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Turd Flinging Monkey | The Red Pill Grief Cycle (2) [Mirror]

252 Views • 01/07/20
111 Subscribers

Turd Flinging Monkey holds a policy that enables everyone to mirror his content. Given that he doesn't have the time to upload all his content to every single site available, he has given total permission to others to do it.

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2 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

i could have deleted my channel when i first came here, but i decided to stay and help out if i could, because mgtow is a brotherhood, we try to help other men come to understanding, yes we joke or meme in the comments, but that's all just good fun.

but we also try to distance ourselves from rage bait as much as possible, that's why personally for myself i upload videos that talk about other topics and get guy's minds off of the shit and try to convince men that there other things they can spend their time on so they can learn to get passed the things that are holding them back.

you can still go your own way when you get passed these things, you can still have a normal life once you have completed the cycle, you don't need to dwell and constantly think about the shit in the world, have a little fun break out some hobbies for yourself and occupy your time on positive things.

i stay because there are those who need help out of these issues, sometimes you need to stay to preserve the mentality and the cause because i have seen in many ways where the information has gotten watered down, and needs adjusting.

4 years ago

red pill rage doesn't last years, unless you want to stay in that rage. which is the unhealthy part that leads to no progression into getting out of it.

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