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Turkey and the Great War
I offer in this video, my view on Turkey's role in the Great War, and the implication of Turkey's continued membership in NATO. If, as I expect, Turkey fights with NATO in that war against Russia, Turkey will be defeated and destroyed, and that will make possible the fulfilment of the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that a Muslim army would then conquer Constantinople.
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4 years ago
Latin America Russia china and Islamic world have alternative world order to the American Zionist empire. It will be (or is already) a multipolar world with different civilization states having stakes in world hegenomy.
4 years ago
Turkey is very much between a rock and a hard place. They know NATO is toothless. They willing to let go the unproven F 35 for S400 missile defense system. Yes, this could ease the tension with Russia a little bit, buying them a little more time.
4 years ago
I'm not Muslim, but this is a very interesting perspective.
4 years ago
This is totally mind blowing!