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Turns out single fathers are much better than single moms in all ways
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2 years ago
Well, the Bible called it: "Children need a Father." God of Israel said it, Moses said it, Christ said it... Hell, Solomon likely said it! I find it interesting someone did the research on it and was able to publish it because the Cathedral does not let anything get publish that counters the gynocentric narrative and most likely no National Science Funding went towards it... Bitches Be Stupid, enough said. They need the man to be their rock-- God of Israel called that, and all the bitch has to do is lover her husband and don't cheat!? The bitches can't even do that!!!?
2 years ago
This isn't news, but it is good to refresh people that weren't aware, like Joker. I'd post an old screencap but it's rather huge. It does list a lot of data (with sources) that show that everything that is perceived to be a male dominated in negative stats for children are in fact female dominated, including abuse (physical and sexual), drug use, suicide, dropping out, homelessness, crime, and death.
I believe it's faceted, but one thing that comes to mind a lot is emotional incest committed by single mothers. Also, a father tends to tell his kids how losing isn't defeat, a mother is more likely to tell their child there are no losers, everyone is a winner. One will help more in readying a child for adulthood and reality, the other is motherhood.
2 years ago
2 years ago
I post this all the time cause it never stops being true....
"What do women want? EVERYTHING!" - Chris Rock
2 years ago
1 year ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Yeah, those data have been around since at least the 90s.