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TTD Synthesis Text To Speech Audio Script

24 Views • 06/09/21
7 Subscribers

⁣A hello internet message to , and in the psychedelic and spiritual community about this Psychedeloid TTD or Trimethyl Testosterone Diethylamide which can allow us to tap into a divine hyper-euphoric masculinity, Essentially tap into our deepest inner sigma male and connect to 78, A masculinity devoid of sexually intimate or feminine impurities. Basically pure metaphysical masculinity or meta masculinity as well as breaking through the egosphere or basically overcoming ego death plz watch video text to speech audio script video.

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KEEPER 4 years ago  

well, never done anything that powerful.
the most i do is 30 milligrams of melatonin because of the years and years using Ritalin type of drugs that made me stay up all night, i haven't taken Ritalin in a good 17 years, but i still can't shake my insomnia and will get inconsistent sleep. sometimes it's 3 hours and other times it's 2 hours and rarely i will sleep 8 or 12 hours, i try not to sleep the 12 hour one because i frequently still feel tired when that happens, i'm happy with 6 as it seems the best amount of rest oddly enough.

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