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Trains - Darwin award

21 Views • 11/04/23
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This should be a mandatory training video - for passengers, train crews, train workers, and the public in general....
I am not horrified, but it's hard to watch... "Just fuck....." Like people walking across the tracks etc., and not even registering that there is a train coming ... and not even bothering to look left or right....

The deaths - well that is tragic.

It's the stupid that is hard to swallow.

Jesus fuck.....

Saving this video.

10 months ago

around 15 000 railway deaths in India each year ( someone said)


@pathologicalimbicile: 1.4 billion / 15,000 = very small percentage... Still a lot of people. But when you think about how fucking useless many indian people are in indian call centers etc., it comes as no surprise that they walk within 1 foot of the train track when the train extends 2 feet from the train track.... You know like "Oh Duh!" - They are such retarded cunts..... I don't actually hate people - but Indian Call Centres... and people in India going across the tracks without looking.... Uhhhhhhgggggg


@pathologicalimbicile: The video has done my fucking head in - I over dosed on other peoples stupid.... "Hey watch me take a selfie in the path of an oncoming train!" ===== " Fucking WHACK! " - You know our training course on first aid, included a bit on where to press on the artery in your groin, to stop the blood pissing out, after you or someone else had fallen in front of the train and it had cut your legs off.... And crash repairs... the fucking things centre punch trucks stuck on level crossings and the whole big long truck is smashed into bits... and the locomotive comes back, and there is some old hungarian guy walking around the front of the locomotive with a tin can and a wire handle , and a bit of paint in the tin and he is doing touch up work to the scratches and scrapes in the paint work on the front.... The front of the locomotives are 32 mm or 1" 1/4 thick moderately hard steel plate... People - unless they have been hit or seen it close up - they have NO FUCKING idea - just how dangerous they really are... It really is like a mosquito getting smashed with a house brick... Look at the people getting hit or going under the trains and they get ground up and chopped up - and it makes absolutely NO difference to the trains... And these fucking idiots clown around in front of them...

10 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: they are descendents of benchodes.


I cant talk about this any more.... Brilliant Video - but the stupid has done my head in....


To quote a friend, "Yeaaaaahhhhhh" or was that "Fuck Yeah".

When I used to be a part of a big team rebuilding locomotives, I would not call it frightening as in "piss my pants" frightening, but frightening in the sense, that if you and any locomotives, carriages or rolling stock, were to connect in any kind of meaningful way - you were basically fucked.

Kind of like smashing a mosquito with a brick....

When they dismantle a locomotive for servicing, they give it a train version of a formula 1 pit stop - they bring the locomotive in, uncouple all the connections and lift the locomotive with cranes or jacks, and separate it from it's bogies - the motors, wheels and frames that they all run in.... under the locomotive.

Have a look at this... follow the link - and zoom it into full size at the bottom of the picture...

This is what bogies look like - except the pictures are very hard to find, and the UK locomotives and bogies are much smaller than the Australian ones...

This one is about 2/3rds the size of an Australian bogie....

And the ting is that when you see up close, a locomotive being disassembled - and seeing the huge bogies up close...

You think, "If you get hit by this shit - your really just fucked". Hence my policy of always keeping at least an outstretched arms length away from the edge of the sleepers under the railroad track - when the locomotives and rolling stock etc., are passing you at low speed.. Probably 2 or 3 meters is even better, just in case you stumble and fall near the railroad track...

And here are all these brainless cunts standing near the end of the sleepers, when a train is coming , and at a fairly decent speed too... "Mosquito - meet house brick". Fucking brainless cunts.

Mark E
Mark E
10 months ago

Brutal...but necessary!

10 months ago

Music: Strapping Young Lad - from the album "City"

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