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Tom Hanks is an Idiot | Grunt Speak Live
When in doubt, bring up stuff that happened 100 years ago. That’s totally relevant. Plus Beijing Biden needs flash cards to remember it’s all Trump’s fault.
#GruntSpeakLive #TomHanks #BeijingBiden
New countdown song: "The Grunt" written and performed by Jeffrey Paul
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4 years ago
Oh, I think we all know what he REALLY is
4 years ago
His name was Marvin Heemeyer and i'm fairly certain he killed himself...and himself was the only person he killed on his whole rampage.
4 years ago
To blakes comment...ive always worn a neck gator mask while riding my bike, it keeps the bugs out of your teeth. but never wore a surgical face diaper
4 years ago
if i wanted to watch second rate athletes compete i got a local high school right down the street and those tickets are like 3 bucks. and most high school mens teams would DESTROY any top ranked womens teams and the WNBA has been subsidized by the NBA since its has never turned a profit ever.
4 years ago
Calling the cops during an argument is just the beginning now. They can also throw a false accusation up on metoo and end your whole life while you're in jail for not liking the same TV show.