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Top German Lawyer: This Isn't About Health, It's About Global Domination
• 03/12/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
Top German Lawyer: This Isn't About Health, It's About Global Domination
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3 years ago
I NEVER bought into the Sandy Hook shooting as being a hoax.. Jones didn't convince me you wait and wait.. never any finality.. but I have lived in USA my entire life and have seen the changes I attribute to the bankers > catholica > masons.. and it's about slavery.. some people are living very good lives at our expense.. I have seen how much I can produce alone.. there should be no shortages in America let alone needing foreign anything.. People die leaving behind perfectly good houses,, .they can go generation after generatioon yet noone seems to be able to succeed now and immigration based population growth keeps housing in tight demand.. Jones hires mexicans to work his phone sales operation.. We have people who don't work called investors EVEN foreign investors , living fat and happy off our endless labor..
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Jones needs to allow his guests to say all they have to say.