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Top Secret JFK Documents the Pentagon will Never Release | James DiEugenio
James DiEugenio is cofounder of the Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination and the Coalition on Political Assassinations. He was coeditor of The Assassinations, a book on the deaths of JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy, and Malcolm X. <br>Jim's Links: <br>Book: <br>Website: <br> <br>listen on <br>Apple - <br>Spotify - <br> <br>JOIN OUR KULT: <br> <br>Danny <br> <br> <br> <br>OUTLINE <br>0:00 - Introduction <br>0:58 - Vincent Bugliosi <br>3:45 - Working with Oliver Stone <br>21:45 - Evidence / Chain of custody <br>22:25 - Kennedys brain <br>28:25 - Magic bullet <br>38:23 - Suppressed testimony - Girl on the stairs <br>46:10 - Secret societies <br>1:03:05 - Admiral Burkley <br>1:07:10 - Oswald and the CIA <br>1:28:10 - The JFK docs that will never be seen <br>1:42:00 - JFK vs CIA <br>2:05:00 - US foreign policy after JFK <br>2:22:00 - UFO's <br>2:24:25 - James' next project <br> <br>Music <br> <br> <br>Koncrete <br> <br> <br>
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