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Tomi Lahren Dumped Fiance Because He Was Too Poor! - LOL!
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5 years ago
she is a gold digging whore like ALL FEMALES
5 years ago
Fricke was not poor...he is running for political office so he is down-playing his income. Year before he had income between 100k and 1 million. Tomi is like most western women...they want to get with a guy who is at the finish line rather than watch the marathon. Tomi did the math...she is moderately attractive...7 at best. She is successful and opinionated...something guys could care less about. So...she is throwing the hail Mary pass hoping to snag a 9/10 dude crossing the finish line. I'm betting she regrets her choice...and if her rant is any indication...I think she is already beginning to.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
One guy that proposed to my sister gave her a ring that was a speck. She immediately said with tears in her eyes "It's too small."
Can you believe that? Damn.
One time, when I was in a German class at University, I had the opportunity to say in nearly a full room of females that I would trick a female by giving her a cubic zirconia and pretend it was a diamond. They turned around nearly in unison and went fucking crazy on me. I don't recall an insult that wasn't used on me. Damn!
5 years ago
Well, at least he got the ring back. He can pay down some of that debt. That is a good thing.
5 years ago
So she dumps Chad Thundercock and she has the effrontery to rant on the internet as is she is the victim! Wow! Dude dodged a bullet.