledge is better understood when you do your own research. Also, it make take me up to 2 pages o explain here.

4 years ago

@AbyssWatcher: The egyptian law changed a lot after the Ptolemy 1st and the creation of Alexandria in Egypt... Because Ptolemy was a macedonian general of Alexander the great.. After alexander died, Alexander's generals devided his empire.. And Ptolemy took Egypt ! She wasn't the one to give the order to kill her brother.. It's Julius Ceasar who did that.. Because when Julius Ceasar came to Alexandria, Cleopatras brother informed Ceasar that she was missing.. The brother did that in order to stay on the throne.. Because he knew his sister was more able to be the queen of Egypt because she was older than him.. So when the brother got informed that Ceasar came, he did everything to hide his sister from Ceasar.. But Ceasar found her and brought her to Alexandria.. When she came in the palace, a dispute started between her and her brother.. Ceasar took advantage of the situation and ordered to kill the brother in revenge for what he did to Pompey the great.. She sold out her family that's true.. But because Ceasar wanted to get rid of her family in order to influence and manipulate Egypt as he wanted.. Julius Ceasar died in the senate in Rome.. He got stabbed by 2/3 of the senators like 80 times, his son brutus stabbed him too.. Ciceron did too.. And what's sad is that.. Julius Ceasar forgived Brutus and Ciceron after the "Coup d'état" and that's how they thanked him for saving their lives.. Mark Anthony saw that and understood that Rome was now devided so he took his army and left.. Years after that, Rome found a new emperor.. August (Octavius) adopted son of Julius Ceasar... Mark Anthony and August knew each other for a long time because Augusts mother had a relationship with Mark Anthony.. August hated him and Mark hated him too.. Like rivals.. Mark anthony is the second one who took control of Egypt after he lost his army and fled Europe to go to Egypt.. Cleopatra became his wife.. Because she thought it was the best solution to protect the baby she got with Julius Ceasar.. That baby got murdered by August after he took Egypt, because he was legally a successor for Rome and he wanted to protect his throne.. Mark Anthony was his right hand so it was the best deal in her eyes.. Cleopatra commited suicide with Mark Anthony when August army was not far anymore from Alexandria.. She was not alone in the decision to leave Egypt to August.. Mark Anthony was the one playing with the strings.. After that August took control of Egypt..

4 years ago

@AbyssWatcher: it goes way back before that. I read a quote "it only takes 3 generations to melinate and infiltrate" Rome is still quite modern. This is going back all the way to the origin of man. They are the Rh - Breed. I am still missing that connection. I know they are the bloodline of the "fallen angels". going all the way back to isreal and judah over 1000 years before of the events you are speaking of

4 years ago

@Doggk: Caesar Killed Cleos brother because he killed Pompeii to impress Caesar. It did the exact opposite

4 years ago

@Doggk: So....with all that information you had put up here...we can see that Cleopatra was the common denominator here. All the madness would not have happened if Cleopatra was not manipulating people. She likely was manipulating Mark Anthony as well...but he caught onto her game. Let me give you another example that is more recent...a black man went to get food from a mcdonalds. He entered the establishment but he did not hold the door open for some ghetto gagger leaving the fast food joint. After ordering, receiving, and paying for his food he leaves. When he opens the door to exit, the ghetto gagger and her thug boy toy confronts the man at the door; with seconds...the thug pulls out a pistol and empties some shells point blank onto the man's heart and he dies. Later the thug is caught and put in prison while that ghetto gagger got another thug to replace the one now serving time. She used manipulation to destroy 2 black males. This is similar to what Cleopatra did. If she killed her brother directly...that would be bad pr for she used someone else to do it. Remember what I had said earlier...several males in the egyptian royalty were bought to her to pick from...she didn't want any of them...she also wanted the throne to herself...she could not kill the opposition from the egyptian royalty directly so she made plans and pulled strings to get them killed

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Doggk: And now I'm a slave for single moms, CEOs, and members of Gov.

4 years ago

@Toki: No one is supposed to be a slave, it's the people who choose to be slaves.. Free your mind and you'll understand these words ;-)

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