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Two faces of West's response to conflict refugees
The US President has stated that his country will welcome 100,000 Ukrainian evacuees, but one might ask: just how many refugees from Libya has the Biden administration welcomed? Right, zero. Yet, his beloved NATO has conducted nearly 10,000 airstrikes there, and dropped some 7,700 precision-guided bombs on it...
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3 years ago
It had been on the agenda to bomb Libya for years, since they threatened to sell oil for euros instead of dollars. Colon Powell said we needed to strike them back in March of 2003. But the U.S. got bogged down in Iraq, so it had to wait until 2011 under Obama, instead of Bush II. It matters not who is in the White House. Left wing...right's just 2 wings of the same bird because the flight plan never changes!
3 years ago
Why the fuck should we take in these ungrateful brown people?
They keep raping our children and our women and killing our young men.
What fucking benefit do we gain from bringing in more of these mother fuckers?
What benefit do we gain from 90% men who are not white and hate us coming to our countries?
The answer is NONE we get ZERO benefit we have nothing to gain and everything to lose.
Let them fucking burn my heart is full of concern for my own people,there's no room left for a bunch of fucking marxist invaders
3 years ago
3 years ago