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Tucker Carlson Tonight 3/5/22 FULL HD | BREAKING FOX NEWS March 5, 2022
• 03/06/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
Tucker Carlson Tonight 3/5/22 FULL HD | BREAKING FOX NEWS March 5, 2022
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3 years ago
The US is one crazy mother fucker, Russian roulette with nuclear war,,
3 years ago
13:00. The propaganda is tough to hear from these ass ? clowns at CNN. God can't come soon enough, but we're going to have to endure even more, bc of our spiritual brain fog. Ultra cowardly, Super RINOs Lindsay "Grahamnesty" (Rush) and Adam Kinsinger, calling for the assassination of Putin, is about as recklessly stupid as a person can get.
3 years ago
They call Ukraine EUROPE ? HAH! because the west has bought their govt or installed them.? I can't stomach the west liar news outlets.. did he just say the US can rebuild the country or the west as in THE WEST can rebuild the country?? how about Ukraine rebuilding their own country?? the next thing you know the caravans of foreigners will be showing up , A HUMANITARIAN CRISIS that needs OUR MONEY! while we have no work.. or money.. this is globalism.. and THAT is not Tucker Carlson.
3 years ago
if people are smart, they could build themselves an HHO generator and use a mixture of gas and HHO gas which will save the consumer on a lot of money. but i guess we will see what happens and what people will do.
America could also create our own fuel and extract our own Oil via fracking, i doubt Biden would allow this, but who knows what will happen, maybe people will do it anyway and fuck what Biden has to say about it.
a lot of things can be manufactured in America, that's one of the many things Trump was trying to do, but the dumbshits on the left were blocking every move he made which caused a lot of shit he promised to not get done, it's kind of hard to get shit done when terrorists in your own country are in your way from accomplishing anything.
3 years ago
it's getting crazy, but the only thing i see is nukes going off because there is soo much support against Russia, were seeing countries clambering themselves against Russia as well as multiple companies and countries pull out from purchasing anything made or created in Russia and nore will they purchase anything from Russia.
the more people pull out their support the more desperate you will make Russia, and if they feel like they have no other way of beating all odds, they may actually pull out their nukes, which is fucked and i can see this effecting various parts of the world because so many things can go sideways with this conflict.